
Facts About the Jumano Indians

Did You Know?
Spanish explorer Antonio de Espejo has been credited with first using the term 'Jumano' back in 1582, when he came across the natives living at La Junta.
Very few Indian tribes are as mysterious and fascinating for historians and anthropologists alike, as the Jumano Indians. A distinctive tribe (rather, a people) living in what today is Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico, along with the Southern Plains, much is yet to be discovered about the Jumano Indians simply because they were always on the move when the Europeans arrived in the 1500s.

Evening Gowns

If some accounts are to be believed, it is even suggested that there was more than one group of Jumano Indians based upon where they lived, making identification even more difficult. Their nomadic nature and constant shifting from one place to another adds to the confusion. However, there is no doubt that these people played a significant role in shaping the history of the land. Facts about their culture, beliefs, traditions, clothing styles, food, weapons, and homes will be covered in the trailing sections of this Buzzle article.

* Click on the tabs to jump to a particular section

History and Origin
Food and Shelter
Tools and Weapons
Culture, Traditions, Lifestyle

History and Origin of the Jumano Indians

► There is much speculation and confusion about the origin of the Jumano Indians owing to their nomadic lifestyle and nature. They were known to frequently change their place of inhabitation, and thus it has become very difficult to determine their exact place of origin or homeland.

► Anthropologists and historians, based upon the accounts of European explorers of the time, have divided the Jumano Indians into three distinct groups.

    The group that lived in Texas, Mexico, and New Mexico
    The group that lived in the Southern Plains, and
    The group that was in between these two regions.

► The Jumano Indians adapted a lot to other cultures and traditions, and did not follow any one specific culture. This made determining their origin even more difficult. Some experts account their origin to the Apache tribe, while others relate them to the New Mexico Tompiro Pueblo Indians.

► Though the tribe is now primarily referred to as Jumano, it has been known by a variety of names in the accounts of early European explorers who penned the tribes' names down according to the pronunciation of the name. Hence, it has been known as Jumana, Xoman, Chomana, and Humana, among other names, in various accounts. This has made it difficult to determine the origin and culture of this tribe.

Evening Gowns

► Though this tribe was very large, the language spoken by the people hasn't been determined yet due to incomplete records of the early explorers. Some experts feel they spoke Uto-Aztecan, while others debate whether it was Tanoan or Athabascan.


How to Play the 'Win, Lose or Draw' Board Game

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Try sketching a variety!
For the word/phrase list to be guessed, you can make new categories of your interest like fashion, music, cars, literature, etc. Vocabulary for kids or something like Christmas carols also would make good alternatives.
Prom Dresses
Just like its interesting name, the game has an equally interesting history to it too. As some of you rightly remember, this name comes from the original American game show that came on television between 1987 to 1990. It was produced by Bert Reynolds and Bert Convy (Burt & Bert Productions), along with the Kline and Friends. Directed by Richard Kline, this popular game show had many celebrities participating in it. Disney channel had produced two more versions of it – the Teen Win, Lose or Draw in 1989 and the recent Disney Win, Lose or Draw in 2014.

In 1987, this was brought out as a board game by the Milton Bradley Company. It was available in three editions: party, junior, and travel junior. Let us now look at two different ways of playing this game.

1. Considering You Have the Board Game Set

Before You Start

The Win, Lose or Draw board game set contains one game board, a dice, 24 colored pawns, timer, pencil, paper pad, white square pawn, ace-in-the-hole card, and a card box (9 items in all).

It can be played between 4 or more players.
Decide who will be the sketcher (the one sketching the clues) and the others will be guessers.
The ssketcher will keep on changing.
Place the Ace-In-The-Hole card in the center of the board. Keep the colored pawns on it.
All the items (pencil, paper pad, timer, die, white square pawn, card box) should be kept with the sketcher.
There are spade spaces and colored square spaces marked on the board.
The sketcher keeps the white square pawn on one of the spade spaces and begins the game.

When using the card box: Every card is divided into two halves. The upper half is Section A and the lower half is Section B. After the guess is correct, only the sketcher is supposed to remove the card from the box. He has to flip it around so that the B section is upwards and put the card at the back of the box.

Categories of the words/things to be guessed:

TV Shows
Famous Phrases
Music Stars
Food and Drink

Target: To be the first player to collect pawns of all 4 colors and Ace-In-The-Hole card.

How to Play Win, Lose or Draw Board Game

The sketcher should look at the first thing/phrase on a card, without taking it out of the box (It is a front card in the box; section A of the card is seen).
He/she will announce the category of the thing/phrase to be guessed. For example, if it is a word or phrase from a movie title, the sketcher will say "Movie".
He/she will then flip the timer and begin drawing the object or any clues, helping the guessers guess the correct name or phrase.

Rules of the Win, Lose or Draw Board Game

No letters, words, or symbols can be used while sketching.
However, dollar ($), arrow, or plus (+) signs are allowed.
The sketcher decides whether the guesses are correct or not.
When a clue or part of the phrase is correctly guessed, it can be written on one side of the paper.
In order to help the guessers, the sketcher can draw an "ear" to imply that the word "sounds like" and then draw the further clues.
The sketcher is not allowed to talk while drawing.
All the guessers can shout out the clues/words that they guess, all at once.

When the Guess is Correct and in Time

The guesser, who makes a correct guess before the time is up, can earn a colored pawn (only of a color he/she already does not have).

If more than one guessers give correct answers at the same time, then both of them collect a colored pawn (only of a color they already do not have).

Then, if the sketch is rightly guessed, the sketcher also picks up a colored pawn (of the color the white square pawn lands on). For that, he/she rolls the dice.

Thus, the white square pawn can now be moved that many spaces (as the number on the dice) in a clockwise direction. If it lands on a spade space or a colored space (of which the sketcher already has a pawn), no colored pawn can be collected by him/her.

When the Answer is Incorrect or Not Guessed in Time

The word/phrase still continues, and the next sketcher (on left-hand side) draws clues for it.

Nobody collects any colored pawns in this case.

Of course, the sketcher cannot be a guesser here, as he/she knows the word.

The word/phrase continues either till the guessed answer is correct or until all the potential guessers are exhausted.

This completes one round of the game. Now, the roles change. The sketcher now becomes a guesser, and the person to the sketcher's left becomes the new sketcher. All the players continue to rotate as sketchers and guessers. Meanwhile, everyone has to collect all four different-colored pawns (one each).

How to Win

To win the game, a player has to collect the Ace-in-the-hole card, kept in the center of the game board. For this, a player has to correctly guess a sketch first. The sketcher then rolls the dice and accordingly moves the white square pawn on the given path. If the pawn comes to a spade space, the player, with all four colored pawns, can collect the Ace-in-the-hole card and thus win the game!

2. TV Game Show Version

If you don't have a ready set, you can easily create your own. Or you can try the original TV game show version. This method is called the Team Play.

List of essentials for this version

Pad or blank sheet of paper (big enough to draw more than one object/clue)
A marker
A list of words, phrases, or things to be guessed; divide them into separate categories. Please make separate chits of these items.
A stopwatch (set for 1 minute) or a sand timer.
A dice. Or you can decide beforehand which team goes first.
Food and Drinks

Target: Be the first team to get 8 correct guesses of the sketched items.

Instructions for the Team Play Version

There can be 3 to 6 players.
Divide the players into two teams. (The game show had two teams of three with two celebrities in each team. You may want to pose as one!)
Roll the dice and decide which team goes first.
Select a sketcher from that team, and the rest will be guessers (set for 1 minute)
The sketcher will choose a chit, see the word/phrase, and announce the category. He/she will start the timer and begin drawing.
The opposing team will keep a watch on the timer.
All team players, like in the board game version, get to be sketchers one after the other.
The rules for drawing sketches are the same as in the board game.
Once the word is guessed correctly, the other team will take a new word/phrase for sketching.

Marking Team Scores

If the sketcher's team gets the word correctly in the given time limit, they score a point.

If the sketcher's team cannot guess it right in the given time, then the opposing team gets 10 seconds to make one guess.

If the opposing team makes a correct guess, they score one point and begin with a new word/phrase.

If neither of the team can guess the word, the opposing team gets a new word/phrase and starts afresh.

The teams keep on playing alternatively. The team that gets first eight correct guesses, wins the game.
Prom Dresses
It may sound complex at first, but it becomes easy once you get the hang of it. And in a board game, it's all about the little tricks you find out as you play it over and over again. Oh, but if it's your sketches that don't let you win, it'll take some time for you to know not just the "where", but also the "how" to draw a line!


Small Swimwear Craze

Over the past 50 decades, females swimsuits has modified considerably. We have gone from a period of females often visiting showering areas completely dressed to females going to the seashores with hardly anything on at all. However, throughout these different times in design, one swimsuit product has stayed continually well-known and ever-changing along with the needs and wishes of the modern lady, and that's the bikini. The bikini pattern increased in 1960 when the music Yellow-colored Polka Dot Swimwear performed by Mark Hyland became an worldwide hit. Since that period, the bikini has become a common choice in the works of developers all over the world.
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Recently, however, a new design of bikini has appeared that has obtained globally attention and that's the Small Swimwear. Small brazilian bikinis have increased in reputation over the last few decades by females looking for a more bold look while visiting their preferred sun showering sites. With the latest pattern over the micro bikini, females can show themselves undoubtedly while dressed in one of these small amazing things. The micro bikini can provide any situation whether it's a fast-paced party atmosphere, informal experience or romantic regards. One of the most amazing elements to having a micro bikini is the actual truth that having one can make your body look amazing. It's no shock that females arising from all over the world hurry to their design sites looking for a micro bikini that suits their particular way of life.
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At the present time, the micro bikini is perhaps the most well-known beach wear around the world. The micro bikini differs in design, cut and amount of protection that they offer, which is a relevant identifying aspect in the way females shop for their particular bikini. Based on the type of protection that a lady wants, the micro bikini allows her to be completely individual with the details of micro bikini she wishes. The micro bikini allows for great versatility and versatility for modern effective lady. Many of recent women sportsmen, celebrities and designs add to the stylish reputation of having a micro bikini.
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In a way of discussing, the micro bikini is a significant symbol in the lifestyles of many of recent most intricate and frank females that choose to own a part of outfits that reveals off their exclusive personality and personality. The present micro bikini pattern is widespread across the world with many Western and United states developers hammering to create the most growing and effective micro bikini to fulfill the wants and needs of our creation. Simply, they are promoting like hot desserts and to own a micro bikini means to own a specified part of the present era of design. Many females announce having a micro bikini creates them experience wonderful and stylish which is their right. Why would not you want to own a part of outfits that creates you experience amazing and attractive?

History, Causes, and Effects of Gentrification

Gentrification is a man-made concept believed to be invading the ingenuity of society, and is often spoken about in a negative light. Buzzle explores the history, causes, and effects of gentrification in this article.
Effects of gentrification
Living in this gentrification environment is much more difficult for residents. Actually, what they're doing is killing the indigenous culture.
― Peter Kwong
A wise person once remarked, 'change is the only thing that is constant.' Change in the modern city life is very apparent and very rapid. Having said that, change does not necessarily mean that it is a win-win situation every time, does it?

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Cocktail Dress

Gentrification is one such type of change that is perceived as good by some, and bad by others. What happens in gentrification? Who benefits, and who faces a loss? Does it harm the original culture? What are its effects, if any? We will analyze the answers to these questions in the following sections of this article.

Albeit very controversial, gentrification is actually an urban-planning concept. In simple terms, we can say that gentrification involves the moving of a wealthier, higher-income class into an existing urban area, which results in higher property rates, higher rent, and a complete change in the original or existing culture of that area. Gentrification is more than often given a negative connotation, as critics feel it causes the displacement of the poorer sections of society in order to make way for the richer ones. However, the truth is that this concept is not as simple as critics as well as advocates make it out to be. It is rather complicated and has both advantages as well as disadvantages.

History of Gentrification
Some experts opine that gentrification is a concept that goes back several centuries. Ancient Rome saw gentrification when majestic old villas and houses were replaced by small shops. The term 'gentrification' was first coined by British sociologist Ruth Glass in 1964. Derived from the old French word genterise, Glass used this term to explain the arrival of the middle-class sections of the population in urban areas that were earlier the home of the lower classes. Gentrification, according to her, resulted in the displacement of the lower classes by the middle class who occupied these areas and reformed them to quite an extent.

Causes of Gentrification
Experts have compiled several important causes of gentrification. While it may not be possible to attribute gentrification to any one single cause, we can definitely say that all the causes mentioned below certainly have played an equally important role.

Increasing Population

This theory tends to explain gentrification as a result of the rapidly increasing population in a country. A rise in the population results in an increased demand for housing, which undoubtedly means that there is an ever-increasing demand for more land. However, land is a limited factor, and the supply of area for housing can never be equal to the demand for it. Hence, it is not possible to create 'new' housing areas for the population, and so it is only practical that the old ones be 'recycled'. Thus, the theory of a rise in the population tries to explain why a newer class comes into an existing urban area and ends up displacing many of the former residents.


Renewed interests in city life can be held responsible for massive immigration to the cities looking for jobs. Not only are immigrants from all over the country, but also from all over the world. This increases the property rates in the existing premium urban areas of the city which makes it impossible for the middle-class to afford housing there. Thus, more and more people turn to the existing poorer areas which were previously deemed to be undesirable. These areas are renovated into more upscale neighborhoods, thus causing gentrification.

Low Rents

It is well-known that the level of rent in the pre-gentrified areas is much lower than in the primary areas of the city. Lower rents attracts investment and capital from the wealthier classes which ultimately increases the property value in those neighborhoods. The low rent is also a good reason for investors and developers to invest in those areas, as they can perceive what the potential profits are going to be. So, the rent is a primary reason for attracting residents and investors alike.

Aesthetic Needs

There are people who appreciate the aesthetic factors of the older areas, and choose to move there only for the old architecture and design of those areas. The historical houses and streets in the previously deemed undesirable areas caters to the aesthetic demands of the population, which can be fulfilled thanks to gentrification.

Effects of Gentrification
Like we said earlier, gentrification is not as simple a concept as is claimed by critics and advocates alike. It is not all bad, and nor can it be deemed to be a wonderful concept that is changing society. Like everything else, gentrification too has its share of pros and cons, which will soon become apparent through the next sections.

Positive Effects

More affluent neighborhoods (caused by gentrification) in the city leads to an increase in the tax base of that city. An increased tax base leads to more and better services by the city's administration to all the residents, which, for sure, is a good thing.
Gentrification involves increased economic investment in that neighborhood. This economic investment results in better infrastructural facilities, and ultimately, a better standard of living for the residents.
A dramatic decrease in the crime rates of that neighborhood is said to be a consequence of gentrification.
Gentrification leads to a mixture of people from different classes living in the same neighborhood. This not only leads to a sense of community between residents, but also results in increased social interactions.
Gentrification leads to a rise in the property rates in that neighborhood. This is especially beneficial for those who own property in these areas as they receive higher rents from the new tenants.
Gentrification leads to the refurbishment of the run-down areas and provides better facilities to the public, such as restaurants, upmarket boutiques, and parks, to name a few. This is ultimately beneficial for not only the residents of that neighborhood, but also for the city as a whole.

Negative Effects

The increased rent as well as rise in the property values leads to more number of evictions of the original or previously residing citizens who cannot afford the changed rent.
Redevelopment of old buildings as well as the construction of new buildings, which is one of the aspects of gentrification, leads to the loss of the authenticity of the older buildings, some of which may even have been of great historical importance.
Critics feel that gentrification defeats its own purpose. The reason why a newer community is attracted to the not-so-upscale-neighborhood is its old charm, its uniqueness as compared to the premium city areas. However, with gentrification, neighborhoods become much like the prime city ones―monotonous with not a shred of uniqueness.
Gentrification leads to the displacement of the original residents of that neighborhood. The run-down, inexpensive areas suddenly get a much higher standard of living, which is too much for the lower income classes to handle. Thus, they are left with no option but to move out from these neighborhoods into relatively inexpensive ones where they can afford not only the rent, but also the standard of living.
The local businesses of that area too are affected by gentrification. With the introduction of more upscale and retail businesses in these neighborhoods, the previously existing local merchants face a tough time thanks to increased competition. Eventually, local businesses may go into loss or may move to another neighborhood where the competition is not as tough.
Some experts opine that the arrival of a newer section of the population may lead to the older and original residents to feel excluded, marginalized, or sidelined by the newer ones. Attempts by developers to change the look and feel of the neighborhood may be perceived by the old residents as racist, and this may give rise to hostilities.
Gentrification is also accused of having a negative impact on the existing culture of an area. Before gentrification, there may exist a sense of community between the residents. It is possible that there might be racial majorities living in one area, or co-existence of different ethnic minorities. In any case, there is a set culture that is accepted by the original residents of that neighborhood. With gentrification, all that changes. Different classes and different races may have to exist in the same neighborhood, leading to a social hierarchy.

Cocktail Dresses

Gentrification cannot be labeled a good practice, nor can it be labeled a bad practice in urban planning as it has its share of pros and cons. Gentrification, if undertaken carefully, can result in a much better living atmosphere for the residents of that city. Perhaps developers can help the low-income residents with assistance for affordable and good housing before deciding to refurbish the area.


Uniformitarianism Vs. Catastrophism - Theories of Geological Evolution

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The two main theories of geological evolution of the earth are uniformitarianism and catastrophism - the constant war between science and religion! There are facts, examples and explanations of the former Vs. the latter differentiating the two theories that run completely opposite to each other.
Solving a mystery... bit by bit.
Evolution of the earth will always be a mysterious maze of imaginations and theories. It has indefinitely been an intriguing question for all of us. Paddling between the two boats of the mystical creation of God and that of the scientific explanations, man has now an increased curiosity to reason his existence and that of the beautiful planet he lives in.
Prom Dresses
Who are we? Where are we living? What's with our planet earth? How did it even come into existence? And what's with these dinosaurs? Where are they now? Suddenly vanished into thin air? How old is our earth anyway! Where did these huge mountains and oceans and the animals in it come from? What is the reason of our existence?

These are only few of the many questions that come to our mind, well, at least once in lifetime! These are some serious questions on the existence of our whole being, that bother us. While some questions cannot really be answered with facts, and they leave us unsatisfied with stories and different prophecies about life and existence, some can be answered with proofs or a trail of evidences to go back into time, and assume theories according to the present laws and their deductions.

Turning our attention towards the bigger picture now, from the questions of our existence to that of the earth, and viewing this from a geological point of view, there are two main theories that have been there from the past 3 centuries now - Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism. The two theories that we are going to discuss in detail. We are not biased, and we will consider both the theories rationally, and try not to give a prejudiced opinion!

The evolution of the earth is a mystery, since none of our ancient ancestors have lived to tell us anything about it! It's only the theories and stories that we've been following that were formulated by our ancestors and scientists who were the first curious people to question how the earth came into existence and how it has been evolving since then. As we go deep into studying the earth, new things add up to the old, giving a better explanation of how and why and when!


Before the 17th century, people believed that the evolution of the earth and its present state was due to massive but short-lived and sudden catastrophes that probably occurred worldwide, which explained the formation of strata layers, erosion, polystrate fossils, etc. All the living beings and creatures, including men, animals, and plants at the affected area withered off in the process.

Some of the catastrophists related the change in the geological structuring of the earth to the biblical flood, as they interpreted from the Bible, which drowned the entire world, excluding Noah's family and a pair of each animal that then lived, to reproduce and refill the world, whom he accommodated in a huge ark, to survive the floods that continued for 40 days and 40 nights. They believed that as the flood water receded, mountains were formed, and the fossils of plants and animals that we have been discovering were of that time.

The biblical flood was a true event. It really did happen in an era called the 'bronze age' when things were made from bronze. This age was somewhere between 3000 B.C. to 1200 B.C. There is recorded history of many civilizations at that time, and the city ruins provide evidence for the floods.

History of Catastrophism

Until the 19th century, Christians had an adamant belief in the universal flood. On the basis of this flood, a few creationists explained the formation of huge mountains, frozen mammoths, salt domes, coal formations, the extinction of dinosaurs and a lot of other species, and many other geological features of the earth. This means, that before floods, the features of the earth were different, and after the flood, it is what we are living in today.

Georges Cuvier, a French scientist of the early 19th century, proposed that after the 'local' floods which washed away the life from that region, new life forms started to come in from those areas that were not affected by the flood. Cuvier believed in catastrophism, but he didn't mention Noah, or that the entire world was wiped off in the flood. In this way, he made his point, and stayed away from religious controversies.

Cuvier was researching on the extinction and succession in the patterns of fossils that were being discovered at that time. He believed that a catastrophe, mainly a flood, played a significant role in the extinction of many species. The earth had been many times affected by such kind of catastrophes in different regions over a substantial period of time, which contributed to its geological changes. This made him reach a conclusion that the earth was in existence from a very long time, over millions of years.

Catastrophism in the 19th and early 20th century was always related to religion and the facts were religion based rather than natural and provable events.


Principle of uniformitarianism geology - Present is the key to the past.

The Grand Canyon

In the 17th century, scientists started reasoning for a different explanation of the evolution. They didn't want to believe on catastrophes based on the account of the Bible. They believed that the earth today is because of the gradual changes that kept happening right from the beginning of its existence, in the formation of strata layers, degradation, and deposition that still continue today, and will further continue to happen.

In the late 17th century this idea sprung in the minds of the then scientists, about the gradual change resulting in evolution. James Hutton was the source from where it all originated in 1785. He brought a different theory than the one that people were referring from the Bible. He believed that the soil that is present now, was not always there, but is a result of years of slow changes. There had always been an earth of ocean and land, with tides and currents, where the present land lay beneath the oceans. So, when the oceans started to shrink, lands came up, and flora and fauna started dwelling on the land.

For this theory to hold true, two things were a necessity -

The land masses to be formed as a whole from the collection of fragments over time.
The level of these land masses to come up from that under the ocean to where it is today.

Hutton started researching for evidence that would prove his theory right. He found at Glen Tilt in the Cairngorm mountains, granite penetrating metamorphic schists. With this information he assumed that the earliest rock had been molten after the strata had formed. Further evidence showed that the angular unconformities (the surface separating the old layer in a strata from the new one) were tilted so much that they were almost vertical, showing how the land had shifted over time.

This concept was given the name of 'uniformitarianism' and the opposite of it (catastrophes) that evolved the earth as 'catastrophism' in 1832 by William Whewell, as a review to Charles Lyell's book, 'Principles of Geology'. His book was based on uniformitarianism, that explained that the gradual changes that are still at work today, were responsible for the early evolution of the earth.

According to Reijer Hooykaas (1963) a historian of science, the theory of Charles Lyell was not based on a single idea, but a combination of 4 propositions.

▶ Uniformity of law
▶ Uniformity of process
▶ Uniformity of rate
▶ Uniformity of state

These propositions were then explained by Stephen Jay Gould, an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and historian of science. He stated that Lyell's uniformitarianism were composed of a pair of methodological assumptions with a pair of substantive hypotheses.

Methodological assumptions (Unfalsifiable axioms)

▶ Uniformity of law across time and space - Natural laws are constant across space and time.

Uniformity of law is an important aspect for every scientist to extend the present assumptions and logic to penetrate into the past. In order to understand the unobservable past (that which is gone and cannot be studied), we must take into account the observable present (that which is now, which can be observed and studied). This means that if we do not assume the constancy of the laws of nature, we might not be able to study the past effectively.

In other words, our current observations about the present can be proven wrong by other observations, but for the unobservable past, there is no chance of proving things wrong by observing, since it's already gone. This is the principle of falsifiability. So, we must assume that the laws of nature are invariant. Since there exist no human who can claim the surety of any theory that explains the past, this assumption should be held on to, till any evidence shows up that would reject the uniformity of laws of nature.

▶ Uniformity of process across time and space - Natural processes are constant across time and space.

If there are processes in the present that explain the past, and that satisfyingly suffice, then unknown or extinct processes should not be brought into picture, however logical the cause might be. Also, how one should not create unobservable causes when there are sufficient observable ones, one should also not neglect the unobservable causes when there are insufficient observable ones. This is known as parsimony or Occam's razor.

Substantive hypotheses (Falsifiable)

The next two propositions of Charles Lyell were hypotheses, which meant that they could be proved right or wrong on the basis of empirical (observational) or scientific grounds.

▶ Uniformity of rate - This hypothesis says that change is slow, gradual, and steady.

The rate of change has been gradual like it is in the present. No catastrophe was or will ever be so great that can change the whole structure of the world. So the mountain ranges or the Grand Canyons are a result of gradual accumulation of little changes that made them what they are today, and these changes that are still taking place today will just keep adding to them.

▶ Uniformity of state (Nonprogressionism) - Change is evenly distributed throughout space and time.

The state of earth has been the same since forever. Even though it changes little by little but the progress leads to nowhere. The look and behavior of the earth today, is how it was at the beginning.

Lyell tactically put forth his hypotheses of rate and state, since all the scientists agreed with him on his uniformities of law and process. These hypotheses remain controversial to this day. This led to a partial interpretation and transfer of knowledge of diluvialism (the theory of the biblical flood) from the catastrophists of Lyell's time.


The fight between religion and science has been there since a long time now, but there are many things that scientists cannot prove and most of them do believe that there is a powerful source controlling it all. And so, even the religious reasoners should understand that, science is only a way of understanding things why they are the way they are. For evolution to take place, the things that evolve should be present at the first place. And where is the beginning of it all? No one knows this.

There is no war to win here. Just sensible human beings who have been given that kind of curiosity and a brain to understand and create and evolve. We are made to reason, to investigate, to extract, to understand and to implement.

The biblical flood
Noah's Ark
▶ Catastrophism is partly true, since there are many evidences that have shown that it couldn't have been worldwide. It was true for a particular region, and for many other such regions throughout the world that contributed towards its evolution.

▶ Noah's flood occurred only in his local region, which was a true event, with historical evidences. This doesn't mean the flood was small, it could be as big as covering 3 huge cities, or a whole state.

▶ Noah couldn't bring in animals from all over the world, since there are thousands of species which live in their own climatic region, for example, a polar bear, or a penguin. He wouldn't find these animals near his place unless he was in a snow-clad area.

▶ Noah had only three sons who could reproduce human life again after the flood. If the flood was worldwide, there wouldn't have been people of different origins today. There would be no Negroes, Indians, Chinese, Polynesians, Pygmies, etc., because a group of white people cannot evolve into different races.

▶ The extinction of animals was not due to the flood. Around 99% of all the species that were present from the beginning are extinct today. This we come to know from the fossils that were found. Today, there are around 1.5 million species of non-human living beings - animals, birds, insects, etc. So if 99% of species have already gone extinct, this means that there were around 150 million species before the flood. Accommodating 150 million species, that too a pair of each, in Noah's ark doesn't seem possible. This we understand by the measurements of Noah's ark as they have been given in the Bible.

In Genesis 6:15, God specified to Noah the size of the Ark:
"And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits."
With a cubit being about 18 inches long, the ark would be about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. This was a very huge ark indeed, but not huge enough to accommodate 150 million species.

From this, we understand that many of the species were extinct before the flood. This could also include the dinosaurs.

▶ When the floods occurred, the population of the earth was about 50 to 100 million. If it was a worldwide event, it would've greatly affected the current population, certainly not reaching 7 billion!

For religious, mainly Christians, who blindly follow what they are being preached, and do not get into the depth of matters and research for themselves, should follow what Pope Francis, who believes in The Big Bang Theory, has to say about evolution -

"When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so..."

"He created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfillment."

"God is not a demigod or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life," the pope said. "Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve."

Another reason for contemplating on this -
In Exodus 10:13, during the plagues in Egypt, the Bible says, - "the locusts went up over all the land (erets) of Egypt." Erets is a Hebrew word, the literal translation of which is 'earth' or 'land'. Here, the translation is land.

In Genesis 8:9, the Bible says - the flood waters "were on the face of the whole earth (erets)".
There's a difference in the interpretation. So, is it probably just assumed by the translators that in Genesis (the time period that does not have a proper recorded history), Erets meant the whole earth, while in Exodus it meant a piece of land.

The scriptures were written by enlightened men, and it is known as the Word of God. But since then, it has been translated into several languages, and has traveled down a long way to reach here, with several copies. Can there not be a possibility, that those who translated the Bible misinterpreted few of its writings? To err is human, and every copy that was made, was made by a human. Also, the Word of God does not have literal meanings for every word that is written in it. They have deeper meanings, and if every word is translated in a literal sense, the whole Bible would be interpreted very poorly and not mean what it was meant to be.
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To conclude, I would say, God and science both go contemporaneously. He has given us the brains to apprehend that science is nothing but a medium to understand with what depth and complexity he has made a system so beautiful, that has taken millions of years to evolve into the people that we are today.


What is the Opponent Process Theory of Color Vision?

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Color vision is based on the type of incident light on the cone cells of the retina. While the trichromatic theory explains the way light is perceived by the cone cells in the eye, and how the signals are sent to the brain; the interpretation of these colors by the brain is explained by the opponent process theory of color vision, which is interpreted and elucidated in this article.
Color vision is the capability of an organism to detect and distinguish objects based on the type of wavelengths of light that are reflected, emitted, or transmitted by each object. The perception of colors by the eye and its translation into meaningful information by the brain is a subjective process. These two organs work in accord to help the organism sense color. The mechanism of this process can be explained by two complementary theories - the trichromatic theory and the opponent process theory.
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The trichromatic theory, also called the Young–Helmholtz theory, explains how the retina of the eye detects color via the help of three types of cones - short (S), medium (M), and large (L). It claims that there are three primary colors-red, blue, and green-that are perceived by the different types of cone cell. The S cones detect blue, M cones detect green, and L cones detect red color. All other colors are perceived due to the variation in the different wavelengths incident on these cones.

This theory is supported by the color matching experiments, which involves an observer to look at a certain color and try to match it by mixing the correct wavelengths of light. But this theory failed to explain why a colorblind or color deficient person is unable to discern between two of the primary colors (for example, red and green). Since logically if a cone was defective, the person would be unable to detect one particular color and all its related shades, instead, in actuality the person fails to distinguish between two distinct primary colors and perceives them as the same. Also, the mechanism underlying the phenomenon of negative afterimages could not be elucidated by this theory.

Opponent Process Theory of Color Vision

► The first recorded instance of this theory was in the "Theory of Colors" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in the year 1810. He presented a color wheel with all the colors arranged symmetrically, and explained - "the colors diametrically opposed to each other in this diagram are those which reciprocally evoke each other in the eye. Thus, yellow demands purple; orange, blue; red, green; and vice versa: thus again all intermediate gradations reciprocally evoke each other".

► 82 years later, Ewald Hering proposed his opponent color theory, where he claimed that four primary colors existed (red, green, blue, and yellow) and all other colors could be described by the combinations of these four colors. He also theorized that these set of four colors existed as parts of opposite pairs and were also perceived as such, i.e., activation of one color of the pair resulted in the inhibition of the other. For example, one perceives either red or green, but never reddish green or greenish red, and although the combination of red and green yields yellow, it is not perceived as such by the eyes.

► This theory attempted to resolve and account for the mechanisms involved in receiving and processing the information obtained from the cone cells. The biological basis for this theory involves not only the cone cells of the retina but also the bipolar and ganglion cells. It posits that the information that is generated by the cone cells on the incidence of light, is received by the bipolar cells, which then process it and pass it on to the ganglion cells. Two types of ganglion cells are involved in this process: magnocellular and parvocellular. The parvocellular cells handle majority of the incoming information and are further categorized into two types - one that differentiates data of L and M cones (red-green difference), and another that separates the data obtained from S cones and a mix of L and M cones (blue-yellow differences). Intensity of the light is also determined by these cells. Hence, these cells help decipher the difference between three pairs - red/green, blue/yellow, and white/black.

► In 1957, the efforts of Leo Hurvich and Dorothea Jameson yielded qualitative data in support of Hering's color theory. They named the method used to generate this data, "hue cancellation". It involved selecting an initial color (bluish green) and then trying to determine how much of the opponent color of one of the constituents of the initial color (e.g. yellow) must be added to it, in order to cancel it out leaving only the other constituent color behind (e.g. green).
Evidential Support

Initially, the opponent process theory was believed to refute the trichromatic theory of color, but due to the experimental work of many scientists and the development of the hue cancellation method, this theory was accepted as an advanced and developed form of trichromatic theory. The opponent theory is also supported by the fact that it is able to successfully explain two-color vision related phenomena that were left unexplained by the other theory. These phenomena include color-blindness and complementary color afterimages.

★ In this case, the inability to decipher between colors is due to the malfunction of any one type of the cone cells in the retina. Typically, a red/green or blue/yellow color blindness is observed, i.e. if a cone cells perceiving a given pair of opponent colors is defunct, both the colors are not perceived by the eye, or both are perceived as the same color. For example, red/green color-blind people see red and green both as a dark grayish color. This supports the opponent process theory, since the hampering of the perception of one color automatically hampers that of its opponent pair,i.e., one does not encounter any individual that is solely color blind for red but can see green, and vice versa.

Complementary Color Afterimages
★ Afterimages are produced as a result of the overstimulation of one type of photoreceptors, leading to a temporary loss of sensitivity of it. For example, if one stares or looks at a blue image for a minute or two, the ganglion cells activates the blue photoreceptors and inhibit the yellow receptors. Then, if one stops looking at the image and looks at a blank white paper, he/she is able to see an imprint of a yellow colored version of the image on to the paper. This occurs due to the fatigue of the blue receptors. In order to overcome, this, the ganglion cells try to balance it by inhibiting the blue and activating the yellow (opponent color) photoreceptors, thereby producing a yellow imprint of the image. In layman's terms, after staring at a particular color, its opposite color is observed. The same is true for the red/green pair. Hence, this provides support for the validity of the opponent process theory of color vision, as only the opposite color is seen later, instead of just any random color.
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The discovery of electrophysiological responses that resulted in opponent processing of color along with the application of this theory, by Richard Solomon in 1970, to explain emotion, drug addiction, and motivation revolutionized the understanding of this theory. Subsequently this theory was applied to computers mechanical perception of color in the form of "Gaussian color model" and the "natural vision processing model".


How To Look Wonderful In One-shoulder Or Asymmetric Dark Dresses

Ladies are always careful about dressed in beautiful jewelry piecies with on neck black outfits. Most commonly problem occurs in neck-line while dressed in a one neck clothing. So, you should be very careful while choosing a specific pendant. Most of the designers not recommend to put on a stylish pendant with such kind of clothing. This is because a pendant can discrepancy the of your clothing. However, if you are willing to put on a pendant then create sure it is not sensitive. An substandard quality pendant can mess up the true intracacies of one neck clothing. Length of your pendant should be assessed very carefully. It should not be very long.
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Women have their own choices regarding jewelry piecies. They like to put on various kinds of jewelry with asymmetric black outfits. One neck clothing has become a significant part of most popular styles. You cannot find a single party where females do not use such kinds of stylish outfits. Mostly, these outfits are suitable for the women having beautifully formed physiques. Women having apple or wrong bodies should prevent dressed in these outfits. If you are enthusiastic about getting a stylish irregular look then looking for the right kind of asymmetric black outfits must be your first concern. You should know that these outfits come under a variety of styles and printing.

Asymmetric black outfits are ideal for both casual and official occasions. They have complicated receiver lines that will not fit every whole body shape. Women having larger breasts should not use such sorts of outfits. I counsel you to try on one neck clothing before you buy it. This can give you a better idea. If you feel pleased and comfortable in a clothing then you can purchase it without any problems. Never forget to pair these outfits with bustier bra. You should prevent dressed in vibrant and classy aide. Try to put on a easy black bra that can cover up through.
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It is ineffective to get ornamented components to put on with one neck outfits. Wearing easy and stylish components is always suitable. If you want to put on an asymmetric clothing during winter then you should prevent protecting it with a scarf, pullover, cardigan or coat. Due to this reason, asymmetric black outfits are ideal for dressed in during the hotter and hot months of summer. Hence, implementing some useful style tips and techniques can create you amazing in your asymmetric black clothing.


How to Care for a Chinese Fringetree

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Chinese fringetrees are deciduous trees that belong to the Chionanthus genus. Native to China, Korea, and Japan, they are considered to be ornamental trees that are valued for the panicles of beautiful white flowers appearing in the bloom season. This Buzzle write-up provides instructions on Chinese fringetree care.
The Chinese fringetree can be identified by its snowy-white, fringe-like flowers. Chionanthus, the genus it belongs to, is derived from the Greek words Chion, which means snow, and Anthus, which means flower. The term Retusus refers to the shape of the leaf, which is rounded, and has a shallow notch at the apex. This tree is native to certain regions of China; hence, the name. It is also endemic to Korea and Japan. It is often used for landscaping, mainly due to the panicles of fleece-like, snowy-white flowers, with which the tree gets covered during the flowering season. It is popular as an ornamental plant in North America and Europe. The shiny, elliptical-to-oblong leaves of Chionanthus retusus are larger than the foliage of its American cousin, Chionanthus virginicus (American fringetree). Many prefer this tree over the American fringetree due to the abundance of flowers during the bloom season. Moreover, its flowers are wider than that of Chionanthus virginicus.
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Information about the Chinese Fringetree
Flowers of fringetree
Showy Flowers of Chionanthus retusus (Chinese Fringetree)

✦ Plant type: Multi-stemmed deciduous shrub or tree
✦ Genus: Chionanthus
✦ Family: Oleaceace (Olive family)
✦ Order: Lamiales
✦ Scientific Name: Chionanthus retusus
✦ Native to: China, Korea, and Japan
✦ USDA Hardiness Zone: 6 through 8
✦ Height: Up to 25 feet
✦ Spread: Up to 25 feet
✦ Growth Rate: Slow to medium
✦ Light Requirement: Full sun in the morning, with afternoon shade
✦ Watering: Average watering till the plant is well-established; Needs less water thereafter
✦ Soil: Moist, slightly acidic soil
✦ Soil Requirement: Well-drained
✦ Flowers: Panicles of showy, snow-white flowers
✦ Flowering Season: Spring
✦ Colors: White
✦ Foliage: Green
✦ Propagation: Seeds or cuttings; Difficult to propagate through cuttings
✦ Other Characteristics: Attracts birds

Instructions on Chinese Fringetree Care

Chinese Fringetree in Bloom
Chinese Fringetree in Bloom

Relatively easy to care for, the Chinese fringetree will flourish if you fulfill its soil, light, watering, and fertilization needs.

Planting Site
The right planting site for the Chinese fringetree would be an area that receives direct sunlight during the morning hours, with some afternoon shade. Though it does well in full sun, it can also tolerate partial shade. However, profuse flowering is more likely when it receives ample sunlight. As this tree can grow up to 25 feet in height and width, plant it at a place where there's ample room for it to grow.

Soil Type and Watering Needs
The Chinese fringetree grows best in soil that is slightly acidic. It has been observed that growing it in alkaline soil can sometimes cause the area around the veins of the leaves to turn yellow. Also, it has been known to survive in soil that remains wet for extended periods. This plant is slightly drought-tolerant, but it requires regular/weekly watering till it becomes established. It also requires supplemental watering during dry spells. For the plant to thrive, it is advisable to plant it in evenly moist, well-drained, slightly acidic or neutral soil, with the pH within 6.0 to 7.0. Establish a 4-inch deep layer of mulch around the base of the Chinese fringetree in a 3-4 ft. radius in order to keep the soil moist.

Fertilizer and Pruning
Once the Chionanthus retusus shrub/tree is established, it requires very little care. To encourage growth, you can apply a balanced fertilizer during the growing season. Before applying the fertilizer, water the tree till at least the top 4 inches of soil become evenly moist. Rake up the surface of the soil up to the depth of an inch and the radius of 5 feet around the tree. Spread the fertilizer on the soil, ensuring that there's some gap between the fertilizer and the base of the tree. Thereafter, water the soil deeply. In order to keep the soil moist, add a 3-inch layer of mulch on the soil.

If not pruned, Chinese fringetrees appear like multi-stemmed shrubs. However, the lower branches/foliage or limbs can be removed to turn it into a tree with a single trunk. It must be noted that this tree blooms on the previous season's growth, which means that the tree should not be pruned when it lies dormant. It's advisable to prune it in summer, right after the flowers fade.
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While the fruits borne by the female Chinese fringetree attract birds, the clusters of beautiful, fragrant flowers will definitely leave you mesmerized. It is certainly an excellent choice for landscaping, as it will never fail to put on a great display during the bloom season.

Feta Cheese Vs. Goat Cheese

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Are you a cheese fanatic? Ever wondered what is the difference between feta cheese and goat cheese? We, at Buzzle, have all the answers, and we present to you a detailed account of feta cheese vs. goat cheese.
Difference between feta cheese and goat cheese
Battle of the Cheeses
The term "feta" has become a protected designation of origin since the year 2002 after a long battle with Denmark, which produced a similar kind of cheese with cow's milk under the same name.
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How would you like your pizza without any cheese? Boring, right? We believe, cheese makes everything better, right from a slice of bread to a glass of Chardonnay. Its creamy, milky, and sharp salty flavor can just make your soul sing. However, its origins were quite humble. Cheese making was devised as a method to preserve milk proteins for the cold winter days when milk was scarce. The basic method for the preparation of cheeses is coagulation of the milk proteins, separation of the solid milk proteins from the milk, and pressing of the solids into a final solid form. Depending on the type of cheese to be made, the pressed form is either ripened (aged with either salt or living organisms) or unripened. Sometimes there is addition of other ingredients like peppercorns, garlic or chives to add to its flavor profile. Cheese is traditionally made from the milk of cows, buffaloes, goats, or sheep. In Nepal, cheese is made with yak's milk and is called Chhurpi. Let's take a look two categories of cheese.

Feta Cheese Vs. Goat Cheese

Defining the Cheeses

★ Feta cheese is traditionally produced either from sheep's milk alone or from a mixture of sheep and goat's milk. However, the amount of goat's milk cannot be greater than thirty percent. The term "feta" is only given to this particular cheese that is produced in mainland Greece and the island of Lesbos.
★ Goat cheese is traditionally made from yes, you got this one right―hundred percent goat's milk. This type of cheese is produced predominantly by France and is called "chèvre".


★ This cheese is said to have originated in the Byzantine Empire around 8th century BCE.
★ This cheese may have originated around 7000 BCE.


★ Feta is basically of three types, depending on where it is being produced. The taste varies slightly with its type.

French Feta: This cheese is usually made with hundred percent sheep's milk. It is usually creamy and not very tangy.

Bulgarian Feta: This cheese is again made with hundred percent sheep's milk. It is creamier and slightly saltier than its French and Greek cousins. Its taste can be described as slightly earthy and yeasty with a mild hint of sourness.

Greek Feta: Not to sound biased, but this feta is considered as true feta. Nope, it's not us saying it; that's how the European Union defines feta cheese. This is usually a blended cheese that contains seventy percent or more of sheep's milk and the rest is usually goat's milk. It is quite creamy and salty with a hint of tanginess running through the cheese.

All feta cheese have a chunky, crumbly texture and are quite firm to touch.

There are certain variations of feta cheese that are made with goat's milk; these variations are slightly drier and firmer than the feta made with sheep's milk.
★ Depending on the process they go through, we can classify goat cheeses into many types. This processing will also have a profound effect on its texture and taste.

Soft unripened: This type of cheese is usually not aged. It has a smooth creamy flavor with a tangy finish. It has an earthy, slightly goat aroma. This cheese is very soft and fragile and can be cut easily with a spoon.

Soft ripened: These cheeses have a soft and creamy center, and the exterior of the cheese is covered with a white velvety mold. Ripened cheeses tend to get harder as they age. They have a crumbly texture and a complex flavor. They have a typical smell of ammonia.

Firm unripened: This cheese has a sweet taste with certain hints of tang to it. This cheese has a firm, buttery, and slightly crumbly texture.

Hard ripened: The texture of this type of cheese may be similar to that of Gruyère, but is slightly harder. It is a bit grainy and dense with a earthy and almost nutty taste.


Both these cheeses are a rich source of calcium and phosphorous, and are essential for proper bone development. Feta cheese, however, has a greater amount of sodium. It has fewer calories than goat cheese. Hard goat cheese has a higher saturated fatty acid content. It has a higher amount of vitamin B complex, and it is needed for the maintenance of red blood cells. It also has a higher amount of selenium, which has antioxidant properties and is capable of preventing premature aging and incidence of cancer. This cheese also prevents vaginitis and Candidiasis, some venereal diseases. This cheese has very little lactose and can be consumed by individuals suffering from lactose intolerance (always check the label to see if cow's milk is blended or not).

Nutritional Facts per 100 g

Feta Cheese
Calories 264 kcal
Protein 14.21 g
Calcium 493 mg
Potassium 62 mg
Sodium 917 mg
Phosphorous 337 mg
Riboflavin 0.844 mg
Vitamin A, IU 422 IU
Niacin 0.991 mg
Cholesterol 89 mg
Fatty acids, total saturated 14.946 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 4.623 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.591 g
Goat's Cheese (Hard)
Calories 452 kcal
Protein 30.52 g
Calcium 895 mg
Potassium 48 mg
Sodium 423 mg
Phosphorous 337 mg
Riboflavin 1.19 mg
Vitamin A, IU 1745 IU
Niacin 2.4 mg
Cholesterol 105 mg
Fatty acids, total saturated 24.609 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 8.117 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.845 g

* Source: USDA
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For our health-conscious readers, we'd recommend to opt for the low-fat and low-sodium substitutes as it good enough for both your tongue and your waist!


What to Do If a Girl You Like doesn't Text Back?

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The reason that we shared this fact with you is not to demotivate you so that you completely stop sending texts, but to identify whether your overtexting is the reason why you are reading on this subject. The dating world is full of complications and mind games, and who says that only guys act like total jerks? Girls are no less when it comes to getting to their whole silent-treatment mode. You take off on a great note, things seem to be working just fine, you two have some interesting and fun conversations, exchange numbers, exchange texts, but all of a sudden, BAM―she stops replying!
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What just happened? You begin to retrospect, analyze, read the conversations (if you had them at all) so as to figure what you might have uttered that froze her thumbs. When you can find no reason at all, your mind begins to come to these conclusions: Maybe she wants to act prissy; perhaps she wants to be chased; did she lose her phone, or, her fingers? Clearly, she is not interested.

Things You Can Do When She Doesn't Reply to Your Texts

As if the whole tension of texting a girl for the first time wasn't enough, as if you haven't been through enough to make her like you, and now comes another obstacle, getting her to like you 'again' so that she responds to your message. Either you can be a part of the whole mind-boggling chase, or, just relax, move on with your life, and let her make a move. Whatever you choose to do, the following list contains the instructions for them all.

1. Text her again after a few days

Okay, first things first. You muster up the courage to text her and after a few replies, there comes nothing. Naturally, you will get flustered, but make sure you don't take that out on her through your text. Relax, chill, breathe, remind yourself that the sky isn't falling and the world still has a lot of chicks. The most wonderful thing about texts is that they are always read, sooner or later.

Here is the (almost) ultimate truth―girls check their phones every 5 minutes! Therefore, it is likely that she isn't replying to your message probably because you did, or said, something offensive, boring, or uninteresting, in some way or the other. Whatever it is, the damage has been done. The most you can do now to handle the situation is to not act desperate. Don't bombard her inbox with the why, where, what, when .... Just message her one time asking if everything's okay, and then let her reply. Recheck not before a week or 10 days. This gap and to-the-point query would definitely work in your favor, and separate you from the guys she generally avoids, the guys who seem desperate stalkers.

2. Send her a curious message

Curiosity killed the cat, but it can surely help you win a girl! With so many guys around her, what makes you so special that you should be replied to? And most likely, the reason why she ain't replying to your texts in the first place is because you seem to be just another 'boring', 'plain', 'ordinary' guy she has come across. She is done with your kind and doesn't wish to take the conversation any further.

Show her that you are not what she thinks. Send her a message that conveys through every word that you are most definitely fun to be with. You can say something like,

You don't have to look for the right words to reply to me. Just be clear and confident, like yourself, that's how I like it. :-)

Here, you have not only given her a cue to respond, but also complimented her conveying what you like in her.

Perhaps she is still doing the math, whether to keep you, or avoid you, what? If that is (or is not) the case, send her something like,

Guess you're not done doing the math yet. It is a difficult subject. Let me know if you need any help to determine our equation.

You can also use your sense of humor to bring her back to the game. Another humorously funny response would be this:

Ha hahaha haahaaa :-D :-D!
Your late replies are making me imagine funny things. Did you freeze? Did you bite your thumb out of excitement? Were you so happy that you threw your phone out of the window?
The later you respond, the better my imagination gets!
Nooooo... you didn't die out of the thrill to get my message!!! Tell me that ain't the case, tell me!

PS: Never ever send her a text saying that she has the time to post on Facebook and Twitter, but not to reply to your messages. This will make you a psycho stalker! Period.

3. Is it a chase-me game she wants?

The previous step will definitely let you know what's going on at the other end. If she responds, there is a possibility that she wants you to play the chasing game. She wants you to overcome all the obstacles she puts your way, and emerge as the ultimate winner. If you also enjoy the whole thing of chasing a girl that's difficult to get, then you'll enjoy the experience. However, if you like to keep things simple and less complicated, then either you can tell this to her directly, or see if things turn out in your favor. In fact, the moment she responds after this gap, move on to the next step.

4. Move on from the texting phase

Now that you know what this whole 'dating through texts' is going to bring your way, the next crucial step to take would be to move on to conversations, preferably the ones that take place face-to-face. If you stretch this texting phase for more than 3 days, then you might get zoned as a "text buddy" and not as someone she would pay attention to as a dating prospect.

Make sure that you get more evident in her life. Ask her out for coffee, let her tag it as a date or not. You term it as a meeting to just get to know each other better. Take her to places that are public, and make sure that she enjoys each and every moment with you. Even if it is a laughter-filled coffee conversation, or attending a concert of your or her favorite band, or just a walk in the neighborhood, show her the real you, see the real she, and see if they click. However, all this shall only come to pass if you pass the exam to break her silence!

5. Give her your piece of mind (optional)

If, irrespective of all your controlled efforts, you still don't see any possibility of seeing her text coming, then perhaps it would be best to convey her what you really feel about this whole experience, about the silent treatment, about what you thought of her, and all the other things that came along. You needn't get all dirty and uncensored. Maintain your chivalry and gentleman behavior, plainly let her know that she didn't turn out to be like you hoped her to be. Irrespective of her being rude, you will maintain the courtesy to let her know that now, you are the one who won't be texting her anymore. Simple.

6. Let her be ... she ain't worth the head-scratching!

Please, the last thing we want you to do is to continue being this guy who keeps on bothering her with messages off and on! If she was really, really into you, she would not go into hibernation for such a long time. So, the ultimate thing that you must do is to leave her alone and clear her thoughts from your mind because there are many potential girls out there who can possibly fill that space. Ain't we right?
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Dating is pretty much like a hit-or-miss situation; if you're lucky, or if it's meant to be, you end up hitting the jackpot, or else, you have to keep trying your cards. We think these "misses" are quite necessary in life, because without these you can never really learn, or should we say, never groom to become a mature lover. Nonetheless, irrespective of whether she responds to your texts or not, at least this "interaction" with her, will add to your dating experience, which will inevitably be a learning lesson, for sure! All the best.


The 5 Most Well-known Vacationer Locations In Thailand

Travelers who are traveling to Thailand will be able to choose from a wide range of wonderful destinations. There are many wonderful Chinese isles from which they can choose as well as other kind of destinations such as Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

Tourists can choose to check out the Northern of Thailand which has wonderful hills, amazing plants and creatures and exclusive mountain communities. Those guests that have a preference for a nice soothing seaside vacation can choose to stay at one of the favored Chinese destinations such as Phuket, Pattaya, Hua Hin or Koh Samui.

Thailand has something to provide to all guests which is why Thailand is such as ideal tourist location. If you need help in deciding where in Thailand you should invest your vacation then be sure to consider the following 5 most favored destinations in Thailand.

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Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and nearly all guests going to Thailand will pass through this popular Chinese journey location. Although Bangkok has a bad reputation due to the bad traffic problems and the air contamination, Bangkok is definitely one location where every visitor should invest a few days during their vacation in Thailand. Bangkok has many excellent destinations such as wonderful Buddhist wats or temples, a wide range of amazing shopping centers and exclusive actions such as the sailing market.


One of the most frequented destinations in Thailand is Phuket. This popular isle is actually the biggest isle in Thailand and Phuket has many destinations to provide its guests. The seashores on Phuket are among the most wonderful seashores in Thailand and there are a lot of excellent Phuket seaside hotels from which guests can choose. Many guests choose to check out Phuket on vacation because around the globe renowned Phuket night life and the many excellent Phuket cafes. Other popular sightseeing opportunities on Phuket include the Phuket Fantasea Display, the Simon Cabaret Display and of course a wide range of outstanding courses. A wide range of different airways provide multiple flight tickets a day from one of the Bangkok international airports to Phuket International Airport.


Pattaya is the seaside hotel place which is nearest situated to Bangkok which is why many local Bangkok citizens check out Pattaya during saturdays and sundays. The seaside at Pattaya is actually not very impressive when compared to the seashores discovered on Phuket or Samui however the seaside is not the reason why Pattaya is one of the most famous destinations in Thailand. The biggest fascination for many guests is actually the vibrant night life which can be discovered in Pattaya. There are thousands of alcohol cafes and other kind of Pattaya night life locations where guests can associate with the charming Chinese girls that work in these establishments. The quickest way to reach Pattaya from Bangkok is by car. A taxi from Bangkok to Pattaya will cost you around 1200 THB.

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Samui is a wonderful exotic isle which is situated off the new england of Thailand. The seashores on Samui are even more wonderful then those discovered on Phuket. The most favored Samui seashores are all situated on the new england of Koh Samui and are Chaweng seaside, Lamai seaside and Big Buddha seaside. If you are looking for a hotel place on Samui which provides a lot of actions and a lot of night life locations then be sure to book a hotel or hotel in Chaweng seaside. Both Chinese Air passage and Bangkok Air passage provide several daily flight tickets from Bangkok to Samui.

Chiang Mai
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Chiang Mai provides guests a different kind of vacation encounter then what those guests visiting one of the seaside destinations encounter. Chiang Mai is in the hills in the Northern of Thailand. Chiang Mai is a fantastic location for those guests that would really like to encounter Chinese culture and the societies of the mountain communities. If you enjoy the nature then Chiang Mai is your best option as there are various excellent destinations in and around Chiang Mai such as hiking, tubing, hippo riding and trips to the nearby mountain communities. A wide range of different airways provide several flight tickets per day to Chiang Mai from either one of the Bangkok international airports. The best time to check out Chiang Mai is during Music Kran which is the Chinese New Year event.

Difference Between Subjective and Objective Data

Did You Know?
Subjective and objective data components are a part of the 'SOAP' documentation method, which is used by the medical fraternity to list notes in a patient's health care chart.
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Data collection is an important part of any assessment process, whether it is for risk management, a health diagnosis, or a performance evaluation. The subjective and objective methods of data collection are two prominent ones used to determine the type of data collected and the assumptions. While the former is related to verbal expression of thought and the declarations to follow, the latter is related to verifiable, solid fact. The theory is widely used in nursing. The difference between subjective and objective data is given in the paragraphs below.

Subjective Data

    By definition, subjective data is data that is collected or obtained via personal interactions, i.e., talking, sharing, explaining, etc.
    It is collected to make an assumption about what the fact might be, what event might have occurred, what calculations may have to be done, etc.
    For instance, if you feel very tired, you are asked many questions regarding how you feel, whether you feel sleepy, giddy, dizzy, nauseous, etc. You can talk about these problems and communicate with people regarding why you must be feeling tired. This data is called subjective data.
    Subjective data can also be collected by means of judgment, suspicion, or rumors.
    This data varies from one person to another, with every situation, every minute.
    It cannot be declared as the truth, as it evolves from so many varied sources with different inputs.
    Subjective language usually begins with, 'I think', 'I need', 'I feel', etc.

Objective Data

    By definition, objective data is data that is collected or obtained via established or verifiable facts and sources.
    It is collected to confirm your suspicions and assumptions - or merely to gather dependable information. It is something that can be felt, touched, smelled, seen, heard, and tasted.
    For instance, if you feel very tired, you will not be asked much, but will be observed. Your behavior will be taken note of. Your tiredness levels will be calculated. Other factors related to tiredness will be considered. Your reactions to different situations will be taken note of. Tests will be conducted to arrive at a solution. This is objective data.
    Objective data will be the same from multiple sources, and can be counted and described accurately and confirmed.
    This data does not vary from one person to another or with every situation.
    It can be declared as nearly true data because it remains same and consistent even if many sources are involved.
    Objective language usually begins with 'I said', 'I observed', 'I measured', etc.

Factors of Differentiation

Subjective Data Vs. Objective Data

Underlying Basis
◼ Its underlying base is personal interpretation. Whatever is perceived is done so, upon communicating with the person about the same and believing what was said by the person/source.
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◼ Its underlying base is observing what happened, observing the facts. The facts are straightforward or proved by means of a test/analysis/experiment, and are true and measurable.

◼ It cannot be completely relied on for taking decisions. After all, personal opinions and beliefs vary, and may present an entirely new perspective of the same problem. In such a scenario, a level-headed decision cannot be taken.
◼ It is based on facts; hence, it is usually reliable for decision-making. Whatever decision is taken is done so in the light of what has actually happened, that which can be trusted upon, with experiments and facts.

Common Arenas
◼ Subjective data and analysis can usually be found on personal blogs, forums, Internet chat stations, biographies, editorials, etc.
◼ Objective data is not a discussion. It is found in important scientific papers, encyclopedias, textbooks, reference books, tutorials, etc.

Reporting Information
◼ It cannot be used for reporting any news. As it is collected through discussions and interpretations, it is not totally reliable; therefore, making a definite assumption about an event or subject is incorrect.
◼ It can be used for reporting information. Data collection is done through efficient methods and reliable, set procedures. It is dependable and can be reported.

◼ When you have a cough and you go to the hospital, the doctor/nurse will ask you questions regarding your cough, like 'When did it start?', 'Is it a dry cough or wet cough?', 'Did you eat/drink something cold?', etc. The information obtained thus, is classified as subjective data.
◼ When you get a cough and go to the doctor, the doctor will examine you thoroughly, check your vital signs, conduct tests, and then, based on the test results, he will ascertain the problem you are suffering from (like bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.). This is objective data.
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The concept of subjective and objective data is used extensively in nursing assessment and health analysis. Through subjective data, an idea/assumption can be formed regarding the condition of the patient, and the same can be verified via gathering objective data. This theory is useful in many other fields besides medicine.


9 Good Substitutes for Tomato Paste

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Tomato paste is a thick and concentrated tomato paste which takes quite a lot of preparation time. To make tomato paste, the tomatoes are cooked for a very long time with minimal or without any water. The mixture is strained to remove the seeds and peels and then again cooked to make it an intense concentrate. The paste can be made at home or can be bought from stores. It shouldn't be confused with tomato puree or sauce. The key differences are the liquid content and ingredients. The tomato puree and sauce have a higher amount of liquid and is thinner than the paste. Also, sauce has different ingredients, whereas tomato paste only has tomatoes and salt.
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Tomato paste is used in several recipes to achieve a thicker consistency. Also, to give the color and rich taste. Here are a few of substitutes for the same.

Substitute it with Tomato Forms

Tomato Puree or Sauce
Proportion: 1 tbsp. tomato paste = 2-3 tbsp. puree or sauce.

Things to remember
➤ Use these substitutes in double the quantity as they are not as concentrated as the paste. These two being thinner, you can consider reducing the amount of any other liquids in the recipe.
➤ Keep the lid open to let most of the liquid evaporate and allow it to cook for a longer time. This will only leave the tomato essence back and will make it thick.

➤ It can be very well used in chili, lasagna, and also in spaghetti sauces. In spaghetti sauces, you can omit the paste or substitute it with red wine/cornstarch and cook for a long time which will thicken it.
➤ If you're making stews or soups, tomato puree is the best alternative.
➤ If you're using it for meatloaf, use the sauce. Use it in less quantity because otherwise it will make the meat mixture too thin.

Chopped/Canned Tomatoes

Proportion: 1 tbsp tomato paste = 1 tbsp. chopped/canned tomatoes

Things to remember
➤ When you use fresh or canned tomatoes, the flavor will be different. Hence, increase the simmering time so that the tomatoes will get the thickness and the intense taste.
➤ Smashing the chopped tomatoes is a better option for recipes.
➤ The tomatoes will give a great flavor but will also change the texture. Hence it is advisable to use it in recipes accordingly.

➤ Marinara sauce consists of tomato paste with more herbs and spices, which is used in Italian recipes. Hence, this can be used to substitute paste while making salsa. That will give it the tomato taste alongside other flavors.

Non-tomato Options

Some people have a problem with the acidic tomato taste or there could be other factors that call for not using tomatoes while cooking. For instances as these, here are a few non-tomato substitutes. These alternatives will change the taste but are the closest fill-ins. Also, one must consider which recipe requires what.

◾ Use Red Peppers: Red peppers won't give the tangy flavor but it surely can give the red color and can act as a thickening agent. Use roasted peppers or cut them and make a puree. Best used in pastas.

◾ In some recipes pumpkin can be used, like that in pumpkin chili. (Not for people who have any kidney problem)

◾ In some sauces, carrots can also be used instead of tomatoes.

◾ Butternut squash puree can be used instead of the tomato paste in several recipes too. You can also roast it. This can be a good substitute in Indian recipes.
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◾ If you need to make sauce without tomatoes, you can use green salsa which is made of tomatillos.


Mexican Family Culture: Values, Traditions, and Beliefs

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The above quote holds absolutely true when it comes to a Mexican family. Our family is what makes us and shapes us. Culture, traditions, and beliefs form an integral part of our character. This can be best illustrated by understanding the Mexican family culture and facts.
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Mexican family life portrays a well-bonded social and emotional organization. Traditionally, they were highly patriarchal, but with modern influences, the picture seems to be changing for the better.

There are many things which we can learn from a Mexican family, the most important being unity. So, let us take a look at the structure of a Mexican family, along with the roles of family members, and their beliefs.

Mexican Family Structure

◆ For a Mexican, family is the most important social institution. They have large, close-knit families, and different generations live together. The Mexicans truly believe that unity is strength. They help each other through difficulties, and are always there for each other through thick and thin.

◆ Mexicans are very proud of their customs and traditions. The elders of the family try their best to maintain them, and pass them on to the next generations. Every member of the immediate or even extended family is treated with love and respect.

◆ Married couples move out to start their own families in separate houses, but they do take care of their parents in old age.

◆ Nowadays, more and more nuclear families are seen. They still try to live close to their extended families though, and are actively involved in each other's life.

Roles of Family Members in Mexican Culture

◆ The entire family settles geographically close to each other. Sometimes, generations of a family live together. It is the role of the family to provide each other material and moral support. They help each other in times of crisis. Families are more like clans, giving emotional support as well as practical guidance to each other.

◆ A Mexican family has gender-specific roles. The father is the bread-winning member of the home, whereas, women take care of the household and children. Machismo or strong sense of masculine pride is very prominent in Mexican families. All the important decisions are taken by the men of the house.

◆ A mother is greatly revered, and is responsible for the upbringing and care of the children. She cooks, cleans, and is the heart of the family, keeping all the family members together. She is involved in the healthcare of the children as well. But, the men have complete authority in the house, and the women are expected to be submissive. Even the girls in the family have to adhere to very strict rules, while the boys have more freedom.

◆ A woman is supposed to work only if the man of the house is not able to take care of the family, and provide for it like a good man. In such cases, there are chances that the woman may become assertive, leading to conflicts and ego clashes.

◆ Children are given lot of attention, as parents and grandparents usually spend a lot of time with them. Obeisance towards all the elders of the family is expected from them.

◆ Modern lifestyle has made some changes in the traditional Mexican family culture. The growing participation of women in economic activities is seen. But, unfortunately, this has added extra burden on the women, as the men still haven't started helping out with the domestic chores.

◆ Media has also helped bridge the gap between both the genders. It is lately seen that most educated men treat their spouses on par with themselves.

Family Values, Traditions, and Beliefs

◆ Mexicans believe that any important decision in the family should be taken only after consulting all the members of the family. All relatives from both sides, the father's and the mother's, are considered as part of the family. Relatives and grandparents take active part in raising children. It is not uncommon to have dozens of uncles, aunts, and cousins.

◆ Instead of just focusing on their own financial development, Mexicans give more emphasis on uplifting the status of their entire clan. Social status does not matter much to them; it's all about the sustenance of all.

◆ If a family member or relative is facing a financial problem, Mexicans are always ready to help. They'll also help him/her find employment or provide temporary residence. In fact, most of the time, businesses have family members as employees.

◆ When any family member gets into legal trouble, they stand by each other and provide money for bail and other requirements. Politicians are seen as corrupt, and families are unified when fighting against them.

◆ Open display of affection between family members is appreciated. God parenting is also an important aspect in Mexican families. Godparents are included and honored in every special occasion in the life of their godchild.

◆ Religion plays an important role in binding the entire family together. Church plays a major role, as 90% of Mexicans are Roman Catholics. Various ceremonies like christenings, weddings, and funerals help the families connect well and spend a lot of time together. Patron saint days are also celebrated with much gusto. Festivals like 'Day of the Dead' celebrate the life and death of family ancestors.

◆ Mexicans have the liberty to choose their life partners, albeit with certain restrictions. Their weddings are truly grand, with many interesting and beautiful ceremonies. During a Mexican Catholic wedding, the groom gifts 13 gold coins to his wife. With this gesture, he is entrusting his happiness and wealth to her, and promising her financial support. Her acceptance is an indication of love, trust, and life-long commitment.

◆ Quinceañera is one of the most cherished days in the life of a Mexican girl. It is celebrated on her 15th birthday, and holds a lot of importance. It is this day that marks her passage to womanhood. This is a very emotional ceremony, as the father dances with his little princess. Her childish shoes are exchanged for modern heels by him, as a symbol of this transition.

It is safe to conclude that Mexican family life and traditions are closely interlinked. They hold their family and its members very close to the heart, and live by the rule - family comes first.
By Mamta Thatte
Published: January 17, 2015

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