
Understanding Sensory Adaptation with Examples

Sensory adaptation refers to the way a human body reacts and adjusts to constant stimuli by using diminished sensitivity. In this article, we will look at why this phenomenon occurs, its function and significance, and a few examples to help understand it better.
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Sensory adaptation example
Did You Know?
Large type 1 nerve cells used for the sense of touch show sensory adaptation, but the smaller type 4 nerve cells used for sensing pain do not. Therefore, pain stays for a long period of time, while the sense of touch loses sensitivity if stimuli in the surroundings remain constant.
Sensory adaptation, also known as neural adaptation, is defined as the diminished sensitivity to a stimulus as a consequence of constant exposure to that stimulus. It can be explained as the reaction of the brain cells which fire whenever the sensory organs of the body pick up a new stimulus. However, if the stimulus does not change in the environment, sensory adaptation occurs, and the firing of the brain cells reduces significantly in response. This means that, eventually, the person changes his/her level of sensitivity, and stops paying attention to the unchanged stimulus. Let's look at why sensory adaptation is so important.

Function of Sensory Adaptation
Sensory adaptation occurs both, in the short term and long term. The changes in the muscles of the legs and arms when walking on different types of terrain is an example of short-term sensory adaptation. Breathing movements by the lungs are also affected by sensory adaptation. This allows us to put aside the unpleasant or repetitive environment, and focus on a task that we desire to work on. Thus, sensory adaptation is an essential part of every person's daily life, and is important in terms of evolution, by developing beneficial characteristics and passing these genes on to the next generation.

Sensory Adaptation in Psychology
In cognitive neuropsychology, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an important tool for researchers to investigate short-term interference on neural processing. The result of these studies shows that the visual cortex of a person is influenced by TMS; they can see flashes of colorless light. However, when the TMS was used to constantly stimulate the brain into viewing flashes of light of a particular color, sensory adaptation occurred. So, when the original stimulus was used, the flashes of light now came in the same color as the constant stimulation.

Examples of Neural Adaptation
Sound Sensory Adaptation: If a person is sitting in a room with an air conditioner that is constantly noisy, at first, the sound is very annoying. However, after a period of around one hour, the person does not notice the sound anymore, and seems to have completely forgotten about it.

If a person lives in a home next to a busy road, over time, he gets used to the constant sound of traffic. In fact, if such a person moves to a quieter locale, the new silence might be distracting, and he might miss the familiar traffic noises.

Smell Sensory Adaptation: People who are regular smokers do not seem to notice the odor of cigarette smoke, because constant exposure to this stimulus makes them get used to it. This odor can be quite distracting to any non-smoker in the vicinity.

If a person wears a strong perfume, eventually, he will forget about the smell and will not notice it at all. However, any other person who comes close by will find the scent overpowering.

Touch Sensory Adaptation: If a person wears a watch or some jewelry, initially, he will feel the accessory against the skin. However, within a few minutes, the person will not notice this sensation, as the skin begins sensory adaptation. If the person purposefully changes the position of the watch, the sense of touch will become active again for a short while, before the repeat of sensory adaptation.

If a person is sitting on a chair with his arms on the armrests, the sense of touch on the arms activates instantly. However, over a period of time, the sensation gradually reduces, until it isn't noticeable at all.

The phenomenon of neural adaptation is also seen in sessions of resistance training, where after a first few intense workouts, the muscles get used to the strain it has been subjected to, which leads to increase in strength, without any increase in the size.

Sight Sensory Adaptation: In our day-to-day lives, it is extremely rare for a person to look at a single unchanging place or object constantly, which means that, the chances of visual sensory adaptation occurring is very low. However, under a controlled environment, the sense of visual perception fades, and a person exposed to a constant visual stimulus shows reduction of response in the brain cells as compared to the initial stages, which leads to effects such as afterimages or motion aftereffects.

A good example of visual sensory adaptation can be seen, when a person who has been in a dark room comes out into a brightly-lit area. Initially, the brightness might feel discomforting, but with time, the eyes adapt with changes in the size of the pupil, and the bright light does not hurt the eyes anymore despite the brightness being of the same intensity.

Taste Sensory Adaptation: A meal is considered to be good or great only when the flavors are of different kinds. This kind of food excites the nerve cells, and get a strong response from the brain. However, if a person eats some food which is monotone in flavor, in a few minutes, the sense of taste loses its sensitivity, and the person may find it difficult to recognize the flavor even if it is strong, making the food unappetizing.

Sensory Adaptation vs. Habituation
Because they are so similar, sensory adaptation and habituation are often mistaken to be the same thing. However, here are a few fundamental differences:

Neural adaptation is physiological, while habituation is attentional in nature.
Sensory adaptation is not voluntary, while a person has at least a small degree of control over whether a stimulus is noticed or not, i.e., if a person has adapted to the taste of something, they cannot force themselves to taste the flavor.
While the strength of a neural adaptation is directly related to the intensity of the stimulus, this is not true for habituation.
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The functions of the brain regarding sensory adaption are still largely unexplored. However, new research is bringing hope to improve medical and rehab techniques, especially for people who may have suffered some sort of damage to the brain, which can lead to great advances in understanding human physiology as well.


Explanation of the Pygmalion Effect with Examples

Pygmalion effect is a self-fulfilling prophecy about how ours and mostly other people's thoughts and actions towards us, influences our productivity. Following are some examples of the Pygmalion effect.
Meaning of Pygmalion effect with examples
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The Pygmalion Effect
The difference between a flower girl and a lady is not in the way she acts, but in the ways she is treated.
― Eliza Doolittle, My Fair Lady
Pygmalion in Ovid's Metamorphoses (Book X) was a sculptor in Cyprus. He carved himself a woman who was an epitome of beauty, and he called her Galatea. Impressed by his love, belief, and devotion towards this ivory sculpture, Aphrodite brought her to life.

In George Bernard Shaw's play, Pygmalion, Colonel Pickering (linguist of Indian dialects) bets Professor Higgins (phonetics scientist) to turn a cockney-speaking flower girl (Eliza Doolittle) into a poised and well-spoken lady. With great perseverance, Eliza passes the test and fools many people into believing that she was a blue-blooded Duchess.

In both cases, the exterior forces played a key role. Expectations and belief of both the male protagonists, Pygmalion and Higgins, played a key role in Galatea and Eliza's transformation.

Robert Rosenthal, a psychologist, sets out to prove his belief about his research. Research and hard work of the psychologist gave his study another name―the Rosenthal effect. He believed,
When we expect certain behavior of others, we are likely to act in ways that make the expected behavior more likely to occur.

Original Experiment
Rosenthal experimented with some rats. He took a few random sample rats, gave them to the first group of students, and informed them that the rats were selected and could show results in navigating their way across the maze.

A few other rats were given to the second group of students. He informed them that these were ordinary rats who might have trouble performing in the maze. Some of the students from the second group showed sympathy, warmth, and encouragement towards their rodents, while some of them doubted and even neglected the rats that were given to them.

After a few days, when the experiment commenced, the rats confirmed Rosenthal's predictions. He had predicted that those rats which received encouragement rose up to their expectation and performed well in the maze, while those who were neglected, did not.

Likewise, experiments on humans were conducted in a school, which led to similar results.

People are significantly influenced by the expectations that are built upon them.

In other words, those who are expected to do well, live up to those expectations. On the other hand, those who are not expected to do so, live up to those expectations.

Pygmalion Effect in the Workplace
Managers, superiors, or bosses play an important role in influencing the work output of their employees. By motivating, encouraging, and expecting better from their juniors, they can improve the productivity.

For example, if an employee is truly capable, but is not reaching his/her true potential, a little encouragement from his boss or management can make the employee feel valued, comforted, trusted, and safe. Here, the boss plays the role of Pygmalion and puts forward a path for the employee, which is both ambitious as well as realistic; the employee begins to develop a positive behavior towards his reinforcement, and he will do as expected or even better than imagined.

Pygmalion Effect at School
When Rosenthal conducted an experiment at school, he gave the teacher names of some random students. The teacher was informed that those students were showing potential for growth. A couple of months later, when all the students were tested, these select students showed better scores than the rest.

"If you think your students can't achieve very much, are not too bright, you may be inclined to teach simple stuff, do lots of drills, read from your notes, give simple assignments calling for simplistic answers."
― Rhem, 1999

Self-fulfilling Prophecy
We see ourselves through others' perspective. A person who is believed to be worthless has a negative perception about himself. He will not apply himself to his true potential. In fact, he will live in the limited parameters that he and others have built for him. But, if he is trusted with some responsibility, faith, and positive encouragement, he will begin breaking out of those walls and see himself under a perspective. He will also begin to apply himself and will be able to achieve the goals that have been set.
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We have often witnessed this effect in our daily lives as well as in the movies. A coach goes to a great extent to encourage his player; similarly, we have seen many parents motivating or demotivating their children. Pygmalion effect or the Rosenthal effect works in a vicious cycle. Our self-image influences our actions towards others, which impacts how others feel about us. This causes or influences their behavior towards us, which reinforces our self-image, thus, fulfilling the self-fulfilling prophecy.


14 Gorgeous Hairstyles that Go with One-shoulder Dresses

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A one-shoulder dress is always complemented by a perfect and simple hairstyle. If you're searching for an elegant, fuss-free hairstyle to match your attire, we have fleshed out 14 best hairstyles that will rock a one-shoulder dress.
Hairstyle that goes with one-shoulder dress
Tips on Dressing Right!
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Choose simple jewelry to go with the dress. Avoid necklaces so that you can flaunt your neckline. Let your dress do all the talking!
While choosing a hairstyle, do consider the back of your dress.

When women choose to dress for a special occasion, they have to consider many other details to achieve the desired look. The type of event or the weather conditions influence their choice of attire. But what counts is choosing something that will make her stand out. A one-shoulder dress, suitable for both day and night, will surely get her noticed! A one-shoulder dress is just the dress to achieve a combination of class and style, there is nothing more chic than the flash of a little tanned skin. These dresses can be both formal and informal, and you can choose from different styles and prints to go with your style.

Now what you need to ensure is you use the right style elements to complement your one-shoulder dress. The accessories and hairstyle that you opt for play a crucial role in deciding your overall look. Here, we take to discussing the perfect hairstyle that will complement your dress, which will make you look fabulous in every sense.

Hairstyles Ideas for One-shoulder Dresses

updo for one-shoulder dress
loose bun for one-shoulder dress

☆ So that your one-shoulder gown stands out, wear a hairstyle that's anchored on one side; the side opposite to the gown's strap. Your option in this case would be a off-center chignon that is either firmly fixed to one side or slightly loose. You can go for thick sweeping bangs or flicks on your forehead too. You can also use sparkling accessories to complete the look.

bun for one-shoulder dress

☆ Another option on hand is to go in for a lower bun, while maintaining asymmetry. This look too keeps up the elegance that's desired.

neat bun for one-shoulder dress

☆ A perfect pairing that will go with a one-shoulder dress is the understated bun that oozes sophistication. If you feel that the hairstyle looks underplayed, you can always step up the bling factor by opting for a delicate tiara.

out of the bed look for one-shoulder dress

☆ Another way to complement your one-shoulder attire is to mix drama with softness―we are talking about a messy, out-of-the-bed updo as shown in the image above―enough to hold on to people's attention for long!

curly and short hair look for one-shoulder dress

☆ So what if you have short curly hair? Show off your super-curly locks with a one-shoulder gown. Neither of them overshadow each other, and you'll rock for sure. Two words that come to mind: intricate and simple.

loose waves look for one-shoulder dress

☆ Voluminous waves - check. Hair tucked on one side - check. Done! It's as simple as that! Your one-shoulder dress is bound to steal all the attention, plus this easy and relaxed hairstyle plays up one's natural beauty. Ooh la la!

delicate updo for one-shoulder dress
intricate bun for one-shoulder dress

☆ Both the images displayed above show updos with intricate spirals and curls that frame up a romantic look. The curls can begin from the crown of the head or from the middle. If you notice closely, the curls are so artfully pinned! We have just two words to ably describe this look - vintage and sultry!

ponytail for one-shoulder dress
simple ponytail for one-shoulder dress

☆ Want to be different yet play it simple? A long, sexy, glamorous ponytail is the answer. Be it a kaftan or cocktail dress as shown above, the look can be pulled off with great élan.

bob style one-shoulder dress
pixie look for one-shoulder dress

☆ A 'Victoria Beckham' inverted bob will always pull it off for you! Oh well, the pixie short crop isn't gonna be far too behind. Bob or pixie, you'll never go wrong!

fishtail braid look for one-shoulder dress
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☆ Confident, playful, and undeniably romantic, a fishtail braid will work well for a one-shoulder outfit. Need we describe more?


28 Amazing Blue-colored Animals

The color blue is fairly common and can be observed all around us. But talk about its presence in the animal kingdom, and we can think of only a few examples. Yet, there are many blue-colored animals, and we, in this article, have listed out many of them along with their pictures.
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Blue colored animals
Did You Know?
The blue color of most birds and animals is a result of different pigmentation, but unlike the majority, the blue jay bird gets its color because of light interference caused by the natural, internal structure of the feathers. If a blue feather is destroyed, the blue fades or disappears because of the disturbance in the structure (structural coloration).
Blue has always been a striking color, a quick glance towards the blue sky is enough to soothe your eyes. Moreover, the vast blue-gray oceans and seas lend our Earth the sobriquet of the 'Blue planet'. The color blue looks truly splendid when seen in nature.

Though abundant in nature, blue is a rare occurrence in the animal kingdom. Sometimes, the color "blue" may also refer to gray, when a coat color is being described, especially in dogs, cats, or horses. But, there are some animals which are truly blue.

Mention blue and animals, and the blue whale comes to mind, the largest mammal on Earth. But, there are many many more. Some of them may be very common but some are quite rare. Nonetheless, all are beautiful! We have tried to list out some of them.

The animals mentioned below are listed according to their species and habitat―ocean animals, birds, and others (a mix of all different animals).

List of Blue-colored Ocean Animals

Blue-colored animals Starfish
Blue Starfish
This starfish is commonly found in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and the waters near Indonesia. It has a dark or light blue color and some may have spots on the body. It can be found near coral reefs or sometimes on soft sand.

➨ Interesting Fact: Unfortunately, these beautiful sea stars are very easy to collect. People take collect them, dry them, and use or sell them as ornaments.
Blue-colored animals blue tang
Blue Tang
This Indo-Pacific surgeonfish is known by many names like the regal tang, palette surgeonfish, or flagtail surgeonfish. It is well-known among the aquarium-lovers, in spite of not being a sturdy fish. This fish helps coral growth by clearing algae around it.

➨ Interesting Fact: Blue tangs have an ability to make themselves semi-transparent if they are threatened or exposed to dark areas.

Blue-colored rare animals lobster
Blue lobster
This is a very rare blue animal, because it is estimated that one in 2 million lobsters are blue. It is a mutant or variant of the American lobster, which is the heaviest crustacean in the world. There have been other color variations too.

➨ Interesting Fact: Recently, in August 2014, a blue lobster was caught in Maine. It was donated to the local aquarium where they have 3 other blue lobsters.
Blue-colored animals humphead wrasse
Humphead Wrasse
This huge (males can grow up to max 6-ft) fish is the largest in its family and is also known as the Napoleonfish. They are found near coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific waters. Juveniles are red-orange, but the adults are bluish-green.

➨ Interesting Fact: These gentle giants live a long life, females live up to 50 years and males live up to 45 years. Unfortunately, they have a slow breeding rate.

Blue-colored animals octopus
Blue-ringed Octopus
These species live in tide pools and reefs of the Indo-Pacific waters. They have a yellowish skin with bright blue rings. They are docile, but can bite if provoked. The bite is highly poisonous, and there is no antivenom available yet.

➨ Interesting Fact: This is one of the deadliest marine animals. In spite of the small size, its venom is powerful enough to kill 26 humans within minutes.
Blue-colored animals puffer fish
Blue Spotted Pufferfish
These beautiful Pufferfish belong to the genus "Canthigaster". All the members are known as sharp-nosed or Tobies. They lack pelvic fins, hence have adapted to move around with pectoral fins.

➨ Interesting Fact: These are kept as pets by many aquarium enthusiasts. They need an fish-only tank, because they might eat the invertebrates in a reef tank.

Blue-colored animals ribbon eel
Ribbon Eel
This is a species of moray eel and resembles a Chinese dragon because of its thin body and high dorsal fins. It is found in the Indo-Pacific ocean and is recognized because of its expanded anterior nostrils. The juveniles are black with a yellow fin, and the females are yellow with a black anal fin. The adult males have a blue and yellow color.

➨ Interesting Fact: The ribbon eel is the only Moray eel that has male organs in its initial years and then has female sexual organs.
Blue-colored animals crab
Blue Crab
This type of crab is native to the western Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Males and females can be distinguished by the shape of their abdomen and the red-colored claw tips of the female. The blue color is a result of pigmentation, which breaks down after cooking. They turn red or pink on being cooked. These feed on small fish and plants too.

➨ Interesting Fact: Louisiana harvests almost 22% of the nation's blue crab. It has kept a steady harvest since 1990, after Maryland started having problems with harvesting.

Blue-colored Birds

Blue-colored animals hyacinth macaw
Hyacinth Macaw
This beautiful, blue bird is the largest macaw and the largest flying parrot. It should not be confused with Lear's macaw, because the latter is smaller in size. These birds are fast becoming rare due to rampant pet trade. They are recognized as "Vulnerable" by the IUCN. It has a small range in the wild, and they are popularly kept as pets.

➨ Interesting Fact: The toucan is a predator of the Hyacinth macaw, but sadly the latter is dependent on the first. The manduvi tree is needed for reproduction, and the seeds are spread by the predators.
Blue-colored animal peacock
The peafowl, the male bird of the peacock species, has a long tail, which amounts to almost 60% of its total body length. The female, or peahen, has no tail. The blue/Indian peafowl is native to the Indian subcontinent. The tail has beautiful eye-spotted designs which are judged by the females during courtship. The peacocks are said to be polygamous and will mate with many females.

➨ Interesting Fact: Peacocks have thorn-like structures on their legs. These are useful only in territorial fights.

Blue-colored animals blue dacnis
Blue Dacnis
This small blue bird has a huge range from Panama to northern Argentina. It has an alternative name "turquoise honeycreeper", but it is not a honeycreeper. They can be distinguished because of their long bills. Blue dacnises feed on insects, flowers, and fruits.

➨ Interesting Fact: In spite of the name, only the adult males are turquoise blue in color. The adult females and juveniles are green in color with a blue head.
Blue-colored animals honeycreeper bird
Purple Honeycreeper
The bird is characterized by its long, decurved, black bill. The male has a purple color, and the juveniles and females have a greenish color. They all have bright yellow legs but they can turn pale in captivity. It flies in small groups and feeds on nectar, berries, and insects.

➨ Interesting Fact: These small birds are very bold, which can be seen when they try to scare away their predator (mobbing), the Ferruginous pygmy owl.

Blue-colored animals blue tit
Eurasian Blue Tit
This small birds are yellowish when young, and turn blue as adults. The yellow-green color of the abdomen is due to feeding on many yellow-green caterpillars! They are found in many forests and have the ability to hang upside down for finding food.

➨ Interesting Fact: The male and the female look almost the same. But, when seen under ultraviolet rays, a brighter blue crown is seen in males.
Blue-colored animalsblue bird
Mountain bluebird
The dark blue color is for the males, while the females have a paler blue color. These birds are found all over North America. They fly in flocks in winter and feed on insects, berries, worms, and peanuts. They are monogamous in nature.

➨ Interesting Fact: This bird is a relative of the Eastern and Western Bluebirds and is the state bird of Nevada and Idaho.

Blue-colored animals kingfisher
Common Kingfisher
This small kingfisher has 7 subspecies, spread all round its range in Eurasia and North Africa. It has a short tail and has beautiful feathers. It feeds by diving in the water. It has special visual adaptations that help it to spot its prey underwater.

➨ Interesting Fact: This bird normally keeps regurgitating pellets of fish bones and other undigested remains, a few times every day.
Blue-colored animal jay
Blue Jay
This is a bird found in North America and is recognized by its blue wings and a white chest. Both the male and female look similar. They feed on nuts, corn, and insects. They are very territorial and can turn aggressive if provoked.

➨ Interesting Fact: The blue jay is a very noisy bird, and it will scream to chase away its predators. This warns other small birds, which saves them.

Blue-colored animals starling
Blue Starling
There are two subspecies, viz., lesser blue-eared and greater blue-eared starling. They are seen commonly in their range in parts of eastern and southern Africa. Both the male and the female have a similar color, but the juveniles have a slightly dull color.

➨ Interesting Fact: In some conditions, the starling bird nests may have eggs of the great spotted cuckoo or the greater honeyguide.

Other Blue-colored Animals

Blue-colored animals butterfly
Ulysses butterfly
These are commonly seen on pink flowered Doughwood trees in many parts of Australasia, because they feed and breed there. The downsides of the blue wings are brown, so when it is sitting still, all you see is brown. The caterpillars are green in color and feed on leaves.

➨ Interesting Fact: The male butterflies get attracted to all things blue, mostly just because they think that they are females.
Blue-colored animal sea slug
Hypselodoris infucata
This is a colorful species of a sea slug. It is found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean. It is a marine mollusk which sheds its shell after the larval stage. It mostly feeds on sponge. Its distribution is large because it is found in almost all seas.

➨ Interesting Fact: They have colorful bodies without shells. Their bodies warn the predators that they are distasteful or poisonous.

Blue-colored animal dyeing frog
Dyeing Dart Frog
This species of frog is found in Brazil, Guyana, and French Guiana. The poison produced in the skin is used as a self-defense and is highly toxic. It is the largest among all the poison dart frogs. The females are larger than the males and have arched backs.

➨ Interesting Fact: The local tribes pluck feathers from a small portion on the back of young parrots, then these frogs are rubbed on the parrot's bare back. The toxin in the frog causes the feathers to grow yellow or red, and not the usual green.
Blue-colored animal poison dart
Blue Poison Dart Frog
The controversy surrounding this frog is about whether it is a morph or a different species. However, it is blue and beautiful! As the name suggests, it is very poisonous and can paralyze or kill a predator. It has a hunchback posture and every individual has a different pattern of black spots.

➨ Interesting Fact: The toxicity of these frogs is dependent on its diet. Hence, when they are kept in captivity, they tend to lose their toxicity because of a restricted diet.

Blue-colored animals steelblue ladybird
Steelblue Ladybird
This is a small, round, ladybird which has a beautiful blue-green color. It is known to eat a lot in the larval stage. It is native to Australia and feeds on aphids, mites, and other small insects. It has a hard wing-cover which hides the antenna and legs, and protects it from ants.

➨ Interesting Fact: These small insects were introduced to New Zealand specially to control the pests on citrus trees. It helps in keeping roses and other ornamentals safe too.
Blue-colored animal blue dasher
Blue Dasher
The blue color of this dragonfly is restricted to the adult males. The females and juveniles have yellow stripes on a darker-colored body. It is found all over the United States and in some parts of Canada. It is found near water bodies, because the females lay eggs there.

➨ Interesting Fact: This dragonfly has only one defense mechanism, it flying speed. It can fly at a speed of 18 - 35 mph.
Blue-colored animals agama
Blue-headed Agama
These lizards have been found in many different habitats, from savannah to forests. They live in colonies where there is an alpha male who rules over all the subordinate males and females. It is a semi-arboreal and diurnal lizard.

➨ Interesting Fact: The blue-head is restricted to the males. Also, it displays the color mostly while feeding, when it's hot, or during the breeding season.
Blue-colored animal jay
Carpathian Blue Slug
It is a large, terrestrial slug that is found in the Carpathian Mountains of Eastern Europe. The males and the females look similar, but the juveniles have a pale yellow to brown color. The juveniles have been observed to hibernate.

➨ Interesting Fact: The male and the female mate in the soil and almost 30 - 80 eggs are laid in a clutch. The adults die after the egg deposition.

Blue-colored animals damselfly
Blue Damselfly
Damselfly is not a dragonfly but similar to it. The blue damselfly is found near rivers and ponds, all around Europe. It has a beautiful coloration of blue and black. The males and the females are often seen mating over water bodies, and the larvae live and feed in the water.

➨ Interesting Fact: This damselfly is very similar to the Azure Damselfly, but the former has a brighter and more blue color than the latter.
Blue-colored animal iguana
Blue Iguana
This is one of the largest lizards and is found only on the Grand Cayman island. It is highly endangered and prefers rocky areas in dry forests. Being a herbivore, it feeds mainly on leaves, fruits, and other vegetation. The male is blue, but the female is olive green.

➨ Interesting Fact: This large lizard has the ability to detect UV rays, which helps it to absorb enough amount of UVA and UVB to produce vitamin D.

Blue-colored animals snake
Bluestripe Garter Snake
These are quite common in Florida and are seen anywhere, because they are active during the day. They feed on worms, frogs, and fish. It is a terrestrial snake and also is a great swimmer. They have small amounts of venom which is not harmful to humans.
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➨ Interesting Fact: The beautiful Bluestripe garter snake is a subspecies of the Common Garter, and is found only in Florida and nowhere else.


How Was the Lunar Maria Formed?

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Lunar maria (plural for mare) are smooth and dark basaltic plains on the Moon's surface resulting from lava flows that fill the crater-like basins. This write-up discusses the formation of the lunar maria.
Formation of Lunar maria
Did You Know?
In 1969, the spaceflight, Apollo 11, that assisted the first humans to descend on the Moon, landed in a minor lunar mare, Mare Tranquillitatis, the Sea of Tranquility.
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Lunar maria are smooth volcanic plains on the surface of the Moon. In Latin, the word Maria means seas, and the lunar maria were named as such due to their sea-like appearance. However, although they appear like a watery surface, they are just dark-colored rocks. These dark regions are made up of basalt, which is a type of igneous rock. The maria cover around 17% of the Moon's surface. They contain features like pits and channels. They are less reflective than the highlands, which are the lighter spots on the Moon, due to the high iron content in the area. Hence, they appear dark to us.

The maria cover different parts on the Moon. They are distributed across the Moon's surface in the near and far side. The near side is the part of the Moon that faces towards us and is visible from Earth, while the far side of the Moon is the part that is not visible from the Earth.

The lunar near side include Mare Imbrium, Mare Humorum, Mare Nubium, Mare Frigoris, Mare Serenitatis, Mare Vaporum, Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Crisium, Mare Anguis, Mare Undarum, Mare Fecunditatis, Mare Nectaris, Mare Cognitum, Mare Insularum, Mare Marginis, Mare Smythii, Mare Orientale, Mare Spumans, Mare Humboldtianum, and Oceanus Procellarum. The lunar maria in the far side of the Moon include Mare Moscoviense and Mare Ingenii. The Mare Australe is located in the overlapping region of the near side and far side of the Moon.

Formation of Lunar Maria

Lunar Maria
Lunar Maria

✦ The Moon has many number of craters (circular depressions in the surface of a planet or Moon) and large flat maria on its surface. At the period of formation of the solar system, there were many materials left over, mostly in the gaseous state or in the form of dust or small and large bodies such as asteroids, meteorites, and comets. It is said that these materials collided with the Moon, thus leading to the formation of basins and craters. These craters measure up to many hundreds of kilometers.

✦ Due to the Moon having no atmosphere, it has no protection from being bombarded by the bodies. Hence, the Moon's temperature is hotter than the Earth as it absorbs more light and heat rather than reflecting it, unlike the Earth. Additionally, there are no erosions and geological changes to wear away these craters.

✦ The lunar maria were formed in the period between 3.9 to 4.5 billion years ago, as measured by radiometric dating, when a long sequence of volcanic eruptions took place on the Moon. Volcanic substances came out from the Moon's interior and flew to the surface through cracks in the lunar surface, which were formed during the bombardment. These lava flows flooded and covered many craters in their path, thus forming the lunar maria. For this reason, the number of craters in the lunar maria are fewer than other places on the Moon. The size of the largest lunar maria is over 1,000 km across. The composition of the lunar maria comprise igneous rocks called basalts that are formed when the lava gets cooled and solidified on the surface.

Lunar Maria Distribution

✦ Most of the maria are formed on the near side of the Moon, while very few are formed on the far side. The reason for this is still unclear. An explanation states that the crust is thicker on the far side, and so the volcanic materials easily rose up on the near side due to the thinner crust in comparison to the far side. Hence, there would be fewer maria on the far side, as we observe.

✦ However, another theory contradictorily states that the thinnest crust on the Moon is present on the far side, thus suggesting the case just opposite to the previous explanation. But, what we observe is that there are more maria on the near side. Thus, the idea failed to explain the distribution of maria on the near and far sides.

✦ Yet another theory was that more radioactive materials are present in the interior on the near side than on the far side. This does not explain the distribution because the bombardment that formed the Moon would have most likely led to an equal mixing of all materials.
Prom Dresses
The lunar maria also include one oceanus (ocean) along with features known as lacus (lake), palus (marsh), and sinus (bay).


History and Symbolism of the Nicaraguan Flag

Prom Dresses
The Nicaraguan flag has been greatly inspired from the flag of the former Federal Republic of Central America. Buzzle brings to you more about the history and symbolism of the national flag of this Central American country.
Prom Dresses
Did You Know?
With Spanish being the primary language spoken, Miskito, Sumo, Rama, and Garifuna are some native languages in Nicaragua.

Nicaragua. Where on Earth does this place exist? Many people may not be able to point out or even make a guess about its location. If some of you remember the term 'isthmus', this is one of the few countries to be dwelling on an isthmus.

It is an otherwise small, but the largest of the countries on the isthmus connecting the two huge continents of North and South America. Yes, you are right! Nicaragua is a part of Central America. With a population of little over six million, it has a multiethnic nation, including Africans, Europeans, Asians, people from the Middle East, and the indigenous tribes of the Mosquito (or Miskito) coast. The national flag of this multicultural nation combines various natural and human aspects of local geography.

History of the Nicaraguan Flag

The flag seen today is very similar to the flag of the Federal Republic of Central America or the United Provinces of Central America, of which Nicaragua was earlier a member state. This federation was the first united sovereign state in Central America, which existed from the years 1821 to 1841. It was a union including Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua; all territories of the former kingdom of Guatemala. Nicaragua gained independence from Spain in 1821. This is when it joined the United Provinces. However, the federation dissolved in 1838, leaving Nicaragua and all other states as independent entities.

In the year 1908, Nicaragua decided to adopt the same emblems as used by the United Provinces, which is interpreted as its willingness towards the rebirth of a united political entity comprising these five states. The flag of Nicaragua was adopted in August 1971. It maintains a 3:5 proportion. A triband flashing its official blue color, it centers the Coat of Arms on the white band.

Meaning and Symbolism of the Nicaraguan Flag

The flag of Nicaragua has three horizontal bands of equal width in the country's national colors of white and blue. The blue bands at the top and the base of the flag represent the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Nicaragua is flanked by the Pacific Ocean on its west, and the Caribbean Sea on its east. So, the white band in between the blue stands for this land in between these two water bodies.

Coat of Arms
The coat of arms of an organization, or a country, serves as its official emblem, that summarizes the essence of the country's history and culture. On a flag, it often gives a glimpse of the important historical events and ideals laid out for itself by a nation.

The coat of arms on the Nicaraguan flag was originally adopted in 1823 as the coat of arms of Central America. It has undergone major alterations thereafter, until the more recent version adopted in 1971. In the Nicaraguan flag, the placement of other symbolic icons inside a triangle have been borrowed from the coat of arms of the Federal Republic of Central America.

REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA is written over the triangle. This is the official name of the Republic of Nicaragua in Spanish.

AMERICA CENTRAL encircles the base of the triangle, reminiscent of the former United Provinces of Central America.

Signifying the coat of arms as a unified motto, the shape of a triangle indicates the value of equality.

Five mountains seen near the base of the triangle represent the original five member states of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.

Phrygian Cap
The red little symbol at the center of the triangular emblem is the Phrygian cap. It is a conical-shaped soft cap, with its tapering top twisted and pulled forward. It belongs to the settlers of Anatolia (Turkey). However, in early modern times, it accidentally became the symbol of liberty and freedom in Europe, as was confused with the cap of emancipated slaves (the pileus). Hence, it is known as the 'liberty cap' too. The Phrygian cap represents national freedom.

Sunshine and Rainbow
Surrounding the Phrygian cap are bright yellow rays moving out from the center. They cover the upper part of the triangle, depicting a sunrise on the land among waters. This typifies the bright, hopeful, and promising future of the nation.
Prom Dresses
A uniqueness of the Nicaraguan flag lies in its display of the rainbow. Along with all other colors, the arc with the violet color makes it the only flag (of a sovereign nation) to have violet color. The rainbow also stands for a brightened future.


Examples of Vignettes in Literature

A vignette is a short, descriptive piece of writing in literature, or a brief scene in a play or movie. In this article, let us look at its meaning, a few literary examples, along with some good tips on writing a great vignette.
Concept of vignettes in literature
Prom Dresses
Prom Dresses
Did You Know?
The pictorial part of a postage stamp, a picture which fades off gradually into the surrounding paper, and small decorative designs or pictures placed at the beginning or end of the chapter of a book, are all also called vignettes.
The term vignette can be defined as a short literary sketch. The word originates from the French word 'vigne', which means 'little vine', as in a short description of an object or scene. An ideal vignette is supposed to be short, to the point, and should bring out the emotions of the writer. It normally appears as a stand-alone piece of literature, or as a part of long stories or stage plays.

The vignette's primary purpose is to express and vividly describe a place, emotion, setting, person, or object, in short. Typically, it is around 800 - 1,000 words, but in some cases it can be under 500 words or even shorter, especially if it is a vignette poem. It will describe 1 or 2 scenes about a person, object, place, etc. One can also write the piece from many different points of view, although most will use just one as words are limited.

Vignette Examples in Literature
The House on Mango Street
This is a great collection of vignettes created by Sandra Cisneros, who writes about the life of a little girl who lives in Chicago.

Vignette Snippet: 'They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real house that would be ours for always so we wouldn't have to move each year. And our house would have running water and pipes that worked. And inside it would have real stairs, not hallway stairs, but stairs inside like the houses on TV. And we'd have a basement and at least three washrooms so that when we took a bath we wouldn't have to tell everybody. Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. this was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed.'

Murder in the Dark
This is a great collection of all the vignettes written by author and poet Margaret Atwood. A rather dark look on everyday life.

Vignette Snippet: 'Now you see rows of them, marching, marching; yours is the street-level view, because you are lying down. Power is the power to smash, two hold your legs, two your arms, the fifth shoves a pointed instrument into you; a bayonet, the neck of a broken bottle, and it's not even wartime, this is a park, with a children's playground, tiny red and yellow horses, it's daytime, men and women stare at you out of their closed car windows. Later the policeman will ask you what you did to provoke this. Boots were not such a bright idea after all.'

Sketches by Boz
Charles Dickens used many vignettes in this book, which explores various locales and the varied strata of the population in London.

Vignette Snippet: 'See him again on Sunday in his state-coat and cocked-hat, with a large-headed staff for show in his left hand, and a small cane for use in his right. How pompously he marshals the children into their places! and how demurely the little urchins look at him askance as he surveys them when they are all seated, with a glare of the eye peculiar to beadles! The churchwardens and overseers being duly installed in their curtained pews, he seats himself on a mahogany bracket, erected expressly for him at the top of the aisle, and divides his attention between his prayer-book and the boys.'

Naked Lunch
This unconventional collection of vignettes by William Burroughs contains a lot of surreal scenes, which are experienced through the eyes of a drug addict.

Vignette Snippet: 'I was standing outside myself trying to stop those hangings with ghost fingers ... I am a ghost wanting what every ghost wants-a body-after the Long Time moving through odorless alleys of space where no life is, only the colorless no smell of death...Nobody can breathe and smell it through pink convolutions of gristle laced with crystal snot, time shit and black blood filters of flesh.'

Vignette Poem Examples
Florida Nature by Rhonda Johnson
Footprints drift on a wetland,
swiveling through pewter of morning
as contours of a stately heron unfold
with plumes air-brushed by ripples;

and colors follow her along grasses
in lively strokes from a textured night,
to dip with Florida's studded garlands
while she, curling along a marsh

settles upon her tinted breast
in a lithe waltzing motion, that hikers
inhabit this vignette of quiet reverence
flowing in the state of lush everglade.

Coquette by Ronald Zammit
Silhouette out of the mist she came
Barrette in hair she looked radiant
Vignette-like beauty set in a frame
Georgette covered body so fragrant.

Pochette carried in hand by her hips
Statuette body, forbidden fruit
Cigarette dangling off her red lips
Coquette at the house of ill repute

How to Write a Vignette
Establishing Context: The writing of a vignette can cause great impact on the reader if the emotions of the scene are pushed forward through a method of suggestion, through which the piece will hint towards something much bigger. It is important that your writing makes the reader imagine the setting you are describing. For example, if you are writing about a man who is sitting alone in a room, you will have to imagine reasons as to why such a situation has occurred, and add small details to your vignette which will suggest these thoughts to the reader. This helps pique the curiosity of the reader.

Keep the Writing Concise: This is the main feature of a vignette. Although one might get tempted to write further due to the wider context, one should stick to providing the reader with suggestions of the story rather, than giving out the whole plot. No vignette should be longer than a thousand words. Once the writing is done, the author must search and remove all unnecessary details, especially if they add no value to the mood or context that needs to be conveyed. Ideally, if a particular trait or characteristic of the subject is mentioned once, it should not be mentioned again.

Freedom of Structure: Apart from the limit on number of words, there is complete freedom to form the vignette how you like. You can choose whether you will follow a fixed structure, with a beginning, middle, and end, or not. You can also choose whether you want to have a central subject, whether the vignette will be resolved at the end, or remain unresolved. There is no restriction on the style of writing or its genre. You can completely mix it up with simple language or very detailed writing with complex language. In short, you are limited only by your creativity.

Brainstorming for Ideas: Once you have settled on a subject, you can find more ideas for your writing piece by asking yourself the questions Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How? These questions about your subject should give you an idea about what you would like to write. Alternatively, if you are feeling especially creative, you could just freely write down whatever comes to your mind, followed by a good editing session.

Another popular way to search for ideas is by creating association diagrams. In this method, one writes down the subject of the vignette on a sheet of paper, and follows that by another word which is related to the subject, Continue this till you have a large group of associated words which you can use in your writing piece. For example, if your subject is summer, then your next words could be sun, heat, ice cream, food, harvest, and so on. Decide on the style and the sensory details you wish to add, so that the reader will experience the feelings that you wish to convey.
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As you can see, vignettes are not very difficult to create. Remember that, while writing a vignette, you are creating an atmosphere, not a story. Reading vignette examples made by professional authors can be a great aid in helping you understand the nuances.


Is There Any Explanation for the Brazil Nut Effect?

Have you ever observed that the large grains in a bowl containing varied kinds of nuts rise at the surface of the mixture on shaking? It is termed as the Brazil nut effect. This  write-up helps you find out if there is any explanation for such a granular rearrangement.
Brazil nut effect
Cheerios Effect
It is when floating objects, which do not normally float, attract each other. Breakfast cereal bunching up together or sticking at the sides of the milk bowl is an example.

Suppose you have a can of mixed nuts and dry fruits. You have a liking, particularly for the Brazil nuts, and you see no more of them left in the can. What would you do to really make sure none are left? You would shake the can; the nuts being bigger than the other nuts would surely rise to the top. And there you are! Finding and relishing even the last two or three nuts would make you happy.

Although the study of the Brazil nut effect or its mechanism might be a little abstruse, the applications of the effect are quite famous. It is an old technique used in household chores like sifting, or as seen in the above example. On shaking a mixture containing elements of varying sizes, the ones that are large move to the top. There have been many efforts to find out the 'why' and 'how' behind this commonly observed process.

Brazil Nut Effect Experiment (BNE)

It is a phenomenon where large grains rise to the surface in a granular mixture (containing grains of different sizes) on shaking.

Theoretical studies or experiments trying to understand this effect use inedible objects like beads of variable sizes. They are referred to as grains, as in a granular mixture. The Brazil nut effect, seemingly quite simple, has become a controversial topic due to differences of opinion about its mechanism. There are many theories explaining the prevalent force behind this effect. Factors like interstitial (space between the grains) air pressure, friction, and the vibration amplitude and frequency, etc., and their significance in the process are the topics for dissimilar opinions.

Reverse Brazil Nut Effect (RBNE)

This is the exact opposite of the Brazil nut effect, where large granular particles go down or sink in a mixture. However, this is not universally acknowledged.

Argumentation favoring this contrary effect is understood to take place under certain given conditions. However, it is argued against due to the lack of experimental evidence.

Size Separation of Granular Particles

There are many experiments conducted by researchers to prove various hypotheses explaining the reasoning behind the Brazil nut effect, which have either concluded in confirming the effect or the reverse of it. Listed below are some such mechanisms or hypotheses:

Free Fall: The tendency of smaller grains to fill in the space left underneath the large grains is the general conceptual understanding here. This is assumed to happen during the 'free fall' portion of the shaking (when the container is accelerating downwards at a rate higher than g).
Convection: It was put forth as another causal process by way of a 1993 experiment. It had one large grain in a cylindrical tube with other smaller grains. Intermittent shaking was said to have formed convection currents, bringing the large grain to the top. The effect of the geometry of the container on granular convection can be seen in this case. Convection did not prove as an evidence for RBNE with a cylindrical container. However, it was observed that the convection currents in a martini glass-shaped object conveyed large grains to the bottom.
Condensation: This is considered to predict RBNE. It was experimented using molecular dynamics simulation. The basic proposition was that, grains below a certain temperature condense into a solid bundled state, keeping the individual grains in confined positions. In cases of binary grains, based on their ratio of mass and diameter, either of them was confined or moved up, as the smaller grains occupied the voids in between the larger grains. So, this mechanism, through simulation, could exhibit either a BNE or an RBNE.
Inertia: While shaking, when the container is being accelerated downwards at a higher rate than g, it is still moving up. Here, the larger grains break through a thin layer of smaller grains due to their inertia. This is possible, as the smaller grains are moving quite slowly. On coming back down, smaller grains will be in their previous positions. Thus, in each shaking cycle, the larger grains will have moved up some distance.

Out of the many mechanisms put forth and the experiments conducted to examine their validity, each one is found to have some strengths and weaknesses. With various competing theories, including convection, the reorganization of grains, condensation, or percolation, and the entropy or gravity, there is no one particular proven mechanism justifying the process of the Brazil nut effect.


Tips to Clean a Conch Shell

Collected for decorative and food purposes, conchs are denizens of the sea with beautiful shells. If you collect shells regularly, you would know that these shells are filled with sand and many microbes. In this article, we will look at the various processes and tips that can be used to correctly clean and polish a conch shell.
Tip to clean a conch shell
Quick Tip!
Some states have laws that prohibit people from collecting shells from the beaches, depending on whether a live animal inhabits the shell or not. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the rules and regulations with local authorities before you start your collection.
Conch shells are found on a type of sea-snail that is called marine gastropod mollusks. These shells come in a wide range of colors, such as white, beige, pink, yellow, brown, etc. The conchs are collected for their shells, which are used as decoration pieces or musical instruments, while the animal inside might be used for food.

While these shells might contain a lot of dirt and debris, it is not difficult to clean them and reveal the shell's true beauty. If you are choosing a shell merely for decorative purposes, it is recommended that you pick up only those shells which do not have an animal living inside, since the dead animal inside the shell will contain germs and will emit a foul odor. However, if you must use a shell that has an animal inside, here are a few techniques for removing the conchs from the shells.

Removing Conchs from Shells

Burying: This is an easy, but slow process for cleaning shells with live animals. Dig a hole in a dry patch of soil and bury the shells inside. Make sure you place a marker so that you remember where you kept them. Leave the shells in the soil for a month or two, which will allow worms, insects, larvae, and the microbe in the soil to consume any animal tissue in the shells.
Freezing : Put the shells in a water-tight bag, fill it with water, and put it in the freezer. After a few hours, remove the bag from the freezer and allow it to defrost completely. Now, use tweezers, brushes, and other tools to gently remove the dead animal from inside the shell.
Boiling: Put the shells inside a pot of water and bring it to a boil. Leave the shells to boil for 10 - 15 minutes. Use a pair of tongs to remove the shells from the water, and gently pull out the animal tissue from inside.

Now that you have removed all animal tissue within the shell, let us look at how one can clean the shell to bring out its true appeal.

Cleaning the Shells

Soak the shell in a bucket of clean water for an hour. This will make it easy to clean all the dirt and debris after you get the shell out of the water. Discard the dirty water.
Rinse all the dirt from the bucket and pour in a solution on 1 part bleach and 3 parts water. Be sure to wear protective clothing and eye-wear while handling the bleach.
Carefully place the shell in the solution, and let it soak for at least 24 hours. This will kill all the microbes on the shell and remove any bad odors that are emitted. It also helps in loosening debris such as barnacles that might be stuck to the shell.
Remove the shell from the bleach solution and rinse it well under tap water.
Use a brush to scrub out the debris and periostracum on the shell. If any of the barnacles are stubborn, carefully use a small screwdriver and a hammer to slowly chisel them out.

This is a very effective method of cleaning shells. However, if done incorrectly, the bleach tends to destroy the natural color of the shell, and the smell of bleach does not leave easily too. So, if you do not like taking your chances, let us look at how we can clean the shells without using any bleach.

Cleaning Conch Shells without Bleach

Soak the shells in a bucket of clean water for 5 - 6 days. Remember to replace the water in the bucket daily during this period.
Now boil the shells in a pot of water to kill any residual bacteria that may be left on them.
Allow the shells to dry completely, and then use a piece of sandpaper to gently rub out all the debris and barnacles off the surface.
Alternatively, apply a generous coat of toothpaste on the shells, and let them rest for a few hours, before using a brush to clean out the gunk.

You might notice that some of the original color of the shell has disappeared during the cleaning process. However, there is no need to worry, as the color will return after polishing the shells.

There is another method to clean the grit layer on the surface of the shells. Simply place the shells in an area where you get good sunlight, for 2 - 3 weeks. The sun will cause the grit layer to flake, and that makes it easy to peel off. However, it is important that this method is used only on those shells that are originally white in color, as the sunlight will bleach out any color that may be on the shell.

Polishing Conch Shells
Polishing the shells will not only bring out the colors of the shell but also help in its long-term preservation.

For this process, you can use either mineral oil or baby oil, both of which are easily available at all pharmacies. All you need to do is lightly dip a clean and soft piece of cloth in the oil and wipe it all over the shells.
Let the shells dry for at least an entire day, and wipe off any excess oil.
Carefully apply a coat of clear nail polish, followed by another day of drying.

This will bring out the shine and colors of the shells beautifully.
So that's how to clean a conch shell. Some really easy and fun ways to get conch shells that look great and will last for many years to come. You can also involve kids in this as a good holiday project.


What to Wear with Brown Boots?

Like all other types of footwear, brown boots need their fair share of attention. They not only add to your style statement, but given the varieties, look cool with plenty of options. This article explores colors that go with brown boots, and the different looks that can look good when paired with them.
Fashion idea for wearing brown boots
Quick Tip
If you're pairing a dress or a skirt with your brown boots, make sure that there is enough space to flaunt your legs. The hemline of the skirt or the dress touching the boots is a complete NO.
When it comes to boots, you're spoiled with a plethora of options, be it ankle boots, stiletto boots, or combat boots. While a lot of people usually have black boots in their wardrobe, a pair of brown boots will also have its fair share of pizazz and style. You can walk with a lot of grace and attitude. Monochromatic colors can look extremely good on them.

When it is not freezing cold, and yet, you want to take your boots for a walk, you can team them with denims, shorts, or even dresses. For men, the scarf can add to a metro look.

Following are some outfits that would go well with brown boots.

What Colors to Wear with Brown Boots

The Never-fail Attire: Blue Jeans

Blue denims with brown boots
Color coordinate your attire with blue and brown.

Blue denims will of course do fair justice to your chic boots. But the color-coordinated look is not necessarily monotonous. Accessorize it with a brown leather bag. The classic long sleeve sweater in blue and brown also adds to the style statement. It proves you have indeed taken efforts to dress up!

Black and Brown Combo: Breaking Tradition

Black tights with brown boots
Black tights and leggings make an interesting combination with brown boots.

Whoever said that black and brown should not be worn together, did not see the awesome look it creates. Both are neutral colors, and you can play mix and match with both of them! Of course, make sure though, that you have equal amounts of both the colors in your attire. With tights, wear a long top, accessorize it with a black belt, or simply wear a classic black skirt.

Brown Boots with That Lovely Little Dress

Short dress with brown boots
Don a chic look with a short, frilly dress.

Who says that it's only sandals that do justice to dresses? If you love the lady-like look in pretty short dresses, they can look perfect with brown boots. It would be smart to wear a brown belt to complete the look, and not to forget the hat! Light colors such as white or pastels will look cool with dark-brown boots.

Teamed with Jackets and Coats

Coat with brown boots
Create the perfect casual look with a jacket.

If you've a particular liking for jackets and coats, they can look cool with brown boots. Whether you're on a visit to the countryside, or going for a stroll on the street, they will never fail you!

Other Options
You can also try olive-colored pants, or experiment with prints.
The Cowboy Look: Boots can contribute to giving you the perfect cowboy look.
Try to team boots with denim shorts.
Colored leggings such as olive, teal, burgundy, and blue will gel well with brown boots.

Which color shirt goes well with brown boots, or which color pants look good with them? Here are a few tips that might come in handy.

Experiment with Denims

denims brown boots
Go monochrome, or experiment with colors.

Even men have a lot of options when it comes to boots. Monochrome with a dull shade of blue, can create an offbeat look. Else, pair your violet shirt with gray pants and a sexy jacket.

Shades of Brown

khaki jeans with brown boots
Khaki pants with a leather jacket.

Gentlemen, ladies will go all gaga over this look. Team khaki pants, a leather jacket, and an attractive scarf: all in shades of brown. And yes, do not forget to wear a smile!

The Black Avatar

jacket and scarf with brown-boots
Black jacket that adds to your style statement.

Again, breaking fashion rules, team a black, shiny jacket with a light-colored scarf. Go for a modern look with ragged jeans or black pants, and get a rock-star look.
Well, these were our suggestions for colors that match brown boots. These ideas will help you in creating a different look this season.


Characteristics of an Eccentric Person

Eccentric personalities are rare. Associated with intelligence and creativity, their behavior is said to reflect their genius in a fearless manner. Buzzle tells you about the different characteristics of an eccentric person.
Characteristics of an eccentric person
Soap Bubble Math
Bernhard Einstein, grandson of Albert Einstein, had received a three-hour long lecture on the mathematical properties of soap bubbles from his grandfather, when he was only 8 years old.
Elagabulus, a third century Roman Emperor, served his guests freaky meals: meat, fruits, and other food made from glass, ivory, and gem stones. Bound by etiquette, guests were not allowed to deny such expensive servings.

During the 1700s, a person summoned by King George III to attend his court had apologized for being late, as he was busy teaching an otter how to swim. James Hirst or Jimmy, was this eccentric person, and also the famous business man of York.


Eccentric people are always better known by their eccentricities. Explained to be an unusually odd behavior, eccentricity tends to reflect from various aspects of a human personality. There is no definition to classifying someone as 'eccentric', and neither is there a limit to the very many facets of individual expression which may get labeled as eccentric. It is neither insanity nor a disorder.

Well, it is definitely interesting to get to know what makes one 'an eccentric of a kind'. So, here is a list of attributes that could help you understand this unique behavioral trait, and also spot some examples around. I know you must be wondering, how do I know that I am (not) one of them! Of course, there is no remedy to explain and convince an eccentric of he, himself being one! Happy finding!

Traits of an Eccentric Person

According to psychologist Dr. David Weeks, there are around fifteen characteristics that can distinguish between a normal person and an eccentric individual. Further, he also says that individuals having a mental illness 'suffer' from their behavior, however, eccentrics are rather happy.

◼ Nonconforming attitude

◼ Creative

◼ Highly motivated by curiosity

◼ Idealistic

◼ Happily obsessed with hobbyhorses (one or more)

◼ Not interested in the company or opinions of others

◼ Knowing since childhood that he or she is different from others

◼ Opinionated and outspoken; believing that I am always right, and the rest of the world is wrong

◼ Single

◼ Usually the only child or the eldest child

◼ Unusual in eating habits and living arrangements

◼ Possessed of a mischievous sense of humor

◼ Bad speller

◼ Noncompetitive, and not needing reassurance from society

Out of these, five attributes: nonconformity, creativity, strongly motivated by curiosity, being idealistic, and the obsession with one or more hobbyhorses are said to be present in every eccentric person.

There are also other common traits describing the nature of these people. They show compassion, are geniuses and intelligent, preoccupied with a purpose in their life, and analytical. However, some are notorious for their quirky, cranky, bizarre, erratic, or weird behavior.

Signs of an eccentric person are evident from things like dressing style, speech, peculiar tastes, or an offbeat thinking. Though it is not abnormal, there is a definite deviation in their conduct from the general cultural or societal norms. Doing things in unconventional and strange ways highlights their different perceptions. Being highly creative, multifaceted, and also quaint at times, lets them defy the 'so-called' rules.

Louise Elisabeth de Meuron, who was also known as Madame de Meuron, was an aristocrat and an eccentric personality in Bern, Switzerland. She never used to buy a ticket while traveling by tram. She would say, "I was here before the tram". Albert Einstein used to deliberately go out sailing when there was no wind. He believed that was more challenging for a sailor. So may be it was!


10 Applications of the SixthSense Technology

The future belongs to augmented reality projected through wearable technology. An enhanced digital lifestyle and a device that tracks gestures to capture the world around us sounds nothing less than surreal. This Buzzle article lists out the applications of the SixthSense Technology in various fields.
Application of the SixthSense technology
Interesting Piece of Trivia
Pranav Mistry, the maker of SixthSense was inspired by futuristic movies like Minority Report and Robocop while creating the device.
Canadian researcher and inventor Steve Mann created the first wearable computer as a neck worn projecting device with camera system known as the Telepointer in 1990 when he was a media lab student. He is thus regarded as the Father of SixthSense Technology and also as the Father of Wearable Computing. The first prototype of the SixthSense technology was larger and heavier in size and hence caused hindrance in daily life usability. Besides it stood steeped in price making it scarcely available for commercial purpose.

Therefore Indian computer scientist and inventor Pranav Mistry felt the need to improve the existing technology and invent a futuristic device that would seamlessly integrate the digital and physical world through gesture identification, image capturing, processing, and manipulation.

About the Inventor

Computer scientist and inventor Pranav Mistry hails from Palanpur, Gujarat, India. While as a student he sort inspiration from futuristic sci-fi movies and visions of a computer-free world, he furthered his quest to introduce to the world a technology that would revolutionize the future. He first tried out the idea of a simple sixth sense prototype on a computer mouse by putting two rollers into one mouse and trying to obtain data by guiding the movements of the mouse. The venture of two rollers did not work out so he decided to improve the design by using four rollers which eventually gave him the idea to integrate gesture movements through fingers.

While being a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab, he designed the wearable gestural interface known as the Wear Ur World (WuW) or SixthSense. He is currently positioned as the Head of Think Tank Team and Director of Research of Samsung Research America. He has been embellished with many awards for his invention including Young Global Leader 2013 Award, by World Economic Forum, 50 Most Creative People of the Year 2010, by CREATIVITY 50, and INVENTION OF THE YEAR 2009 award, by Popular Science.

About the SixthSense Technology

The prototype which is the blend of a computer and cell phone consists of a pocket projector, a mirror, and a camera. The hardware components are integrated into a pendant-like mobile wearable device connected to the mobile computing device of the user. Colored magic marker caps (red, blue, green and yellow) worn on the four fingers aide the camera to identify the four fingers and discern the hand gestures through an in-built software.

The webcam acts like a digital eye that captures and distinguishes an object in view and courses the user's hand gestures using computer-vision based techniques to transmit data to the smartphone. The tiny LED projector projects visual information altering surfaces, walls, and physical objects to be used as interfaces. The usage of the mirror is important as a reflector as the projector swings downwards from the neck. A Web-enabled smartphone processes the video data by interpreting the hand gestures. The movements and arrangements of the colored makers are translated into gestures that act as interaction commands for the projected application interfaces.

The in-built software program analyzes the video data viewed by the camera and also tracks down the positioning of the colored markers by utilizing single computer vision techniques. The user can command multiple hand gestures and movements as long as they are visually identified and differentiated by the system. This is possible because the 'SixthSense' device supports multi-touch and multi-user interaction.

The software distinguishes 3 kinds of gestures: Multitouch gestures - Gestures that involve pinching and dragging, Freehand gestures - Free hand movements to start the projection, and Iconic gestures - Creating an image in the air.


✏ Highly portable device that can be carried around due to its minuscule pocket-size.
✏ It costs only $350 which is quite cheap considering its technological application.
✏ Its main characteristic is that it acts as a connective instrument between the real and digital world.
✏ The user can gain access to high-speed data from any machine and from any corner of the world with just simple hand movements.
✏ The software that is used to render and analyze the data compiled by the device is made open source. This facility enables other developers to impart additional development to the system.


✏ While capturing images from this small device the user might invade the privacy of others without the person's consent, of course no one likes to be clicked in the pictures of any random person.
✏ A deadly device if it comes in the hands of criminals as it can gain access to any information without being tagged or supervised as suspicious. Criminals can use Open Source Intelligence to use public sources such as 'Facebook Face' to extract personal information about anyone.
✏ Hackers can use it for their potential hacking targets.
✏ Malware and viruses can easily be installed in other systems through this device.
✏ The data projected is never private as it will displayed on a surface for everyone to see. Also it can be viewed with clarity during the nighttime as opposed to the daytime hence causing vision problems.


✏ Make Calls
It allows the user to project the dial pad unto the palm as a virtual keypad to make calls without the presence of an actual mobile device.

✏ Track Flight Updates
An excellent on-the-go feature that allows you to check your flight timings without logging into any of the related travel sites, the device recognizes your boarding pass to project the required information anytime anywhere.

✏ Navigate a Virtual Map
Stuck in traffic or simply exploring uncharted territories and wishing you had a virtual route plan, then don't worry this device allows the feature of navigating through any map of choice with the simple gesture of your thumb and index fingers. Zoom in or out and plan the map along any surface with just the swipe of your fingers.

✏ Construct 3D Drawings
Architects, graphic designers, and simply art enthusiasts can use this feature for drawing, storing, shuffling, and resurfacing virtual pictures anywhere. This feature allows the user to create pictures by tracking the index fingertip movements.

✏ Time Management
Check time by gesturing a circle on your wrist and a virtual clock with the current timings will be displayed.

✏ Motion Camera
Capture wonderful moments on the go with the device's gestural feature by placing your fingers as a frame to captivate an image. These images can be edited, shared, and stored without the additional use of a camera or any other photo capturing device.

✏ Motion Newspapers
Stay connected with the outside world through this device by creating and reading virtual newspapers by projecting them on any surface, watch streaming videos, and live news updates from anywhere.

✏ Bookish Knowledge
Book lovers can enjoy a good read by getting to know the reviews of latest books, analyzing ratings, jumping to any page while reading, and browsing through additional information.

✏ Accumulate People Data
It will be easier to stay in touch with people through this device as the facial recognition technique of this technology allows the user to store data about the people they meet daily, project their relevant information anywhere, creates reminders or appointments with their contacts, and gain additional access on their information. This feature would be very helpful for business personnel's who meet clients on a daily basis, it would help them to stay organized about their business agendas.

✏ Product Knowledge
Boon to the shoppers who would love to know a little extra about the products they pick off the shelves. This device recognizes the objects that are being picked and projects its related information onto any screen.
This avant-garde technology attempts to improve itself in the coming years by withdrawing the colored markers, incorporating projector in the mobile device, allowing a flat surface to be used as a multi-touch user interface, applying it for gaming and education purpose, adding 3D gesture tracking, and making it available for disabled people.


Henry David Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience': Summary and Analysis

David Henry Thoreau's essay Civil Disobedience argues that if a government is being unfair, it is an individual's duty to stand up against it. This Buzzle article briefs you on the Civil Disobedience summary for you in an effort to explain Thoreau's ideas better.
Summary of Henry David Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience'
Henry David Thoreau's thoughts in his essay inspired Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha or non-violent resistance against the British government.
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was an American writer, philosopher, abolitionist, and historian. He was outspoken against slavery and American imperialism. He was truly disgusted with the American government. As a result, he refused to pay his poll taxes in 1848. He had to spend a night in jail for his actions. However, he was released from jail the next morning when a friend paid his taxes.

In the same year, he gave lectures in schools in Concord, Massachusetts. The lectures were titled as The Rights and Duties of the Individual in relation to Government. These lectures formed the base of his 1849 published essay Resistance to Civil Government. The essay was published in an anthology called Æsthetic Papers. The word "Resistance" from the title was apt for Thoreau's metaphor of comparing the government to a machine. According to him, if the machine is producing injustice, citizens should work as a resistance to stop the machine.

The essay was reprinted in 1866, four years after Thoreau's death, in the collection of his work named A Yankee in Canada: With Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. The essay was printed with a new title called Civil Disobedience. The essay appears under titles On the Duty of Civil Disobedience and On Civil Disobedience as well.

The essay primary deals with slavery crisis in America in the 1840s and 1850s. It also condemns the Mexican-American war. Let us find out more about it.

Summary and Analysis

► Thoreau opens his essay with a saying "That government is best which governs least," which he believes to be true. He speaks favorably about a government that does not intrude in citizens' lives. The government is chosen by people to achieve certain ends. According to Thoreau, it is in existence to execute citizens' will. It exists to ensure an individual's freedom. However, it is prone to be misused. Thoreau gives examples of slavery practice and the Mexican-American war to establish his point further. He asserts that the government itself becomes an obstacle between achieving its purpose, the purpose for which it was created.

► However, Thoreau makes it clear that he is against abolishing the government, but wished for a better one. He did not believe that there should be no government at all. He believed that if the government fails to improve, people should not support it. According to Thoreau, a person cannot accept the government's authority unquestioningly.

► Thoreau introduces common people's right to revolution against an unjust government. To establish this thought, he compares the government with a machine. As a machine, the government may not do a good job in producing justice. Instead, it might produce injustice only. He encourages people be a counter friction or a resistance to stop such a machine. He encourages rebellion. He believes that mere expression of objection is not enough; it requires action. Thoreau asserts that an individual must not support the government structure. An individual must act with principle and break the law if necessary.

► To establish this thought further, he gives his own example. He recalls the time when he was imprisoned for non-payment of taxes on his part. With his own example, he establishes that non-payment of taxes is a means to withdraw support from the government. It constitutes "peaceable revolution." Thoreau also advocates a simple and self-reliant lifestyle to achieve individual freedom. He urges people to be free from the corrupting powers of money and property. He goes on to describe details about his stay in the jail and the treatment meted out to a person by the state as if he is only a physical entity and not an intellectual individual.

► Thoreau maintains that he does not want to quarrel. He says that he wants to honor the laws of the land. However, he states that the current laws are not honorable. He believes that the government is in transition from absolute monarchy to democracy. However, he also notes that democracy may not be the final stage of the process. In the end, he again lays emphasis on respecting an individual. A state cannot be absolutely free and enlightened until the government recognizes the importance of an individual.

Thoreau's essay revolves around three main themes: (i) civil government vs. higher law, (ii) government vs. an individual, and (iii) materialism vs. simple life. He uses logos, ethos, and pathos to explain and peruse the readers to support his ideas of the government. The essay explains to us the intentions and principles of the government. However, the principles turned into actions, which are called laws, are often unjust. Unjust laws do not work for people, whether they are in majority or minority. To change unjust laws and the unjust government, people should stand up. It is every citizen's duty to resist unfairness shown by the government.
Thoreau's thoughts were never restricted to the Massachusetts area. They spread across the world, inspired several movements, and influenced leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, etc. Thoreau's essay definitely brought about a change in the state of affairs to turn them into the world as we know it today.


Color of Law - Meaning and Examples

The term 'color of law' relates to the use of authority conferred upon public officials as law enforcement agents of the government. Violations of the color of law are punishable under Title 18 of the U.S. Code. This article explains the term, along with a few examples.
Color of Law meaning
Pending Issues
In 2012, around 42% of the FBI's total civil rights caseload included color of law issues.
Looking at the term 'color of law' makes us think about its meaning. If one is not a legal expert, or someone who has studied law, it is not even possible to make a guess as to what it means. But before getting down to its meaning, let us try to understand why it exists in first place.

Legislation or law making is the cornerstone of a nation's successful governance. It gives a framework to and organizes all constitutional ideals and principles. The next important thing is effective implementation of these laws. Public offices have been created for this. The people who serve these crucial offices are thus given ample powers for maintaining a just and lawful society. So, to prevent abuse of this immense power, there have been provisions made to protect and uphold the rights of the citizens of the country.

Meaning of Color of Law

Color of law is the use of authority by a person given to him by a local, state, or federal government. It also means a semblance or mere appearance of a legal right, which actually may not exist.

Firstly, let us understand that the term 'color of law' pertains mostly to authorities exercised by public officials, who are entrusted the responsibility of ensuring justice and enforcement of law.

Appearance of a Legal Right

The action of an official, whether within the field of given authority or outside it, may appear to be his legal right. This appearance is ascribed mainly to the official's position or post. Commoners view all acts by a public official to be legal and just. For example, a police officer can arrest an individual. This is an authority given to the police. However, arrests need to have a valid cause. If the officer arrests or detains an individual willfully, without an appropriate cause, it violates the law. Thus, color of law, here, becomes a mere appearance of a legal right, when it does not exist actually.

As per the Civil Rights Act of 1871, color of law is synonymous with State action. The action of the official is considered to be an action by the government.

Persons acting under the color of law include: police officers, prison guards, other law enforcement officials, judges, care providers in public health facilities, and all others who are acting as public officials. Color of law is synonymous with state action.

Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Section 242, Title 18 of the U.S. Code makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. The acts under the 'color of law' for this section, include those done by officials within their lawful authority; and also acts done beyond their authority, if they pretend to have done the acts as a performance of their official duties.

Examples of Violations of Color of Law

Officials have been given certain powers, like making an arrest, stopping and searching with a search warrant, traffic stops, seizure of belongings, etc. However, there are occurrences when they misuse their powers, and cases of 'color of law' abuse come up. Most of these cases investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation involve crimes of the following nature:

1. False Arrest
According to the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, citizens have a right against unreasonable searches and seizures. A law enforcement officer can, due to the authority under color of law, stop individuals, and in certain cases also search them and keep their property. If the official illegally holds onto your property, or detains you unlawfully, it is an abuse of the color of law. This may result in the violation of a person's civil rights.

An arrests made by fabricating some evidence against someone counts as a false arrest, and also amounts to an abuse of color of law.

2. Excessive Force
Government officials are allowed to use force in certain circumstances. They can use force wherever it is 'reasonably' necessary while making arrests, maintaining order, or even as defense. Federal law is violated when it is observed and proven that the force used in a particular situation was excessive or unreasonable. Use of undue force during an arrest or detention is punishable.
3. Sexual Assault
If officials use their positions of authority to force an individual into sexual acts, in jails, during traffic stops, or in similar instances, it violates the color of law. Compliance by the victim in such cases comes out of the fear of the authoritative position of the official.