
The Mary Poppins Method: Tips for a More Organized Life

We’d all like to be a little more like the beloved Mary Poppins, wouldn’t we? To have “a cheery disposition, rosy cheeks” and to be kind and witty. We may not ever be “practically perfect in every way,” but if we pay attention, we’ll find that Mary Poppins gives some valuable tips for organizing our lives.
Step in Time

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One of the hardest things to organize is our time. We start out the day with good intentions, and by 7:45 A.M. we’re already late for work. Follow these tips from Mary Poppins (and others) to start your day in a timely fashion.


    The basic meaning of this phrase is, “Hurry up!” Wasting time and dawdling between tasks are some of the biggest contributors to a disorganized life. For example, you may enjoy reading the paper while eating breakfast, but get so absorbed that it’s suddenly time to go to work and you’re still not dressed.

    To reduce time between activities, condition yourself to move quickly to the next task. In the morning, set a timer to go off five minutes before you have to leave, spritz on a refreshing scent (like grapefruit or mint), and turn on an up-beat song. These signals will tell your brain that it’s time to get going. In the evening, spray a relaxing mist like lavender, do some stretches or meditation, and put on soothing music to wind down. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your brain adjusts.

    An Element of Fun

    To help yourself get out of bed on time, make sure you have a reason to get up. As Mary Poppins reminds us, “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” Prepare a delicious breakfast the night before, put new songs on your iPod, or lay out a new outfit to make getting up more enjoyable.

    A Piecrust Promise

    This is a promise that is “easily made, easily broken,” Mary Poppins says. Avoid piecrust promises if you want to be more organized. Instead of telling yourself that you’ll be good and go to the gym after work (an easily-broken promise), plan your gym time with a friend. Having someone else involved makes you accountable and increases the likelihood of accomplishing your tasks.

Well Begun is Half Done

This is the phrase Mary Poppins uses to announce that it’s time to tidy up. Tidying up is an important accomplishment for anyone who is trying to be more organized.

    This Will Never Do

    The first step is to itemize. Sort through the items in your car, your office, or your home (one room at a time—don’t try to tackle the whole house at once) and place them into one of three buckets labeled “Keep,” “Storage,” or “Toss.” In your sorting, ask yourself: Have I used this in the last year? Would someone else enjoy this more?

    Items that are being thrown out or donated should be taken to their destination right away; procrastination is another enemy of organization. Seasonal and other scarcely-used items should be stored in clearly-labeled bins (e.g. “Winter Coats” or “Christmas Decorations from Edmonton”). Storage units are a great resource if you have little space at home.

    A Little Nip

    In your organization efforts, don’t spend more than fifteen minutes on a task. Studies show that fifteen minutes is the average length of time a person can concentrate well. (Mary Poppins compares this to bees: they take a little nip from every flower that they sip…and hence, they find their task is not a grind.)

    After you have thrown out what you don’t need, it’s time to make things neat and orderly. The key here is “a (useful) place for everything, and everything in its place.” This may be a good time to invest in some baskets, boxes, or shelves to create a designated area for each item.

    It may seem like a no-brainer, but store things next to the place you use them (pots near the stove, towels near the bathroom, etc.) And make decisions. Often, items pile up because we procrastinate deciding where to put them. Make a decision and stick to it. After you have organized an area, always put things back when you’re done using them.

A Spoonful of Sugar

    To be organized physically you need to be organized mentally, and that comes from treating yourself to some quiet time. Clearing your head will help you focus better during the day and have energy to accomplish your tasks.

    Exercise is a wonderful escape and is key to having more energy and better concentration. Schedule time every day to go for a run, lift weights…or, “go fly a kite.” Anything that raises your heart rate and is enjoyable will be beneficial. Stress inhibits organized thought, so try yoga or meditation too.

    Don’t deny yourself a real spoonful of sugar (or your favorite treat) once in a while. An occasional sweet reward can help the “medicine” of everyday life go down.

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    Remember that becoming organized is a process. There will be days when your life will feel as nonsensical as “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” Just take things one step at a time, make these tips into habits, and before you know it, you will be a more organized you.

