
Tips for Wedding Preparation

Wedding is always supposed to be gorgeous, memorable and all-out romantic. We dream of the day to make most solemn pledge we make in our lifetimes. Walking down the aisle with our soul mates is really amazing. But before this beautiful moment falls on us, we are doomed to be indulged in the mammoth task of wedding preparation. Several busy and stressful months are inevitable. You should know some tips to prepare your wedding to help you out. Now I'll give you some extremely important tips for wedding preparation.
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Three "W"s
When would you like to hold your wedding? Where will you celebrate your wedding? What kind of reception party you are going to hold? These three aspects are all linked with one another. Once the time you decide, you should send invitation to your relatives and friends in advance so that they can make arrangement according to your plan. The reception party is a place which your guests will celebrate your new life with your soul mate. The place which you hold your wedding decides the wedding dress the bride will wear on that day. These three aspects are the first and foremost things you should take into consideration.

Making a budget
We often say that money is not almighty but we cannot live without money in our life. As a matter of fact, wedding is a money-consuming event. You should pay for reception party, wedding dresses, bridesmaid dress, and wedding photography and so on. The money has the initial and final power to every detail of your wedding. How many guests you would invite? What kind of restaurant you would order? A word more, you are strongly recommended that allocate 25% extra funds to your budget for unexpected use.

Booking and shopping
Wedding preparation involves many reservations. Selecting a venue for wedding, choosing a catering restaurant, and hiring a photographer etc should be prepared six months ahead. Apart from wedding dress, you also should buy bridesmaid dress, attire for your mother, and the dress for flower girls and wedding jewelry and gifts. It takes a considerable period of time for shopping.
So begin to do these three months ahead your wedding.
If you think, you need only invite the friends and relatives to your party, it is totally wrong. You should decide the officiator, the chief witness and bridesmaid, the best man and flower girl and boy. Send your invitations six months in advance.
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Making a checklist
Wedding preparation is a time-consuming as well as energy consuming event. You should make many decisions, bookings and shopping. It is easy to get confused and exhausted. Making a checklist can ensure everything is in order and help you manage your time and money. Believe it or not, a checklist can make great contribution to the celebration on your big day.

Now you may be clear about the main concerns for wedding preparation. Of course, you also should be prepared mentally. Anxiety and excitement are the companions of both brides and bridegrooms. You should know to adjust your emotions. Wedding preparation should be the most fruitful, enjoyable thing for you if you follow some useful advice. It's an unforgettable memory for you

