
20 Simple Ways to Preserve Roses

Everyone who has ever received roses is well aware of the short lifespan of these beautiful blooms. For those of you who wish to make their roses last a little longer, the following article will tell you how.
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And finally when you find that the roses have outlived their lives; there's still a ray of hope to further preserve them longer in the best possible shape. One important tip that you must remember is to dry flowers in shade. Direct sunlight will cause the petals to dry out faster, which will compromise both the smell and color. Therefore, make sure to keep them in a cool and dry place.

For those who are creative at heart, can reuse these dried roses for making a number of things viz. potpourri, shadow boxes, candle making, handmade paper, floating petals for decoration, or simply as a dry flower bouquet in a vase for decoration.

Simple Ways to Keep Cut Roses Fresh
Hair Spray
Spray the roses with hairspray for them to look fresher for a longer period. Remember to spray only the outer surface of flowers.

Pour ¼ cup of soda in the water that contains your roses. Sugar from the soda will help your roses look fresher for a longer while.

A few drops of vodka or clear spirits along with a spoon full of sugar will do the same trick. This process kills the unwanted bacteria while providing the flowers with the sugar they need.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Add 2 tbsp. of vinegar in the vase water along with a tsp. of sugar. It works just as good as the vodka substitute.

Add ¼ tsp. of bleach in a liter of water again accompanied with a tsp. of sugar.

Crush an aspirin tablet into the vase water and stir till it dissolves.

Add a tsp. of sugar in some water and stir well. Place your roses in this water.

Copper Coin
Toss in a copper penny, along with a tsp. of sugar. The copper penny acts as an acidifier which helps your roses to live longer.

Simple Ways to Preserve Roses
Dry Roses in a Vase
Vase-drying roses is one of the easiest ways of drying roses. All you have to do is place the roses in water and completely forget about them for a week or two. After a couple of weeks you will be left with vase full of dried roses which have more or less retained their shape.

Upside Down Drying
You have probably noticed the way the rose stems bend as they wilt. You can prevent this from happening by simply hanging the roses upside down and leaving them in a warm dry place for a week or two for them to wither away. This will retain the shape of the roses and prevent the stems from bending at the buds.

Dry Roses With The Microwave
Instead of waiting for weeks for the roses to dry, you could always speed up the process with the help of a microwave. All you have to do is, place the rose one by one in a bowl and cover it with cat litter. Run the microwave on high heat for about 3-4 minutes. Once the kitty litter has cooled down, dust off the excess.

If kitty litter isn't your thing, you could always try silica gel. Pour some silica gel in a microwavable container, and bury the flowers in it. But remember not to press or flatten them. Just keep a close watch on it and keep it a one to two heat levels above defrost for 3-5 minutes. Check their progress recurrently, and change the temperature accordingly. Once they are completely dry. Take them out of the microwave and cover them, leaving half a centimeter open for the steam to escape. Leave it for 24 hours. After 24 hours, clean the roses with a fine brush. You can spray them with an acrylic spray for it to remain timeless.

Dry Roses With Press and Preserve Method
Press method is another easy way to preserve your gorgeous roses. All you'll need is a heavy book such as an encyclopedia or a phone book, and parchment paper. Firstly, line the parchment paper in the heavy book. Pluck out the petals which have bruises or blemishes. Pat dry any moisture off the roses before placing them on the parchment paper. Cover the flower with another paper and close the book. You can add some more weight evenly onto the book with another book/weight so that the bud is pressed down with a little extra weight. Leave this book and weight alone for ten days to fifteen days. And voila you'll have flattened dry roses for you to use.

Dry Roses With Silica Gel
Silicon gel is in the granulated state. Fill half a jar with silicon gel and completely bury the flower. After a week or so, once the roses have dried up, gently and carefully remove flowers and dust them off with a paint brush. Larger flowers may take a little longer to dry.

Dry with Hairspray
Bundle up the roses as per your liking and tie them together with a string. Hang them upside down in a warm and dry place. Let them dry out completely. Spray the roses with a light mist of hair spray. Once the hairspray dries, you are free to use the roses.

Dry Roses in Glycerin
Remember the following ratio 2½ cups of water to 1 cup of glycerin. Stir in ½ tsp. citric acid power to the mix and stir till it dissolves well. Clean the rose stems off any thorns and leaves. Measure roses and the vase separately. The glycerin mixture should be of the same weight of the roses. For example, if the roses weigh 5 ounces the glycerin mix should weigh the same. Place the stems of the roses in the vase and pour in the glycerin mixture. In other words if the vase weighs 6 ounces, pour the mix till the scale shows 16 ounces (5 ounces of the roses + 6 ounces of the vase + 5 ounces of the glycerin mix). Shift this vase to a warm dry place, away from sunlight. Leave it there for around a week.

After a week remove the roses from the glycerin solution and transfer them into a clean and empty vase. Tie them up with a string and hang them upside down for a couple of weeks, or till they have completely dried.

Freeze Dry Roses
You can employ professional services that can help you freeze dry your roses, but this can be a little expensive.

Simple Ways to Preserve Rose Petals
Air Dry
Gently pluck out all the petals off the rose bud, and place them in a single layer on a mesh screen. Overlapping the petals will make them stick to each other as they dry. Place this screen in a warm and dry place away from sunlight. Sunlight will rapidly change their color. Damp places will cause the petals to rot. Turn them around every day to ensure that they do not stick to the mesh and both sides get adequate exposure. Keep turning them till they are completely dry. This may take a few days.

Dry Rose Petals with the Help of a Microwave
Layer a microwave-safe plate with a thin layer of paper towel. Place a thin layer of rose petals on it. Remember not to overlap them. Cover the petals with another thin layer of paper towel. Set the microwave on high heat for no longer than 45 seconds. Touch the rose petals to ensure that they are no longer damp. Repeat the process till the rose petals are completely dry. Once done, place the petals in a ventilated room for them to dry further.

Dry Roses with a Dehydrator
Place the rose petals in a dehydrator. And like before, remember not to overlap them. Set the dehydrator on low to prevent them from burning. Since the temperature is on low, this process can take hours to a whole day for them to dry out completely. Once done, spread them out on an old newspaper and let them cool off naturally.
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Dry Rose Petals with Press and Preserve Method
All you'll need is a heavy book such as a phone book and parchment paper. Line the parchment paper in the heavy book. Pluck out the petals and pat dry any moisture off the rose petals. Place them on the parchment paper and cover them with another paper and close the book. Leave this book alone a week or two. There you have it, flattened rose petals.


Transvestite Modification Using Cosmetics For Men To Females Transformation

Being transgendered these days is increasing more and more appropriate and for us fortunate ladies there is a whole new globe beginning up to us to show our real womanliness and sex. Aspect of this is to be able to combination wear a way which is appropriate and appropriate to the globe we stay. Having a new hairstyle at your regional salon or having a transvestite makeover or purchasing some excellent outfits at a regional store or on the internet where the employees comprehend our needs and are transgender helpful.

Millions of individuals now like to combination outfit and they want to comprehend how to do it effectively so they can phase into the other sex part, this contains putting on a costume for the event having the abilities to create the impression from a very excellent male female makeover, or they want to comprehend speech feminization methods and all of which allows to allow a sleek conversion with very little misery because we can combination in perfectly to our daily lifestyles as a appropriate and approved participant of the a lady part. There are also those of us who wish to outfit to destroy, so to talk, and want to take the excessive makeup and outfits path and this would usually information toward the move makeover individual - we all have our unique wishes when it comes to male to female makeup makeover needs.
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It is important to observe that outfits that can look excellent on a lady does NOT always look excellent on a transgender, transvestite, or combination cabinet so please be conscious of this and discover transvestite outfits that creates you appropriate as a lady or does not create you look to big, extensive or high.

As a man who desired to combination outfit as a as well as create the greatest impression of being women or if you wish to be a lady (transsexual) then you will need to comprehend and expert the art of a transvestite makeover. The art of the makeup makeover is to comprehend how to how to implement makeup, how much to implement and what beauty to use to best fit the man kinds of epidermis. Again, all kinds of epidermis differ so it is a wise decision to get some expert guidance from a makeup specialist or a excellent makeup makeover guide or combination putting on a costume information. There are a few amazing makeup books which have been published by knowledgeable transgender and combination desks particularly for us and they are value purchasing as a excellent transvestite makeover is the no.1 place to begin for being able to successfully pass as women. Note: There are a few really excellent beauty for transgender individuals, and a lot of transvestites do use a makeup variety known as 'Dermablend by Vichy' which to me could be considered as a magic item and one which I would not individually be without.
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It is excellent to know that studying to combination outfit the appropriate way will take you on an pleasant and long term trip and be one of finding to your real inner self. However, when you first begin out it can be typical that you will be anxious or even over eager to wear some unbelievable outfits, footwear and makeup but you should keep in thoughts that not everyone will agree to the way you look, at least not to begin with, and you should be ready for how others will respond to you and if you are ready for this then it will create it much simpler to cope with the affect supports - don't let anybody or anything put you off your goals or wishes as a transgender individual.

40 Really Funny But True Quotes

"There is one universal concept that people all across the globe display ostentatiously at other's misery - non-essential concern. Especially, when they should be more concerned about their own burning backside." It is a gnawing but a funny truth of life. If people sprinkled even an iota of concern in their own lives, they will realize there's more drama and action to be dealt with than any other movie made. Well, this is just one funny frailty of humankind we pointed out and by the way, the exceptionally ordinary observer of this behavior taints with the same brush.
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Life is larded with ironies and sarcasm, fellow mortals! And unless you personally get a chance to meet our maker and understand his true motives behind foisting you with some of the worst irritable specimen of human beings, or putting you in unsavory spots, you will have to learn to take them with a forced laugh or with a funny movement below our hips, at the worst. So, Ladies and Gents, when life throws lemons at you, you just don't make a lemonade but put up a stall and sell it. And this is exactly what we will be doing through this article.
Really Funny But True Quotes
funny but true quotes three
"It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
― Grace Hopper

"Nothing is as frustrating as arguing with someone who knows what he's talking about."
― Sam Ewing
"Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."
― Craig Marckwardt
"If you read a lot of books, you're considered well-read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well-viewed."
― Lily Tomlin
"Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television."
― Woody Allen
"If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers."
― Doug Larson
"A bargain is something you can't use at a price you can't resist."
― Franklin P. Jones
"Everything is funny as long as it's happening to somebody else."
― Will Rogers
"The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one."
― Erma Bombeck
"Life's disappointments are harder to take if you don't know any swear words."
― Bill Watterson
"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't."
― Erica Jong
"A signature always reveals a man's character - and sometimes even his name."
― Evan Esar
"Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back."
― Oscar Wilde
"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."
― Margaret Mead
"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?"
― Jean Kerr
"People are too durable, that's their main trouble. They can do too much to themselves, they last too long."
― Bertolt Brecht
"If you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many it's research."
― Wilson Mizner
"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."
― Oscar Wilde
"Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference."
― Mark Twain
Funny Quotes to put on Facebook
funny but true quotes one
"Deep down I'm a very shallow person."
"The man who says he is willing to meet you halfway is usually a poor judge of distance."
"Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics."
"As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold."
"No one is listening until you fart."
"Why do people say "no offense" right before they're about to offend you?"
"The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on Facebook."
"Believe it or not, everybody has their problems, some of us just prefer not to discuss them on Facebook."
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth . . . carefully edited truth."
"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong."
"When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum."
Really Funny But True Quotes about Love and Relationships
funny but true quotes two
"I love being married. It's so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."
― Rita Rudner
"Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn't show up on X-rays, but you know it's there."
― George Burns
"Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you're in."
― Richard Jeni
"By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he's wrong."
―Charles Wadsworth
"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
― Socrates
funny but true quotes four
"To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful."
― Anonymous
"Marriage is like twirling a baton, turning handsprings or eating with chopsticks. It looks easy until you try it."
― Helen Rowland
"Love is like any other luxury. You have no right to it unless you can afford it."
― Anthony Trollope
"The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime."
― Mignon McLaughlin
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Weeping Willow Tree Tattoo Design Ideas and Meaning

Tattoos are like blank verses. They convey a deep message more than words can ever justify or emote. They can be interpreted in many ways. One such profoundly meaningful tattoo design is that of the weeping willow tree.

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Be it colored or with dark hues, silhouette or intricate design, this tree stands tall irrespective of the pattern. It gives freedom to both the artist as well as the person getting the tattoo to personalize it in a way they like. Standalone or amidst a scenic background, this weeping willow tattoo design will take the spot light, no matter where you place it. Take a look at the weeping willow tree tattoos and images given below that will help you come up with your own unique design.

Weeping Willow Wrist Tattoo

Weeping Willow Tattoo on the Wrist

Weeping Willow Arm Tattoo

Weeping Willow Tattoo on the Arm

Weeping Willow Back Tattoo

Weeping Willow Tattoo on a Woman's Back

Weeping Willow Tattoo on Back

Weeping Willow Tattoo on the Back

Weeping Willow Stomach Tattoo

Weeping Willow Tattoo on Abs

Colored Weeping Willow Tree Tattoo

Weeping Willow Tattoo Design

Black and White Weeping Willow Tree Tattoo

Weeping Willow Tattoo

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You can personalize the tattoo by using different colors and designs. Adding symbolic elements like dates, names, quotes, flowers, butterfly, birds, hearts, swing, and scrolls will aid in expressing your emotions in a better way.

A scenic background, deep contrasting colors, shadows and shading can give your tattoo the depth it requires, and these vital additions can metamorphose your willow tree tattoo into a more intense and intricate artwork.


The weeping willow tree holds high importance in different cultures. This tree is symbolic of life itself. Just like almost every tree tattoo, it symbolizes regeneration, rejuvenation, and the circle of life.

The tree design signifies more than the tree itself, it has more to do with how the tree is being portrayed. If the tree has lush green leaves, it portrays rejuvenation and regeneration. A dried or dying tree does not necessarily mean end of something or someone. In fact it indicates the fag end of the problems and tough times, and the advent of new life... just like the tree does in spring.

Because of its droopy look this tree is often associated with a memorial tattoo. It is to commemorate the life and death of a beloved. It also stands for loss and strength.

The Celtic mythology holds great value for the descendants of British Isles. It stands as a powerful reminder of their roots. The weeping willow tree was used in their ceremonial rituals. However, you need not essentially be descendants of the British Isles to wear this tattoo. Anyone who wishes to don the symbolism of being grounded and being true to one's roots, culture, and heritage, can wear this tree tattoo.

This tree not only indicates being well rooted but also represents the ability to face next to any storm. It will bend to almost any pose without breaking.

Blue Aura Color Personality and Meaning

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To begin with, an aura is an electromagnetic field of various energies with different intensities, which is created when they enter into and exit from the body. The aura is formed all around the body, and can be seen if great concentration is applied. It is made up of seven layers, and various colors. Whichever is the dominant color of all is assumed to be the auric color. These auric layers are all connected to each other, and have the power to influence each other. They also influence a person's feelings, thoughts, actions, and words.
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One of these auric colors is blue, the one that we will be discussing in this article. Blue is considered as the coolest and the most peaceful color in the color spectrum, which has calming properties. It is a symbol of spirituality, love, and generosity. People who have blue auras are truly genuine individuals who try to do good wherever they go. However, let's not give all the information away right here; the following paragraphs will explain the nature of blue auric people (hereafter called 'Blues') in a more orderly way.

People with a blue aura are more in touch with their emotional side; their feelings are very strong and that is how they usually express themselves. They are extremely intuitive, sensitive, and love caring for and nurturing others, to the point that they even take other people's problems upon themselves. They are outgoing and confident people, but will not let anyone in on their deepest thoughts and feelings, unless they completely trust the other person.

They are always there to help a friend; however, this leads some people to take advantage of their caring and helping nature. This is because Blues allow people into their lives and help them out because they find it difficult to say No. They have a deep-set desire to be unconditionally loved and accepted. This leads them to believe that if they refuse to help someone, that person will not love them anymore. It is this intense feeling that causes them to do this. These people have a knack for remembering the most trivial information; they are excellent at sorting and storing things in their minds, which can be easily accessed when needed.

These people are big on forgiveness and compassion, and will interact with everyone, even people that nobody else interacts with. They do not dwell on other people's misgivings, and are wonderful friends. However, Blues also have a shaky sense of self-worth. They believe that doing things for others is the only way to have people value them; they have set ideas about things, and once their mind is fixed on something, it is very hard to change it. They can be level-headed and cool one moment, and suddenly become emotional and high-strung the next. Dealing with them can be confusing for others sometimes.

Blues make excellent partners; they are caring, giving, receptive of others' feelings, expressive, and loving. However, one minor drawback is that they can be manipulative if they do not get what they want. For instance, you may hear a Blue say, "...but I did so much for her. How can she behave this way?", or "I threw him a big party for his birthday. Now he must do something for mine." They give and give, but they also expect. If something is not reciprocated at the same level, it can upset them; they can also dislike something if it does not go according to the image in their head.

They are fiercely loyal, and expect the same of their partner. They need to feel the affection and love in their partners' words and actions. However, they tend to become demanding sometimes, which they must realize on their own and curb. To sum up, Blues are wonderful companions and partners, but it is, at times, difficult to please them. There is also a chance that if they do not find what they are looking for in a person, then they may distance themselves or find someone else! So if you are dating a blue auric person, keep communication between you open and free-flowing.

Blues do best in nurturing or management professions like nursing, teaching, coaching, or even accounting. Their innate belief that everyone must feel accepted makes them excellent in these fields. They require jobs that entail a daily interaction with a variety of people, particularly people that are looking for some form of help. The job must also preferably have flexible timings, to ensure that the Blues can also take care of their home.

These people require jobs that maintain open and free communication among all the co-workers, because Blues need this. Their nature is such that they would not like to stay totally isolated from everyone at the workplace. Although they are introverts, they love the company of others; however, they still prefer being around their group of close friends the most.

Blues are more spiritual beings, hence they do not indulge in much physical activity. They are not really sports people, and prefer quiet activities like walking, playing a game of catch or frisbee, etc. This is the reason why they tend to be on the heavier side of the weighing scale. They are so busy taking care of others that they do not find time for themselves. They should maintain a balance, as they should realize that taking care of themselves is equally, if not more, important.

Blues are said to operate from the Throat Chakra, which is characteristic of their color. This is the reason why they frequently face issues with their throats, like soreness or difficulty in speaking.

Blues are very spiritual people, who believe in God and hold him close. They may tend to explore different religions to look for one that best fits their beliefs. They also like to spend quiet time with themselves, and maybe meditate, introspect, and attain peace.

The best match for Blues is people who's aura color is Tan. These people are loving, caring, and will be the perfect partners. Looking at all the personality traits, this pair has the highest compatibility.

Different Shades
Light Blue - You are excellent at communicating whatever you want to, in a very effective manner. You are calm and peaceful. You do not like to lie or hide things from people.
Blue Dresses
Royal Blue - This shade means that you are very spiritually developed, and highly intuitive. You are open-minded, very giving, and like to help people generously.


Easy Ways to Cook New York Strip Steak

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Steak fanatics are sure to wax eloquent about the endless virtues of a perfectly-done steak. However, what constitutes perfection differs from person to person, particularly with regards to steak. The 'doneness' of the meat is classified into 3 types―rare, medium rare, and well. While professional chefs have a trained eye to identify each type, beginners or home cooks can always rely on a food thermometer to give them an accurate idea about the status of their meat.
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When inserted into the center of the steak, a rare is 110ºF to 115ºF, medium-rare is 120ºF, medium is 125ºF to 130ºF, medium-well is 130ºF to 135ºF, and well is 140ºF. Steaks continue to cook for a few minutes after being removed from the heat source, which is why they should be allowed to sit for 3 - 4 minutes to let the cooking culminate and the juices ooze out. Remember to use your thermometer sparingly, as poking holes into the meat will result in the juices oozing out―and as any steak lover will tell you, the juiciest steak is always the most delicious.

Now that we have the doneness parameters out of the way, let us focus on the steak of our choice, which happens to be the New York Strip Steak.

What is the New York Strip Steak?

Raw New York Strip Steak

The strip steak is sourced from the Longissimus dorsi muscle, located towards the rear end of the steer in the primal just behind the ribs. The fat content in this steak is relatively low, which makes it easy to grill, lowering the chances of charring. It is moderately tender with the right amount of sweet, meaty flavor.

Preparing Your Steak

Raw New York Strip Steak spice rub

Experts are of the opinion that steak strips should not be soaked in acidic marinades for more than 30 minutes, as this affects the meat's texture and taste in an adverse manner. Instead, you can use spice rubs to enhance the flavor of the meat, as it will not alter the texture.

Cooking Your New York Strip Steak

Grilling, broiling, and frying are three popular ways to cook these strip steaks. Additionally, you can also choose to cook them sous vide, especially if you're expecting a medium-rare output.

Grill it
New York Strip Steaks With Barbecue Sauce

Grilled New York Strip Steak with bbq sauce
Prep time: 60 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Uses: 4 New York strip steaks (1-inch thick)

For the spice rub
Garlic cloves, 3 - 4
Extra virgin olive oil, 3 tbsp.
Coarse ground black pepper, fresh, 2 tsp.
Finely chopped fresh thyme, 1 tbsp.
Kosher salt, ½ tsp.
For the BBQ sauce
Whiskey, 2 tbsp.
Worcestershire sauce, 2 tsp.
Steak sauce, 1 tbsp.
Dark brown sugar, 1 tbsp.
Ketchup, ½ cup
Garlic salt, ½ tsp.
Water, ½ cup
Fresh ground black pepper, ¼ tsp.


    Begin with preparing the spice rub for the steak. Crush the garlic along with the sauce to create a thick paste.
    Add the thyme, crushed pepper, and olive oil to the paste. Rub this all over the steak. Place this in a Ziploc bag, seal it, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
    In the meanwhile, prepare the sauce by whisking all the ingredients into a saucepan. Bring the sauce to a boil on medium heat. Lower the flame and let it simmer for 8 - 10 minutes, after which you take it off the heat. Stir it occasionally.


    Grease the grilling surface and fire up the grill.
    Ensure that your steak pieces have been out of the fridge for at least 30 minutes before you begin to grill them.
    Wait until the grill is sufficiently heated before you place the pieces on it.
    Cook each side for 4 minutes, and always use tongs to flip the pieces.
    Once cooked, remove the meat off the grill and let it rest for 3 - 4 minutes.
    Place the steak on a plate and drizzle the BBQ sauce over it. This dish goes well with grilled veggies of your choice.

Fry it
New York Strip Steaks With Smokey Bacon Sauce

Pan fried New York Strip Steak with smoky bacon sauce
Prep time: 40 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Uses: 4 New York strip steaks (1-inch thick)

For the spice rub
Extra virgin olive oil, 3 tbsp.
Coarse ground black pepper, fresh, 2 tsp.
Kosher salt, ½ tsp.
Oil for frying the steak
For the Smoky Bacon Sauce
Smoked bacon, 2 lb.
Green peppercorns, 6 oz.
Port wine, 1½ L
Water, 2 cups
Finely chopped shallots, 1 cup
Cornstarch, ¼ cup
Salt, to taste


    Mix all the ingredients of the spice rub together. Coat the steak pieces with it.
    Place this in a Ziploc bag, seal it, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
    In the meanwhile, begin prepping for the sauce. Finely dice the smoked bacon, add it to a saucepan, and render it over medium heat until it turns golden brown.
    Strain the excess fat, remove the bacon, and keep it aside.
    Add ⅔ portion of wine in the same saucepan to deglaze it. Turn up the heat to ignite the wine. Reduce the wine to one-fourth of the original.
    To this, add the remaining wine, shallots, and peppercorns and reduce it to one-third quantity.
    Use a small bowl to mix the cornstarch and water to make a thick paste.
    Use a whisk to mix this into the sauce and let it gradually thicken.
    Add salt to taste.


    Add oil to a frying pan and set it to heat.
    Ensure that your steak pieces have been out of the fridge for at least 30 minutes before you begin to fry them.
    Remove the pieces out of the bag and place them in the hot pan.
    Cook each side for 4 - 6 minutes; you may adjust this time to achieve your favored degree of doneness.
    Once cooked, remove the meat off the pan and let it rest for 3 - 4 minutes.
    Place the steak on a plate and spoon the smoky bacon sauce over it.

Broil it
Seasoned New York Strip Steaks

Seasoned New York Strip Steak
Prep time: 40 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Uses: 4 New York strip steaks (1-inch thick)


Coarsely ground coriander seeds, 4 tsp.
Freshly ground black pepper, 4 tsp.
Dill weed, 4 tsp.
Paprika, 2 tsp.
Ground red pepper flakes, 2 tsp.
Coarse kosher salt, 2 tsp.
Fennel seeds, 2 tsp.
Garlic salt, , 2 tsp.
Fresh thyme or basil leaves, 2 sprigs
Butter, 4 tbsp
Worcestershire sauce, 2 tbsp.
Corn oil, 2 tbsp.


    Add Worcestershire sauce to a bowl and mix it along with all the dry spices.
    Press this seasoning mix on to both sides of each steak piece and let it rest for 30 minutes.
    Meanwhile, set the broil setting on your oven to high and set your rack to preheat.
    Carefully remove the pan (it will be very hot), and grease it with corn oil.
    Very quickly, coat the steak pieces with butter and carefully place them on the broiling pan. Place this into the oven.
    Depending upon the degree of heat in your oven, flip the pieces after 4 minutes using tongs.
    Check for doneness using a thermometer, and remove them from the oven once they are done.
    Let the steak rest for 3 - 4 minutes before you serve it.

Sous Vide style
New York Strip Steak with Pan-tossed Tomatoes and Herbs

Sous Vide New York Strip Steak
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 3 hours
Uses: 4 New York strip steaks (1 inch thick)

For the spice rub
Extra virgin olive oil, 3 tbsp.
Fresh coarse-ground black pepper, 2 tsp.
Kosher salt, ½ tsp.
Butter for frying, 2 tbsp.
For the pan-tossed tomatoes
Medium-sized tomatoes, 4
Garlic cloves, 2 - 3
Vegetable oil, 2 tsp.
Oregano, 1 tsp.
Thyme, 1 tsp.
Salt, to taste


    Begin by mixing the ingredients of the spice rub for the steak. Rub the mixture all over the steak. Place this in a Ziploc bag and seal it, removing all the air from within.
    In case you have a sous vide machine, preheat it to the prescribed temperature. If not, take a large Dutch oven and fill two-third portion of it with water.
    Boil the water to 130ºF. Using a cooking thermometer, ensure that the temperature remains consistent at this mark.
    Place the bag of steaks in the boiling water. Adjust the heat to maintain a steady temperature of 130ºF.
    The steaks should take about 2½ hours to cook.

Prom Dresses
    As your steaks are cooking, begin to prepare your tomatoes. Firstly, chop them into wedges; finely chop the garlic as well.
    Heat the vegetable oil in a pan, add the chopped garlic to this, followed by the tomato wedges.
    Toss it around for about 2 minutes and add the herbs.
    Season this with salt and remove them on to a dish.
    Once the steak pieces are done, add the butter to the same pan and set it on low heat.
    Remove the steak from the pouches and place it on the pan to form a buttery crust. Cook each side for 2 minutes.
    Stir in the cooked tomatoes and let it sit for a minute after removing from the heat.
    Your steak is ready to be served.


Christmas Traditions: Kissing Under The Mistletoe

There are several strange and curious Christmas customs, many of which evolved through ancient pagan rituals. However, the most interesting one is the 'Kissing under the Mistletoe'. In the Victorian epoch, Kissing under the Mistletoe was considered as an unofficial declaration of the soon-to-be-announced engagement. It was considered unlucky and unfortunate not to be kissed, that meant, you probably were going to miss the bus to the best institution of the human condition... Marriage. Let me add, its shelf life is just a year or so, and not for a lifetime.(Basked in a sigh of relief?... Good!)

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It's Our Custom and We Follow It!
Kissing under the mistletoe was a christmas tradition that made men go weak in their knees and damsels blush pink! It was one time in the annual calendar, when families were ready to footloose the soon-to-be-wedded couple. It is indeed an occasion when your display of affection and romantic proposals won't be thwarted. The custom goes on to explicating how a mistletoe is hung up and the opportunity the guy grabs to kiss his lady-love under its shadow. Every kissing shot demanded that he plucks off one of the several berries. After the berries have managed a disappearing act, the men, no more have a passport to kiss (All good things come to an end, you see!). Nevertheless, customs and traditions evolve. These days, while the berries still inspire men to commence with the act, they no longer have the power to cease those romantic endeavors! Bottom-line - You may well continue with the honors, the berries would no longer prison your kisses!

Another custom in line would involve snitching Mistletoe twigs from your local Church Christmas decorations. The belief propagates putting the twigs under your pillow at night, dreaming about that chap you had such a crush on, and then in the morning tossing the twig into the fire. If it burned smoothly, you could count on marital bliss. If it crackled, there you are... a marital 'blitz' is in store for you!

This is How Our Tradition Evolved... with Legends!
The tradition of kissing under the Mistletoe evolved from the Celtic and the Nordic people who believed that the evergreen Mistletoe had magical, medicinal, and aphrodisiac properties. Mistletoe was also considered as a symbol of Peace by the quarrelsome Norsemen and, if by chance they happened to encounter the Mistletoe growing nearby, depending on their mood, they either kissed and made up or they put away their weapons and rested to fight another day.

Contrarily, the Mistletoe plays a villainous role in the Myth of Baldur. When Baldur, the Norse God, was born, his mother Frigga made all the plants, animals, and inanimate things on earth promise her that they would never harm him. She, however, forgot the Mistletoe and this oversight was used by the mischief-maker Loki to evil advantage. He made an arrow from a Mistletoe twig and tricked Baldur's blind brother into shooting it at Baldur. Baldur died and winter descended on the planet and it was only after he was restored to life by the Gods that things returned to normalcy. Frigga, a surprisingly condoning Goddess, decided no one should suffer again through the Mistletoe and so made it sacred and a symbol of happiness.

Mistletoe - Then and Now!
Ironically, the Mistletoe which conjures up such romantic Christmas imagery can hardly be considered romantic on its own merits. There are two specific reasons why I utter this statement.

First of all, it is a parasite and, honestly, whoever considered a parasite romantic? Except, ahem, another parasite (it's the holidays, people, and some of us are infected by the 'there's someone for everyone' holiday cheer). Seriously though, the Mistletoe can only grow on the barks of other trees and get its nourishment from them and often at their expense. In Europe, it's found commonly on Apple Trees and somewhat less commonly on Oak Trees. Its rare occurrence made the Oak Mistletoe even more valuable to the Ancient Celtic Druids, who cut it with a golden sickle and made it an integral part of their various rituals. In accordance with the staunch Druid customs, Christmas has survived with superstitions hard to come by, however easy to follow. One such custom is to burn the mistletoe on the twelfth night to ward off the doom from those who have kissed under it. Failing to do so, may lead to the girls and boys never getting married. The premonition further enunciates manipulating fate, thereby ceasing the wings of happiness and joy to flutter around you.

Secondly, the seeds of the European Mistletoe can only become capable of germinating after having passed through the digestive tracts of birds - particularly the Mistle Thrush, and, it was by noticing how the Mistletoe always seemed to spring forth from the shit of this bird, that the sharp-eyed Ancients came to give the Mistletoe its name. 'Mistle', which sounds so lovely and misty, actually means 'shit' in old Anglo-Saxon, and 'toe', which emerged from 'tan', means twig. As they did not know the scientific workings of such seed propagation, they deemed it a miracle and regarded the Mistletoe with awe. Besides, the mistletoe was suspended from the ceiling to flush out spirits that mean harm to your dwelling, thereby, in the process, discouraging witches to inhabit your domain.

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Well, we should marvel at it ourselves. Armed as we are with all the scientific data and analytical skills in this very modern age, we still go forth enthusiastically to kiss under the 'Shit Twig of the Mistle Thrush that grew up to become a Parasite'. I wonder if anyone out there would be interested in adding a Conditions Apply 'I would do anything for love (but I won't do That)' to their Christmas repertoire!


9 Awesome Christmas Gift Ideas for Pets

There are so many innocent qualities in pets, irrespective of the kind you own, that make them our perfect companions. They need nothing except a loving home and a food-filled bowl. And you know the most amazing things that pets teach their master―unconditional love and forgiveness, the very essence of Christianity!

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You go home late and don't acknowledge your dog who waited for you all this while, or you spoke rudely to him because he wanted to play fetch while you were busy working. Unlike humans, your pet will not hold any grudge against you, and will race towards you as soon as you call out his name. This is the kind of love they give. And while we humans aren't capable of reciprocating even a handful of their enormous love for us, we can, however, make this Christmas special for them by giving them some awesome gifts.

All a pet needs is your love, time, they wouldn't mind your leftover food, and a corner to snuggle up to sleep. It wouldn't be wrong to say this: We get gifts for our pets because we see it as a ritual on festive occasions, our pets, however, see it as a surprise without even knowing what the occasion is; for them, the occasion is you. The following section will take you through the 9 gift categories we consider to be the most suitable for your pet.

Disclaimer: All images shown below are for representational purposes only, and do not imply the availability of the product with the vendors mentioned in the content.

Yummy-licious Treats

An unlimited supply of good food, and a master who's always in a good mood ... what else does a pet want? Pamper your pets with their favorite treats this season! Go for reputed brands such as Royal Canin, Isle of Dogs, and Wooflink, and Bubba Rose that have special Christmas treats for your hungry pet dog that he'll really love. To make things more interesting for your pet, you can display these treats in a Christmas-y way. For instance, have a special Christmas tree for your pet, decorated with tasty hotdogs, yummy candies, and scrumptious cookies. Wrap these treats with red ribbons and decorations, and present it to the pet, but make sure only the treats are eaten, not the packing.

Fun-tastic Toys

Eating and playing, what else do pets love more? And when it comes to toys, we all know that pets are no different than kids, and every new toy would be welcomed with a great deal of curiosity and excitement. Gift your pets some interactive, plush, or rubber toys, that are made with material that doesn't harm these curious fellows, in case they end up swallowing them. You may also opt for organic toys. As we know, for a pet, playing equals shaking, chasing, fetching, and chewing! We found some great options in brands including Ruff Ruff Couture, Planet Dog, FroliCat, Simplyfido, and West Paw Design.

Gorgeous Attire

Christmas gives everybody a chance to dress up and look their best, why should pets stay behind? Most pet stores have endless options when it comes to pet outfits. From a scarf to a sweater, a bow tie to a frock, you want it, you'll get it in all desired shapes and sizes. If you are one of those brand-conscious owners, a few good names would be: Wooflink, Oscar Newman, D.O.G. Collection, and Pooch Outfitters. So, fancy up your adorable family members, and make them the center of attention by gifting them a cute and stylish attire.

Fun Costumes

Introduce the zest of fun and frolic to your Christmas celebrations, by dressing up your pets in fancy Christmastime costumes. Put an antler hairband on your dog, and turn him into Santa's reindeer. Red horns and a devil-ish tail would make your adorable pet look like the cutest devil ever. If you have two pets, make one look like an angel and the other as the evil one. See how the Santa costume with open arms, makes our cute cat look. Stir up the fun element in the atmosphere with this gift option. We absolutely loved the options we saw in Glamor Dogs, Rubie's Costume Company, which is a popular source for costumes even for us humans, have also started selling dog costumes. Other good options we came across were Foufou Dog and The Ritzy Rover Pet Boutique.

A Comfortable Spot

Another amazing option would be to give your pet a new comfortable spot―a bed, a cave, or a chair―in the house. As loving and caring our pets may be, we all know that they have their own territory in the house. Why not give them a new spot to mark their territory. There are endless pet-friendly options available in the market, wherein you'll find both simple and fancy bedding for your pets. Jax and Bones, Paul Frank, Louisdog, and Dogs of Glamor have really classy options to make your pet feel royal in the true sense of the word. If you wish, you can also buy a sofa exclusively for your pet, to be placed in the living room. We know pets who love to sit in their sofa when guests arrive home, and listen to the conversation happening. Trust us, your pet would love it!

Fancy Collars and Leashes

We think that a pet's collar defines a lot about the owner, and how well a pet is kept. You will be overwhelmed with the options you'll find in the market when it comes to customized pet collars and leashes. You can opt for a Christmas-specific collar, an everyday customized collar, or a fancy party-wear collar, depending upon the need of the hour. Brands such as Gwen Gear, Hip Doggie, Susan Lanci Designs, and Martha Stewart Pets are worth considering among many others. Whatever brand, or design you choose, make sure that the collar is not too tight/loose for the pet. Also, it should not be made of material, or contain a design that may injure the pet in any way. Give your pet a leash/collar that defines comfort, in style!

New Feeding Bowls

If we'll be coddling our pets with luscious treats, it only makes sense to complement these with a new bowl! Get them personalized with your pet's name, or have fancy designs on them, there are endless options out there. Brands such as M. Isaac Mizrahi, Bowsers, Oré Pet, and Louisdog, are a few among the popular ones in the market. However, more than the brand, it is important to make sure that the bowl's size is in sync with your pet's appetite. EatBetter Bowl helps your pet eat slowly, in a healthy way. To add to it, you can also get an automatic pet feeder for this cute little member so that you don't have to worry about its food while you're away.

Special Pampering and Grooming

Who doesn't love to get pampered? And while we all do not leave any opportunity to visit the spa, especially before a Christmas party, why don't we consider taking our pets, as well? A massage, nail clipping, fur trimming and styling, all these and more services are offered in pet spas. Special baths with special shampoos and aroma oils would make your pet feel as if in celestial bliss. And they'll be all energized to paint the town red on Christmas eve. A variety of products―right from shampoos, fragrances, paw and nose rubs, conditioners, and ear cleansers―are available, and we suggest brands such as Cain & Able, Angels' Eyes, Li'l Pals, and Happy Tails.

Lots of Love!

Lastly, and most importantly, it is love that we all need at the end of the day, and pets are no exception! Don't ignore them in the midst of the busyness this lifestyle induces around you. Pamper them, hug them, love them, and see how their mere presence takes away the daily stress of life, and makes you realize that their innocent eyes, and love-driven gestures are the greatest gift you could have ever received.

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You may shop through websites such as funnyfur and D.O.G. Pet Boutique; they have various sections as per your pet's need, in varied price ranges! Check a few options and compare quality and prices before making the final purchase. And yes, most importantly, don't forget to give your pets a lot of love during the holidays, and always. Have a merry furry Christmas!


The Earliest Marriage Traditions

Most of today’s wedding customs are affected by superstitions and individuals tradition. It is commonly believed that the white-colored shade has always been the most well-known one, and a white-colored bridal outfit comes from the color’s historical representational organization with virginity and cleanliness. In reality, the definitions of shades changed throughout ages and major regions, and today’s wedding customs are a relatively new development.
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In spiritual periods, most outfits were red because red represented purity; in the Eastern the wedding brides have trusted white-colored that was a shade of grieving, which is thought to be appropriate as the new bride is making her group of birth to join that of her husband's, thus going through a representational death. During the municipal war wedding brides often used violet to respect the dead, and during the World War I, many women regarded it their municipal responsibility to give up a “white wedding”. It was king Victoria who really made popular the white-colored outfit customized. While royals typically used stitched vibrant gowns for marriages, Victoria select a white-colored silk outfit with levels of ribbons and a white-colored veil. The luxurious outfit and wedding between Victoria and her relative Jordan in 1840 were written up and shown in thousands of journals globally.

Another important customized is a bride’s veil. The main concept represents the days and societies where marriages were organized, and couple didn’t see one another before wedding wedding. After they were married the bridegroom would be allowed to lift the veil to see his new wife's face. This is why it’s still regarded bad fortune for the new fiance seen by the bridegroom before the wedding. The veil was not always white-colored, as is the customized today, but was yellow in historical Portugal and red in historical The capital. There is also another belief: the veil initially represented the bride's virginity, purity, and modesty, and in some societies -- distribution. This meaning has been lost over the years but the veil is still generally used.
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The customized of Something old, Something new, Something obtained and Something red goes back to Victorian periods. Something Old symbolizes the link with the bride's close relatives and the past; it is common for wedding brides to wear a piece of vintage close relatives jewelry or a mother's or grandma's bridal outfit. Something New appears for success, best of fortune and wants a good chance in the new life, the bridal outfit can be also chosen as the new item. Something Borrowed is to emphasize the new bride that loved ones will be there for her when help is needed. Something Blue symbolizes commitment, commitment, modesty and constancy, since this a shade of cleanliness of the Virgin mobile Jane and the most well-known of all shades.

How to Advertise a House Painting Business

A house painting business can help you earn a good profit margin, provided you advertise it in the right way. There is so much competition in this field that you need to complement your work with focused promotions in order to communicate about your business to the target audience. Also, advertising can rake up a huge cost for a start-up business; however, it is an indispensable one. Hence, it becomes all the more important that you advertise in the right locations to gain maximum mileage.

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The medium of your promotion matters a lot. You will have to find effective promotional platforms that will help your message reach out to your prospective customers. Here are a few ways to advertise a house painting business.

WebsiteTip: Optimize your website for the search engine using the right keywords so that it will rank well.Get a well-designed and interactive website to showcase your skills. You may display the before and after photos of your projects after getting the client's permission. Allow people to upload the images of their houses and suggest colors for the same. Give details about the quality of your paint, discount schemes, rates, etc. If you have customer testimonials, add them to the website. It will give your claims the required credibility.

DirectoriesTip: Also, try to register with BBB and get a positive rating.You should invest in advertising in the local phone book and other hardbound directories. Do explore the options of listing in online directories like Yahoo local, Google Maps, etc. Try to advertise on websites which give business listings. This will help the customer find you easily and also read your business reviews. Hence, you will have to take special efforts to ensure that you have all positive reviews.

NetworkTip: Approach interior designers for painting jobs as they need house painters at various client sites.Network with the right people to get more and more business opportunities. For example, you can visit real estate agents or brokers' offices. These people generally know the contacts of buyers and sellers who are looking to get house painting done. Not only this, but you can also approach various property managers who may be looking after others' properties and may want to conduct painting jobs on a routine basis. Also, ask the store owner who gives you paint and other supplies if he can help promote your work.

VehicleTip: You will be able to brand your truck for less than 2000$ if you get competitive quotes from different vendors.You will have to get a truck or van to carry your painting material around. Use your truck as a branding platform by putting up your business logo and contact information on it. Wherever your truck will go, people will see your branding. This is an affordable and effective way to advertise your painting business.

Lawn SignsTip: Ensure that your contact number is in a bigger and bolder font size for your prospective clients to read from a distance.You can display your advertisement by putting up lawn signs on the lawns of houses you have painted. You will need permission of the owner to do this, but the effort will definitely help bring in new businesses. People can directly see the work at the site and decide about your painting skills.

AdvertiseTip: Try to concentrate your advertising in areas where interior and exterior painting jobs are required.Place advertisements in local newspapers and magazines to reach out to your target market. You can even indulge in focused print advertising by only giving the ads in areas where old homes are located. Similarly, you can also send inserts through newspapers to these areas. Apart from this, you can also advertise in community newsletters.

Social MediaTip: Spend some money on buying Facebook ads which will help reach your target market.Use social media for your business advantage. Create pages on various social networking websites, and get many people to like them. Keep updating the pages with before and after photos and interesting titbits about house painting. However, you will require permission of the clients to use the photographs for promotional purposes. Use these pages as a platform to introduce various different schemes and offers.

Posters, Flyers, and Door HangersTip: You may even make arrangement in these locations to give away your business cards so that people can call you.Try to put up posters in areas which are frequented by people who may be looking for a painter. For example, tap areas like home improvement outlets, cafés, grocery stores, community centers, hardware shops, etc. Similarly, distribute flyers, direct mail, and put up door hangers in areas where renovation or remodeling work is going on. You can also send it to locations with old houses.

Distribute MerchandiseTip: Get a professional agency to design this merchandise for a professional look.You have to undertake massive marketing efforts in order to create an identity among already-established competitors. For this, you can give merchandise like pens, pencils, notepads, refrigerator magnets, mugs, caps, etc., to your prospective clients. Give them along with your brochures and flyers. People will remember your services when they see the merchandise and also recommend them to others.

Discount and Other SchemesTip: You can even offer few of the supplies (for the painting job) free of cost to gain more and more clients.Offer discount and other schemes, like coupons, freebies, gift certificates, etc., for availing your services. You may also offer free quote and estimates to people who approach you for a job. You can also introduce referral schemes and offer discounts to those who recommend your name.

Events and ExhibitionTip: Give your business card, merchandise, brochures, and also collect the visitor's contact details so that you can follow up with him/her later.You can hire a small stall or booth in a trade show, or an exhibition which deals with home improvement, interiors, home restorations, etc. This will help provide exposure to a maximum number of prospective clients. You can also participate in various trade shows organized by the chambers of commerce to tap into various clients.

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You can even start a blog to make your business popular. Nothing quite works like word-of-mouth promotion, so ensure that you deliver quality work to get maximum number of recommendations.


New Year Traditions

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp,
And surely I'll be mine,
And we'll tak a cup o kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

We twa hae run about the braes,
And pou'd the gowans fine,
But we've wander'd monie a weary fit,
Sin auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl'd in the burn,
Frae morning sun till dine,
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin auld lang syne.

And there's a hand my trusty fiere,
And gie's a hand o thine,
And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught,
For auld lang syne."
― "Auld Lang Syne" by Robert Burns, Scottish rural poet and song-maker.

Literally meaning "for old times' sake", the strains of "Auld Lang Syne", a Scottish song rewritten in 1788 and posthumously published after the poet's death in 1796, can still be heard as the clock hands near the midnight mark on New Year's Eve, in almost all English speaking countries. The gathering of Scots dwelling in London, outside St. Paul's Church to sing the modern rendition of the age-old folk song is still a common sight even today which makes it one of the most loved new year traditions. People also come together at Trafalgar square, Piccadilly Circus, and around the Big Ben to hear the bells that usher in the new year. They also join hands and sing the song out loud.

So integral a part of New Year's Day has it become that citizens of the United States see it as the first indicator of the advent of the new year, even if the clock signaled midnight before the song goes on air. Popularized by Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians, in the year 1929, where Lombardo crooned the song at Hotel Roosevelt as the clock struck 12. That night a custom was birthed in New York City for the Americans which made the song a regular on the radio and then television at the onset of every New Year's Day at midnight until 1978, with "Happy New Year, America" replacing it on the CBS in 1979 till 1995. Waldorf Astoria mandatorily played it every New Year's Eve until 1976. Amazingly, Lombardo too, had heard the song in Ontario, his native place in London, where too it was relayed for the domicile Scots in Britain.

Hooked are you? Wish to learn about some more, new year traditions and customs? Read on and get mesmerized!

Popular Traditions
Resolutions Galore
Welcoming a new year without making any resolution is nearly an impossible phenomenon. Even those who do make any resolutions, end up making the resolution of not making any resolution! So people all around the globe knock themselves out with making new resolutions, the most popular ones being those related to weight loss and giving up on smoking and drinking. How many people actually stick to them is another story altogether, but the tradition of coining New Year's resolutions probably has its roots back in 153 BC, when the Romans named the first month of the calendar after the ancient mythical king with two heads, called Janus. Janus had two heads, one in front and one at the back, and so it is kind of symbolic as in being able to look back at the past and also towards the impending future at the same time. Thus, similarly the Romans looked back the past year on New Year's Eve reflecting upon what required mending and sought to resolve differences with enemies. They also looked forward to a better year and restored strained relations by exchanging presents and thus Janus was officially the first symbolic initiator of resolutions. Even Christians came to utilize the first day of the year as a day for past reflection and repentance as well as coining ways to mend transgressed conducts.

Then came Babylonia, where people took to making New Year promises where they honestly resolved to return all the farm instruments that they borrowed during the previous year. In present day France, New Year's Day is called the le Jour de l'An families, friends, and relatives actually sit together and share the goals that they wish to attain in the coming annum. The Russians aim to start a debt-free year.

The Luck of the Babies
Circa 600 BC, the Grecians started to believe that the presence and pampering of a baby on New Year's Day can bring them good luck. So, the practice of going around with a young infant in a basket in order to symbolize the annual rebirth of the deity of agriculture, Dionysus, with every good harvest became popular among the Greeks, and the baby symbolized fertility and future good yields. Even today in Greece, it is a belief that the first person who steps into a household is supposed to be the bringer of good luck, therefore, people want it to be a lucky child to topple over the threshold. A lucky child is someone who is blessed enough to have both her parents alive. On New Year's day, children also go caroling around blocks. This practice is also prevalent in modern England where kids are encouraged to wake up early and roam around block, and gather mince pies, coins, candies, and apples for singing by the residents of the block. But, they are supposed to wrap it up by noon or are dubbed as fools! In Japan, kids receive tiny presents with money inside called otoshidama.

The Church also accepted the ritual of celebrating the child as a symbol of the birth of baby Jesus, after initially stigmatizing it as a pagan symbol. As for the Americans, they obtained the belief that a newborn baby is the symbolic representation of a New Year from the Germans in the 1300s and have gladly retained the custom till date.

Given that early Egyptians used a child as a symbol of renascence, even today young boys and girls are given colorful candies with vibrant wrappers, in shapes of a man riding a horse and a woman in a dress, respectively. Accordion-shaped candies are also distributed.

A Tall, Dark, and Handsome Visitant
The old Scottish celebrations of Hogmanay has a very important custom of the "first-footing" wherein the people drop in at places of neighbors and friends, bringing them coal, rich and thick butter cookies, and other gifts shortly after midnight. It is considered especially lucky if a tall, dark, and handsome man is the first one to cross the threshold of a house. In America, a visitor with tall frame and dark hair ushers in good luck just after the chimes of New Year have been rung. In Greece, it can be the man of the household who enters his house just after midnight.

The Night of the Bell Tolling
In Japan, the Joya no Kane or the 'night-watch bell' is tolled exactly 108 times in order to purge all humans from the 108 earthly and materialistic greeds and desires that weakens and plagues the human soul, censured by Buddhist principles, during the oshogatsu or new year.

A Vision Full of Light
The bursting of firecrackers is a very common tradition at the onset of a new annum. Elaborate and fancy firecracker shows are organized throughout the globe and people gather in hundreds to see them. The Brazilian Praia de Copacabana fireworks show is one of the best shows in the world, along with those held near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, in London, and Iceland. People of Iceland also arrange for huge bonfires that are left blazing throughout the night all over the country, while Indonesians cannot fathom of a New Year's celebration without the trumpet and firecrackers. While the Dutch set their Christmas trees ablaze along with other crackers in an effort to drive away the evil spirits of the past and warmly invite the good spirits in their abodes in the coming year, the English until the early 1900s lighted up hawthorn bushes with straws, in the wheat fields, in Radnorshire and Herefordshire early on New Year's Day. This was believed to shower luck on them. Many kitchens allowed these bushes to adorn the walls until the next year when the farm-helpers would again awaken pre-dawn and repeat the custom by dragging a bush to the fields. South Americans burn dummy scarecrows filled with hay and firecrackers at the stroke of midnight to signify some evil, that had plagued them in the past year, is reduced to ashes. This is a very important custom of their Año viejo New year traditions. In Suriname, special crackers called paragas, which are actually red-firecracker-ribbons, are set afire.

The Tournament of Roses
Celebrated for the first time in 1886, by the Valley Hunt Club in California, the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena was initiated to lionize the maturation of orange crops. The parade has a unique show of innovative floats going up as a part of the celebrations. The Rose Bowl football match, that is still played today, was started only in 1902. Even though Roman chariot races did replace it for some years, football returned in 1916 on public demand.

The 'Ball Dropping'
Every year, sharp at 11.59pm on December 31st, a humongous Waterford Crystal ball weighing 5,386 kg, with a diameter of 3.7 m is dropped from Times Square, in New York, and it reaches the ground exactly in 60 seconds, sharp at midnight. A custom that was started back in 1907, when it was late by 1 second and made of wood and iron, weighed only 320 kg. Today this celebration draws thousands of people to the site. Over the years, lots of experimentation has been done with the look of the ball, with an apple with crimson bulbs and a green stem replacing the ball in 1981, given that the city is sometimes referred to as "big apple". This ball is believed to remain in its position as a permanent fixture at the Times Square.

The Days of the Saints
New Year's Eve in France and Italy is la Saint-Sylvestre and Notte di San Silvestro, meaning the night of Saint Sylvester. The French host elaborate feasts, dedicated to the Saint, called Le Réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre, with champagne and duck and goose delicacies. It is widely observed in the country as a part of New Year's Eve events.

New Year's day is dedicated to St. Basil in Greece, wherein a cake called St. Basil's cake or Vasilopita is baked with a silver coin placed in its interiors. When cut, the first piece goes to St. Basil, the next one to the house, the third one is given to the eldest member of the family, and so on. Pieces are even secured for members who are not present during ceremony. The order of distribution is never disrupted or changed, with slices being given to pet animals and farm beasts as well. As for the coin, whoever finds it is said to be blest for the next one year. St. Basil was a generous and philanthropic priest of the Greek Orthodox Church, known for his love for the downtrodden and underprivileged. 1st January is his death anniversary, and thus, dedicated to his reverence.

Unusual Customs
Don That Underwear
As unusual as it seems, in some countries, donning a particular color of underwear in New Year is said to have positive effects on people's lives. In Spain and Italy, red underclothes supposedly attract good luck. Whereas in Ecuador and Venezuela, yellow underwear does the trick. In Mexico, yellow underwear fills up the coffers with money. Venezuelans and Mexicans also believe that red underwear brings love if worn on New Year's Eve. How true these superstitions are? Well, Indulge and check.

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Choose a Color
As just seen above, according to several traditions, color plays an important part in predicting how your life will be in the coming year. In Mexico, it is believed that yellow color will bring good news and improvement related to job and career, white will bring in good health, green will bring financial stability, and of course, red stimulates love and romance. With this belief, many Mexicans, color their homes in the wishful color.

Pack the Suitcase
Ecuadorians and Venezuelans have an accepted belief that if they go around the block with a packing case at New Year's Eve midnight, they shall be blessed to embark upon the journey of their dreams in the coming year.

Call for the Hunk
Ancient New Year traditions involved Grecian maidens consuming salty eatables just before going to sleep on New Year's Eve as it was accepted that doing so would rouse dreams showing their future life partners. English maidens on the other hand would splatter egg whites on water surfaces in an attempt to see the letter formation, indicative of the initials of their future husband.

Lead Our Future
An ancient custom among the Germans which is still practiced during the New Year's Eve. As per this tradition, the family would collectively place their hand on the container holding molten lead and gently tilt the content into a tub of cold water. The shape created by the mold would foretell the family's future for the coming year. The shape of a pig would represent no dearth of food and wealth, while a boat or ocean would signify travel prospects. Ring shaped designs could lead to marriages in the family, etc.

Count Your Friends Among Broken Glass
In Denmark, it is not unusual to see doorways of houses littered with piles of broken dishes. It is an old belief that states that the number of broken dishes equals the number of friends one is blessed to have. The more friends the better, which is why people there spend all year preserving their broken dishes.

Food Traditions
New Year's traditions vary from place to place, and therefore, food traditions are bound to be different depending on the country.

In the United States, it is a common notion that 'Eat peas on New Year's day to have plenty of everything the rest of the year'. So, black-eyed peas are consumed by families all over the country. The rice and field peas concoction of Hoppin' John is also widely eaten among most Caribbean families. Similarly, the Dutch and the Danes too, believe that anything round in shape symbolizes and attracts lady luck as a circular chassis signifies life coming to a full circle. So, they have donuts and marzipan ring cakes called kransekage. The French satiate their sweet urges with ice cream log wrought pastries, while the Greeks eat spirally fried honey pastries or thiples and melt-in-the-mouth cookies called kourabiedes to their heart's content.

Pork is considered to be a mark of prosperity and thus is consumed by Philippians in the roasted form of Lechón, and Danes eat the saddle of the hog. The Danes also eat up on cabbage stews as cabbage leaves, reminiscent of green currency notes, are believed to bring in more cash in the household with the auspicious oncoming of a new year. Likewise, the Germans gorge on the lean fish of carp to stock up on the stash. They also continue eating and filling up their plates from dinnertime into the midnight as they believe that this will ensure a full larder next year.

The Spanish, Mexicans, and Ecuadorians gobble down 12 grapes with each dong of the clock indicating midnight. They believe that a wish made with each grape usually comes true. In fact so much faith do the Spaniards have on this practice that theaters actually pause movies to make way for this practice. Wine is also gulped down with the grapes to make the swallowing easier. Rice and lentils are also eaten for luck by many, especially Brazilians and Italians, for good fortune.

Alcoholic drinks are also widely shared among friends and family on New Year's Eve feast. The Spaniards indulge in pink or white sparkling native wine called cava, cider or even champagne. The Dutch too are deep drinkers and enjoy their Glühwein or mulled wine as the clock hands touch 12.

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So here I leave you to think about all these traditions and hope your New year shall be a glorious one. Among other things, as people kiss each other and travelers honk their car horn at midnight. The most important part of New Year celebrations is to be with your loved ones mentally and emotionally and thank the almighty for all the joys He has showered upon us. That is the greatest gift we already have on the day Jour des Étrennes or the day to exchange gifts.


Xmas celebration-Christmas signs is the position of Xmas celebration

To welcome new periods and as a icon of the Sun, candle lighting were being used from the forever. Initially when Candles were lighted throughout Xmas was in The capital during the event of Saturnalia. The high wax candle lighting were skilled to Saturn as a icon of his mild. christmas eve celebration With the passage of your energy and effort as the Christianity became popular, the practice of lighting candle lighting in front of the window started.

The idea was to guide the Jesus child as he shifted from home to home on Xmas. Norway still carries on the custom. Xmas candle lighting are a one most everyday sort of christmas celebration dislodge night, bring in the lighting. The Candles precisely indicate, the lord himself. Jesus is the mild of the world and when we see these Xmas candle lighting, we are advised of him.
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With Xmas carols in the air, christmas festivities, beauty and fun. christmas saying an easy home-made christmas celebrity can be completed quickly using bright red covering document, card board, scissers, adhesive, sparkle and some sequence. Attract a huge celebrity on the card board and cut it out. Make an opening on the top. Cover it with the aluminum foil or bright appearance document. Colour adhesive in any design on the celebrity and distribute the sparkle over it. Dust off the excess sparkle, when the adhesive gets dry. Connect the sequence and your celebrity is ready to be hanged anywhere you wish. Xmas wreaths created of time tested results in with extreme red ribbons bows look wonderful too along with hollies and alarms.

We beautify the houses to promote the jollity and joyful soul of the Xmas vacations. We use lighting, colors, designs, wreaths, garlands, celebrities and the Xmas shrub to add more and more beauty to the homes. The huge and magical-looking christmas signs are undoubtedly the emphasize of these designs.

Today, people keep addition to the list with fancy lighting and musical show ornaments but the ones that are unique and created by one's own hands and the most favorite ones too for they also bring the family members and friends together as we trade ideas indicating innovative and discussing. So take your blades, documents, designs, sparkles, lace and adhesive to piece out your best Xmas ever.
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Log on to christmas eve celebration that offers details information about christmas celebrities along with christmas signs on the occasion of christmas celebration


Things to Consider Before Buying Elegant Prom Dresses

Discussions about the prom dresses amongst the high school girls, start way before the actual prom night. Girls and boys prepare for months for this most captivating event of their school life. Everyone desires to be special and unique from the rest of the group. Searching for some elegant types, is one thing which you can do to look all the more glamorous. You can easily get the best ones in the bridal boutiques and the huge shopping malls, but the key is to know what you need to bedazzle everyone.
Cocktail Dress

Cocktail Dresses


First things first, hence, make your preferences clear to yourself and decide exactly which is the look that you desire to flaunt. Make a choice of whether you would want one of those elegant white dresses or those short and strapless trendy ones. Also, know whether you wish to dazzle the night with a sleek satin dress or would prefer a printed, flowing, and sassy one. It is necessary to decide this first. After the length and the style of your dress, you need to decide the fabric. Satin is always the chic fabric when in comes to these dresses. However, you can also try other fabrics like tulle, net, velvet, chiffon, etc.

Lastly, selecting the colors that accentuates your beauty is equally important. Apart from the classic black, white, and silver; you can try a variety of colors that suit you. As far as the prom 'color norms' are concerned, bright red, sparkling gold, glittering sliver, deep blue, soothing turquoise, bright orange, lime green, bubblegum pink, etc., are the trademark colors. Rather than being experimental, select the colors that make you look stunning. Once you are sure about the colors, fabric, and style, you can easily opt for the patterns which are in vogue this season.


You can try the regal corset prom dresses or experimental yet funky duct tape ones too. If you want to be unconventional, then try the ones with sleeves. They are the best idea for covering yourself, if you have a tendency to get cold with sleeveless dresses. They also are the perfect option if you are looking for the elegant plus size prom dresses. One shoulder long and short dresses are the best option if you have well-toned arms. You can modify the one shoulder dress with the gathered frills or even with pleats. You can try strapless patterns, 'just there' straps, off-shoulder straps with an A-line or flowing body, etc., depending on your choice. Always remember that the long dresses give you a matured look while the knee length, short dresses match with the youthfulness of the teenage girls. The short dresses look great on the petite girls. You can also go for the halter-neck long or short dresses, tie-back waist dresses, or the stretch-side wrap ones.

Whatever the pattern of your dress, you should think and choose the right accessories. With help of the accessories, even those simple ball gowns can be transformed into stunning and elegant designer dresses. For that, always refrain from being loaded with jewelry and get exclusive with a few well-chosen items. You can wear fingerless gloves, and either crystal drop earrings or an elegant strand of stones around your neck.

Cocktail Dresses

Keeping the aforementioned points in mind while selecting the dress, might prove beneficial. However, instead of following the fashion trend, flaunt the dresses that comfort you the best and make you look enticing than the rest.


Business Ideas for Beginners

One of the after-effects of the '2009-recession' was an increase in the number of people starting a small-scale business of their own. When people suddenly found themselves out of work in a hostile economic scenario, small self-owned businesses started mushrooming everywhere. The economy recovered slowly in 2010, but weak economic policies around the world have meant that we may see another slowdown in economy, also known as 'double-dip' recession. So, if you are someone who is equally anxious about your job, and want to do something about it, then we can tell you that starting a business of your own can be a good idea. Although, there are a lot of factors that go into making a strong business unit, determination and perseverance are some factors that determine whether you go bust or grace the covers of business magazines.

Cocktail Dresses

Labor-intensive Processes
The proportion of labor or capital required for the successful operation of a business determines whether the process is labor intensive or capital intensive. Since capital intensive processes have extensive initial capital requirements, they may not be suitable for small entrepreneurs. People who are interested in starting a business that involves generating employment, may benefit from the following business ideas:

Cleaning Service: A cleaning service is a good business proposition for a person who relishes the idea of cleaning apartments, homes and commercial establishments. Housekeeping is an art and people are typically deterred by the prospect of getting grease, tough stains and odors out of carpets, keeping their bathroom clean and eliminating odors from their refrigerator. Hence, a cleaning service can be a steady source of income assuming that there are no immediate competitors. Otherwise, one would have to spend money on advertising and this may eat into one's profits. Cleaning services can operate round the clock since residential apartments are generally cleaned during the day while commercial buildings are cleaned after office-hours. Considering that cleaning services earn popularity and goodwill through word of mouth, a job that is well done will rarely go unnoticed.

Moving Service: Inexpensive professional moving services are sought by people who are moving across town and are unable to contend with the heavy lifting that is a part and parcel of moving. This business has distinct possibilities with regard to expansion and one may very well end up becoming the proprietor of a countrywide moving service!

Solo Entrepreneurship
Solo entrepreneurship is meant for people who are not interested in employing others and would prefer going into business all by themselves. The Internet has also provided a platform for home-based business opportunities by encouraging affiliate marketing and opportunities for making money with traffic exchanges.

Consulting Business: Professionals like accountants and financial planners, who are aware of the ingredients of a good business, can make successful entrepreneurs since their services are always in demand. Financial planners and accountants need to be certified. They need extensive experience in their area of work in order to be successful and inspire confidence. A successful entrepreneur is one who strives to establish a company based on innovative ideas and proven solutions. Skilled professionals can also establish a marketing consulting firm or a software consulting business.

Internet Affiliate Marketing: Internet affiliate marketing can be a wonderful opportunity for a person who is interested in participating in an affiliate program. Affiliate programs are run by sponsors who are interested in increasing the market for their product. Leads for the sponsor can be generated by the affiliate assuming that the latter has a website that has a huge volume of traffic. Although both text links and graphic links can be used for the purpose of advertisement, the host's visibility improves if it uses text links rather than graphic links.

Making Money with Traffic Exchanges: Traffic exchange is an example of Internet home business. It works by diverting traffic to a subscriber's website provided the latter views advertisements and websites of other subscribers. A traffic exchange aids promotional advertising since one can promote as many as 10 websites in exchange for a subscription. One can easily make money using traffic exchanges even without actually owning one. For more on traffic exchange, one may refer to the article, 'making money with traffic exchanges'.

Cocktail Dresses

Hopefully, the above article would have provided valuable insight on the possibilities and opportunities that are available to skilled professionals as well as those with a knack for identifying and exploring money generating ventures.


Best Christmas Movies

Have you ordered the best Christmas movies DVDs from the local movie library to enjoy this holiday season? Go through the following article containing the list of best movies for Christmas and have a great time watching these holiday movies this season.
The best Christmas movies beat around the same rhythm, that is, sentimentality and magic of Christmas. Children love the idea of Santa Claus coming over to spread goodwill around and adults love the family bonding themes due to Christmas. Everyone enjoys watching Christmas movies that fill the heart with hope and humanity. It's holiday season and kids love watching the reruns of some of the best movies.

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10 Best Christmas Movies List
When one tries to enlist the popular Christmas movies, one can't help begin biased. I have tried to enlist my favorite Christmas movies that you too may enjoy watching this season. You can go through a list of kids movies for more choices.

It's a Wonderful Life
One cannot begin the best Christmas movies list without mentioning 'It's a Wonderful Life'. This story is about George and Mary Bailey. George Bailey is thinking of committing suicide on Christmas eve. However, his guardian angel intervenes and prevents him from doing so. The guardian angel shows George the lives he has touched and proves it to him that his life is not a failure. This Christmas movie helps one understand that each decisions we make, has an impact on our life. You got to watch this movie and know if George Bailey chose life over death on Christmas eve.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas
This is a classic tale by Dr. Seuss, with commendable, but loud performance by Jim Carrey. The story is about a bitter, foul and sourhearted Grinch who hates Christmas. He tries to steal Christmas from the residents of Whoville. But, will Grinch be successful in stealing Christmas? Grab that DVD and find out what happens next.

A Christmas Carol
This movie adapted from a book by Charles Dickens, has helped make Christmas carols so popular around the world. The story is about old Mr. Scrooge who's only aim is life is money! He has grown into an old miser, lacking the basic human emotions. He gets one chance to make amends on Christmas Eve and find out happiness can come even without money. Will Mr. Scrooge be able to find the true meaning of Christmas and bring changes in his way of life? That is for you to find out when you watch this Christmas movie.

The Polar Express
A boy who has a doubt about Santa Claus and all that Christmas is about. He gets to ride an extraordinary train to North Pole. His journey to North Pole takes him on many adventures that lead to self-realization and meaning of life. Will he be able to overcome his doubts and get into the Christmas spirit? Watch the Polar Express for a breathtaking experience about Christmas spirit.

The Santa Clause
This is a popular Christmas movie story about Scott Calvin who is divorced and is very happy to get a visit from his son Charlie for Christmas. However, one fine night he finds Santa Clause falling off his house roof. It is now up to Scott to done the red suit and become the next Santa Claus. Will Scott be able to take on the responsibility of Santa Clause, will he able to become a hero for his son? Watch and find answers in this rib tickling movie.

Jingle All the Way
This is one of the best Christmas movies by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is about a workaholic dad who does not have time for his wife and son. He thinks of mending his ways and plans to get the ultimate Christmas gift for his son, the action figure Turbo Man. What happens next is whirlwind ride and you have to watch the movie to know more.

A Christmas Story
This is a holiday classic movie that is about a nine-year-old Ralphie Parker. All he wants is an official Red Ryder carbine action 200 shot range model air rifle for Christmas. Little Ralphie manages to survive till Christmas handling the school bully on one hand and his scuffs with this younger brother. Does he get his Red Ryder? Better catch up on the movie.

Love Actually
This movie is for the romance buffs. The story is set in London about 5 weeks before Christmas. This is a story about different couples at different stages of relationship that teaches us no matter what happens, love is always around us. If you wish to enjoy different angles of love scenarios, then this hilarious Christmas comedy is a must watch.

White Christmas
Another Christmas classic, the story revolves around two World War II US Army friends. This movie will make you all warm and teary about Christmas. These two army friends manage to make it big in show business after the war. You should watch the movie and enjoy the memorable line in the end, "May your days be merry and bright; and may all your Christmases be white."

Silent Night, Deadly Night
This is a movie opposed to the feel good factor you will find in most of the best Christmas movies. If you enjoy a bit of horror, then this movie is for you. It is about a young boy who sees his parents get murdered by a man in Santa suit. He grows to become a serial killer himself. This was a kind of controversial movie and is spawned in four sequences.

Best Christmas Movies for Kids
Christmas is enjoyed the most by kids. It is holiday time and they love watching some of the best movies for kids. The following is a list of top 10 Christmas movies for kids:
•A Charlie Brown Christmas
•Home Alone
•Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
•Miracle on 34th Street
•Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
•Winnie the Pooh - A Very Merry Pooh Year
•Frosty the Snowman
•National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
•The Year Without a Santa Claus
•We're No Angels
•The Muppet Christmas Carol
•The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
•Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale
•The Nightmare Before Christmas
•Homeless for the Holidays
A Few Good Christmas Movies
Movie bluffs can never have enough of good Christmas movies. I shall enlist a few more names that you are bound to enjoy this holiday season.
•Planes, Trains and Automobiles
•National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
•Bad Santa
•I'll Be Seeing You
•The Bishop
•Remember the Night
•The Shop Around the Corner
•A Midnight Clear
•Joyeux Noël
•Batman Returns
•8 Women
•Holiday Inn
Christmas is a season of spreading joy and giving love. Families come together, past grudges forgotten. You can keep a box of tissues handy and bring home a tub of hot popcorn and enjoy these warm and magical Christmas movies with your family.

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