
12 Deadly Hiking Trails Around the World

Hiking is one outdoor activity that is enjoyed by people all over the world. Some like peaceful and slow hikes, while others seek thrill and adventure wherever they go. There are some dangerous trails in the world where only the bravest and passionate hikers would dare to go. In this article, we tell you about some of the most dangerous and challenging hiking trails that you can consider experiencing.
Deadly hiking trails around the world
Evening Dresses
Evening Dresses
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
― T.S. Eliot
Did you know that one of the most dangerous adventures in the world is hiking? You must be wondering how can hiking be dangerous; it's just a long, long walk, with a little ups and downs in the mountains. The hikes that we are talking about here are not meant for the fainthearted. Imagine yourself walking through dangerous holes, on old, rotten planks that are supported by rusted cables that sway sideways as the wind grows stronger, and below lies a deep, deep creek that causes dizziness the moment you look down. It seems as if you are flirting with death! These are some hikes that only daredevils and people with immense guts would attempt. While others may call it inviting death, passionate hikers call it 'truly living.' If you too are one big adventure-seeking hiker, who needs a dose of adrenaline every now and then, then take a look at some of the most scariest and challenging trails that you may want to consider for your next adventure hike.

World's Best and Terrifying Hiking Trails

Put on your hiking boots, and of course, your BRAVEST hat, because you will definitely need it here!

#1. Mt. Hua Shan Plank Path, China
Mt Hua Shan

This trail definitely tops this list, with it being the most dangerous, challenging, and nauseating hike in the world, that you can ever imagine. This route will guarantee full thrill and adventure, that can make even the most experienced hiker think twice. It consists of wooden planks and platforms that are bolted onto the sides of a cliff. The path is about a couple of hundred feet long, and 2,000 feet above the ground. It has a religious history that dates back to centuries. This path leads to a temple at the top. If you go there, you'll be provided with safety harnesses at the base of the cliff to clip into the wires and chains along the path that will prevent you from falling down. Looking at people's thirst for adrenaline, there was a brave soul that traversed the whole path without any harness or safety equipment! So, watch your step, and dare you not look down here!

#2. El Caminito del Rey, Spain
El Caminito Spain

Also called the King's Little Pathway, this is a crumbled walkway that is pinned along the walls of El Chorro. This vertigo-inducing trail is about 2 - 3 feet wide, and 350 feet above the river. It is mostly made up of wooden planks supported by steel rails, which have now rusted and deteriorated over the years. Also, there are sections where about 10 feet of planks are missing. After two hikers fell to their death in 2000, it was officially closed. However, some adrenaline junkies do manage to get around the fencing. It was made more than a hundred years ago for the workers at hydroelectric power plants to cross between the falls, and transport various materials. A German trekker, Daniel Ahnen, crossed this trail without any clipping or safety equipment. Another gutsy, man we must say!

#3. Huayna Picchu, Peru
Huayna Picchu Peru

The Inca Trail that leads to Machu Picchu can be one daunting trek. Also called the 'Hike of Death', the real danger here begins when you have to pass through the mythical city. It consists of a staircase that was carved out of granite. This route involves climbing many steep and narrow stairs that appear to be coming out of and floating from the wall that runs about 1,000 feet above. Making it more challenging are the slippery and rotting rocks covered with clouds and mist. It is said that going up is easier here than coming down. The thrill factor here is that, it is steep and can prove fatal if you step on a wrong place. In one day, only about 400 people are allowed to climb, to avoid the congestion. Of course, this is for the people prefer taking the stairs every time. Okay, maybe that wasn't so funny! But would you dare to climb these?

#4. The Maze, Canyonlands, Utah
The Maze, Canyonlands, Utah

The Maze in Utah is one of the most remote areas that is visited by around 2,000 people each year, not because of the beauty, but for the challenge, because it is very difficult to reach. It is almost impossible to navigate this labyrinth of red rock, as it is full of dead ends. There's always the danger of rockfalls or flash floods lingering over this place. Remember James Franco in 127 Hours? Yes, that's what the scene is exactly like over here. This trail is not for those are afraid of heights and small spaces. Also make sure that you have some great sense of direction; it is called the Maze for a reason!

#5. Kalalau, Hawaii
Kalalau, Hawaii

The Kalalau trail, located along the Na Pali Coast in Hawaii, is a spectacular beauty, with mountains on one side and an underdeveloped beach on the other. Looking at it from far away may seem like a simple trek, but the 11-mile hike in this paradise-like place can quickly turn nasty. The major crossings can be really dangerous during the rains, as it leads the trail to swell. The waterfalls here lead to rockfalls, which is also a main concern. The hikers hitting this trail must be careful of the crumbling ledges and crashing ocean waves. It seems that all the fun attitude of Hawaii can turn deceptive at times.

#6. Maroon Bells South Ridge, Colorado
Maroon Bells South Ridge, Colorado

Although this trail boasts of some scenic beauty, you cannot take it for granted even though many people complete the hike safely. This place is full of loose rocks, steep paths, and many places where you can get lost, literally. The climb here is easy, till you reach above 11,000 feet on the east slope, after which it gets rough as you go higher and higher. It got its 'deadly' tag after eight people died in five separate accidents after these beautiful cliffs became deceptive, which took their lives without any warning.

#7 Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Bright Angel Trail

This 9.5-mile trail in Arizona has also claimed the lives of many people, mostly because of the soaring temperatures, which usually reaches around 110°F (43°C). It is huge, which is why it is one of the most sought-after achievements for some people. The number of deaths and injuries here have led the park service to create a special scouting crew for rescuing people. There are about 200 rescues every year, even though this trail has some rest stations along the way, unlike other Grand Canyon trails. It seems an easy trek at first, but it turns sour soon enough. Despite the warning boards put up everywhere, people don't carry enough water, or many even start their hikes quite late in the day.

#8. Mist Trail, California
Mist Trail, California

At Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, Mist Trail is one of the most popular trails among people here. Although about 3,000 hikers come back safely from there each year, there are certain tricky spots that may leave you injured if you are not well prepared for this hike. The most challenging part is climbing up with the help of steel cables that become really slippery during the rainfalls. It is an 8-mile long trail, that also includes a few hundred feet of granite staircase. There have been a few accidents here, mainly due to wet rocks.

#9. The Narrows, Longs Peak, Colorado
Longs Peak, Colorado

This is one of the most popular, but deadliest peaks in Colorado, mainly because of rock slides, lightning, and narrow ledges. The trail is comfortable until you reach a section known as the 'Keyhole'. Hikers here need to go through narrow ledges and stay on the path that is painted as bull's-eye for indications. One of the most famous mountaineer, Agnes Vaille, died here after falling 150 feet down onto a rock field.
Evening Dresses
#10. Himalayas, Nepal
Himalayas, Nepal

The Himalayas, also known as 'the abode of snow', is home to the highest peaks in the world. It has been a challenging and the most difficult mountain to climb for over decades now. It consists of some picturesque sites, like the Pangong Tso lake, that stretches over to China as well. Many trekking and hiking expeditions are held here every year, for both amateurs and experts, depending on their experience.

#11. Glass Skywalk, Tianmen Mountain National Park, China
Tianmen Mountain National Park, China

The Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park in China has some spectacular and scenic beauty, but nothing can beat the death-defying 'Glass Skywalk'. It is a path made of glass, which is built on the side of a cliff. This path is about 4,700 feet above sea level, and 200 feet long. This walkway along the cliff is amazingly scary, so scary that the people who thought of building this incredible sidewalk have still not found anyone to keep it clean. Hikers here are asked to wear cloth slip-ons over their shoes so that view remains clean. Mind you, don't look down! It may scare the hell out of you!

#12. Pacaya Volcano National Park, Guatemala
Pacaya Volcano National Park, Guatemala

Yes, volcano! Ever thought of getting up and close with a volcano? You must think people are crazy to be venturing into volcano-prone areas. Pacaya is one volcano that is extremely moody, and has been active since 23,000 years now. It's not as dangerous as you may think though. You can watch the volcano erupting from a distance. However, the climb can be dangerous even when the volcano isn't erupting, as it is pretty steep. You'll obviously need to keep a tab on the current situation there. So before you hit this hot place, make sure you do your homework well in advance.
Evening Dresses
These are the most dangerous and thrilling hiking trails in the world that you should definitely visit once in your lifetime for that amazing experience that you won't get anywhere else.


Beautiful Romantic Quotes by John Keats

Evening Dresses
The love story of John Keats and Fanny Brawne is sad and truly endearing. Here are some famous love quotes by a romantic poet who truly knew how to love.
Romantic quote by John Keats
John Keats gave the sonnet 'Bright Star' to Fanny Brawne to proclaim his love for her.
John Keats was one the most remarkable English poets of all time. He was born on October 31, 1795, and died on February 23, 1821, his work was unfortunately appreciated by critics after his death, and by the end of the 19th century, he was one of the most beloved English poets. Today, his works are one of the most analyzed works of English literature.
Evening Dresses
His work ranges from the sonnet to Spenserian romance to Miltonic epic. Some of his most noted works are poems like "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", "Ode To A Nightinagale", and "Ode On a Grecian Urn".

Around the year 1818, he befriended and was later engaged to Fanny Brawne. It was for her that he penned the sonnet "Bright Star", many of the love letters written to her as considered to be his greatest works. Sadly, this engagement was called off when he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, but they remained close till his death; such a sweet yet sad love story. Here are some famous quotes by this romantic on love, you simply have to read!

Quotes From Letters By John Keats to Others

"Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced."

"Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?

"I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination."

"Whatever the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth -whether it existed before or not"

"We read fine things but never feel them to the full until we have gone the same steps as the author."

"O for a life of Sensations rather than of Thoughts!"

"I never was in love - yet the voice and the shape of a woman has haunted me these two days."

Quotes From Poems by John Keats

"Should ever the fine-eyed maid to me be kind; Ah! surely it must be whenever I find; Some flowery spot, sequestered, wild, romantic; That often must have seen a poet frantic.
― Bright Star: The Complete Poems and Selected Letters

"Let us away, my love, with happy speed; There are no ears to hear, or eyes to see, - Drown'd all in Rhenish and the sleepy mead.
― Bright Star: The Complete Poems and Selected Letters

John Keats on Sweet Melodies of Silence

"I love your hills and I love your dales, And I love your flocks a-bleating; but oh, on the heather to lie together, With both our hearts a-beating!"
― Bright Star: The Complete Poems and Selected Letters

"My love is selfish. I cannot breathe without you."
― Bright Star

"I never knew before, what such a love as you have made me feel, was; I did not believe in it; my Fancy was afraid of it, lest it should burn me up."
― Bright Star

"I wish I was either in your arms full of faith, or that a Thunder bolt would strike me."
― Bright Star

"To feel for ever its soft fall and swell, Awake for ever in a sweet unrest, Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, And so live ever-or else swoon to death.
― Bright Star

"And when thou art weary I'll find thee a bed, Of mosses and flowers to pillow thy head."
― To Emma

"Thou art a dreaming thing, A fever of thyself."
― The Fall of Hyperion - A Dream

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.
― A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

"Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter."
― Ode on a Grecian Urn

John Keats on Two Hearts as One

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,-that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know"
― Ode on a Grecian Urn

"Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss."
― Endymion

Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne

"I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else."

"I have been astonished that Men could die Martyrs for religion - I have shuddered at it - I shudder no more - I could be martyred for my Religion - Love is my religion - I could die for that - I could die for you."

"My creed is Love and you are its only tenet - You have ravished me away by a Power I cannot resist."

"I cannot exist without you - I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again - my Life seems to stop there - I see no further."

"You are always new. The last of your kisses was even the sweetest; the last smile the brightest; the last movement the gracefullest."

"You have absorb'd me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving."

"I have so much of you in my heart."

John Keats on Having You in Heart

"Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one!"

"We have woven a web, you and I, attached to this world but a separate world of our own invention."

"I say you cannot conceive; it is impossible you should look with such eyes upon me as I have upon you: it cannot be."

"You cannot conceive how I ache to be with you: how I would die for one hour."

"Forgive me if I wander a little this evening, for I have been all day employed in a very abstract Poem and I am in deep love with you - two things which must excuse me."

"If you should ever feel for Man at the first sight what I did for you, I am lost."

"I am indeed astonished to find myself so careless of all charms but yours - remembering as I do the time when even a bit of ribband was a matter of interest with me."

"I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your Loveliness and the hour of my death."

"You are, I love you; all I can bring you is a swooning admiration of your Beauty."

"I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain."

John Keats on not Breathing Without You
Evening Dresses
"When you pass'd my window home yesterday, I was fill'd with as much admiration as if I had then seen you for the first time.


Struggles and Benefits of Being a Short Girl

"God only lets things grow until they're perfect... Some of us didn't take as long as others", the continual reminder we give ourselves and others around. If only the tall world could understand. Being short sure has its set of struggles; we can't shun the cons, let's just jollify them with 'LOL, so true' nods, and enjoy the perks of being a short girl.
Struggle and benefit of being a short girl
Pretty, Popular Petites!
We share petiteness with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Eva Longoria, Kristen Bell, Christina Ricci, Hayden Panettiere, Carmen Electra, Reese Witherspoon, and the infamous Kourtney Kardashian.
"And though she be little, she's fierce!" Probably, Shakespeare understands the mightiness hidden within tiny things. Besides being bombarded with a slew of questions like, "How tall are you?", "Have you always been this short?", "How is the weather down there?", and bearing being talked to like a Pomeranian puppy, there are some great things about life as a short girl. At 4'11.6", when I can't get any more petite, I absolutely love being one for the most part. I mean, I can never really imagine living a life the other way. Who says, you got to be 5'11" to get noticed? When you have several heads turn to you being the smallest girl in the room.
Evening Dresses
Evening Dresses
Being short definitely has its set of negatives. But besides being an armrest to every person you meet, you're a best friend to many, 'cause you know, they say, short girls make great friends as they are incredibly trustworthy. You see, being short, has some amazing advantages. Let's look at some pros and cons of being a short girl. And, not to miss, the struggles of being in a relationship with a tall guy!

And BTW, only we have the permission to refer to ourselves as short. You say it, and we take an offense.

Benefits of being a shorty

#1 You're ridiculously adorable.

#2 Thus, "cute" becomes your default description.

#3 You develop a miraculous bond with anyone and everyone who's short.

#4 You remain in your 'sweet sixteen' zone forever. In fact, you're the inspiration behind the song "Forever Young."

#5 Everybody is generally generous and gentle with you for your fragile looks.

#6 They end up doing more for you! Struggle to fetch the box of cereal in the top shelf? "Let me get it for you" is all you hear.

#7 "You're the most innocent thing they've met" is what you get to hear. All the time.

heels: pro of being short

#8 Not just oldies, even children adore you. Guess why, 'cause they think you're one of them.

#9 You can try going shopping with them, 'cause kids' section :') (cheaper!)

#10 Chances are, you're proficient at sewing skills. And if not, you have a dear tailor friend always by your side.

#11 There is no such pair of heels that's "too tall" for you. And let's face it, heels look better on shorter girls than taller chicks.

#12 And if you don't get a perfect pair in the adult section, fret not. You've the opportunity to try kids' shoes as well. (best of both worlds) A size 3 in kids mesmerizingly equals a size 5 in adults!

#13 You're so compact, you can fit into an innocuous space with comfort.

#14 You never have to worry about bumping your head onto a ceiling.

#15 You can comfortably fold your legs up in a chair.

rain: pro of being short

#16 Even Nature favors you―you're the last one to get rained on.

#17 You're less prone to sunstroke and other UV problems 'cause you're further from sun than taller fellows.

#18 You help save Earth, 'cause apparently your impact on the environment is significantly smaller than taller people.

falling: pro of being short

#19 They say, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." So, it hurts less if you trip and fall.

#20 Your superpower―crowd weaving. You can span the distance from being the last at the concert than reaching the top in like milliseconds. Bonus: people help you achieve that.

#21 In movie theaters and cinema halls, you can walk free as and when you want, since you can never block anyone's view!

#22 Remember your favorite dress from high school? No matter how old you grow, there's at least one outfit in your wardrobe that perfectly fits you. And your friends wonder how many clothes you have.

#23 You always get the front seat in group pictures.

clothing: pro of being short

#24 And so you'll always be remembered as the one in the front row of every year's class photo in school.

#25 Talking about your personality, people find you sweet and trustworthy, 'cause studies say so.

#26 Guys like short girls more.

#27 Tall guys like you 'cause you tuck in incredibly well under their arms. Shorter boys like you, well, you know why!

#28 Surveys and stats also show that shorter girls make better lovers.

#29 You're the perfect cuddle size.

#30 As if the whole concept of 'forehead kissing' was started keeping you in mind.

Struggles of being a shorty

#1 You get to hear different versions of the classic, "How's the weather down there?" by your friends, coworkers, probably any person you meet.

#2 You're forever the armrest! Dude, FYI, I'm not a piece of furniture.

cuteness: con of being short

#3 You get pissed at being called "cute" when you are trying hard to carry off the "sexy" image. I mean, babies are cute. Pets are cute. Adults are NOT!

#4 Jeans! They give you the feel of wearing leggings. The ultimate struggle is to find a pair that isn't too tall!

#5 Hemming is your favorite hobby.

#6 Maxi dresses make you look as if you're drowning in the outfit.

#7 Blazers and shirts with long sleeves cover your palms.

#8 Yoga pant bottoms are bound to get ripped. And yeah, how can we not make a mention about their state in the rains.

#9 Bathroom mirrors just don't seem to get it.

cooking: con of being short

#10 Cooking dinner is like doing acrobatics. Well, grocery shopping―a rock climbing activity.

#11 And then come the cardio workouts in the quest to match the pace with taller people.

#12 You give up on your 'supermodel' dream.

#13 Even if you gain two pounds, it's noticeable. If ten, you probably look in shape. Round is a shape.

#14 You don't get the reason why peepholes were invented.

#15 When going for long (or short) car rides, they've a seat reserved for you―the middle seat!

#16 You hope and pray that nobody sits in front of you at the movies. Or may be you get accustomed to watching the entire show through a gap.

#17 And then you meet those who are amnesic to the fact you're standing up.

chairs: con of being short

#18 You get the feeling of always sitting in a high chair *dangling legs*.

#19 You're being asked for ID when you're 25.

#20 Your clothes will cost you more than anything! Hemming, fixes and alterations; no piece of clothing fits you right at the first go.

#21 You become the victim of perpetual torture for "Are you tall enough for this ride?" at amusement parks.

swimming: con of being short

#22 One word: Swimming.

#23 People never take you seriously! They find it funny when you're mad! Then they go with a series of "Awww, you look so cute when you are angry!" comments.

#24 Better not going to standing-room-only concerts, than to go, get mashed to listen to radio amongst a crowd of hippies.

#25 You need to be super-flexible to get on a bike.

#26 No matter how high your heels are, you're still shorter than most coworkers.

#27 Taking selfies with your best friend is a nightmare. Either make them bend down to your level, or look like a Shih Tzu puppy being petted.

#28 You know how it feels to get everyone's nose breath in your face when in a lift. Upsetting is an understatement.

#29 Short legs... smaller steps... You're mistaken as a latecomer, 'cause you're the last person to reach anywhere.

#30 And of course, the best of all, people assume you should be accompanied by an adult, even though you've been a legal adult for years!

'Short girl tall guy' problems

Dating a shorter girl has numerous benefits too. You share the most warm hugs and cuddles. You're petite and proportionate stats, your innocently adorable image, your inherently trustworthy persona, makes guys go gaga over it. But let's hear some struggles faced by shorter women that no one shares.

#1 Thank you tall boyfriend for making me feel like a kid. When holding hands, you have to bend your arm at a particular angle, right at the elbow and aim up.

#2 We all know the very popular, very "awww'd" kissing stance of a short girl-tall guy couple, but what about our necks that hurt due to stretching?

#3 And it doesn't stop here. Standing on our tiptoes for so long, you gotta give us a point there for our endurance.

#4 And you ought to face questions like, "How did you find someone this tall?", "Are you actually seeing each other?", and the deliberate one―I thought, you were cousins!

#5 And that wicked expression everyone gives you when they see y'all together. Be prepared to get a lot of dirty comments about the possibilities of height difference.

Despite all the struggles, we say, it's all worth it.

#xoxo Because ...
Every tall guy needs a short girl.

tall guy short girl story
Evening Dresses
Next time you're being addressed as 'shorty', remember, you have a good bunch of girls right by your side, sharing your struggle, fetching cereal from a higher shelf... Striving to look at the taller part of the world. Short girls are set to rule the world, climbing the ladder, one step at a time.


Hilarious Google Bombs That Still Work

Evening Dresses
Evening Dresses
Omnipresent, omniscient, and omnicompetent, Google is one hell of an omnivore, err, not really, it went with the flow. You cannot controvert Google's humongous database. However, by virtue of its blinding amount of info, it has also gained infamy for a number of bloopers. In this article, we share some hilarious and embarrassing Google bombs that still work.
Hilarious Google bombs
Prodigious information yet so many pratfalls!
Over 40,000 mortals ask for Google's help every second, which means that Google gets over 3.5 billion search queries per day, which further on an annual basis translates to around 1.2 trillion search queries!
Evening Dresses
The other day when a gaggle of adolescent kids were kid-handling each other over who was the smartest of them all, I jumped in the scuffle and in a gleefully malicious tone, said 'Google'. What immediately ensued after my sarcastic reply is not something that I'm willing to share but something phenomenal that dawned on me in the middle of the spat.

Google, as I plunged into the boundless depths of my thoughts (which is a rare phenomenon), came across as an adolescent kiddo. Yes, a 16-year old, extraordinarily smart and precocious kid; someone whose mother overdosed on American Pie, who was fed on tales from The Game of Thrones, and who was sung songs from 2 Live Crew as lullaby. But, right from its first baby steps, it has proved to be exceptionally wondrous, like a whizkid whose brain neurons are on steroids. This guy has answers to all feasible questions that can pop into the fertile human mind, right from something profoundly meaningful like "what is love" to something very unusual like "what does it mean when an Egyptian man meows like a cat?", this kid knows it all. Forget that, it is so smart that it will give you 5 different options when you just type the word 'how'; some so random and some so tantalizing that you are invariably drawn to clicking on one of its options, and will make you totally forget about your original query. Now, that is something, isn't it?

Moving on.

Google, in 2014 came with a simplified knowledge base with an intention to provide its users with quick and relevant information. It saves you the trouble from navigating websites, in other words you can find what you want instantaneously without having to go through other unimportant info. While you are presented with instant information, we aren't exactly sure about the relevance part of it. Have a look at the following and try to understand what Goggle was thinking when it gave these answers (we are still staring at our screens).

Does God Love Everyone

Google Bomb About God Love

Okay, your momma may have told you in exasperation that she loved your elder brother more than you, but that one casual revelation crumbled your life momentarily and you cried with your lips puckered for 5 hours inconsolably. Now imagine what non-Christians throughout the world who believe in Jesus Christ must have gone through when they read this!?

What Car Does Jesus Drive

Google Bomb About Jesus Car

Just because there is a biblical verse that states "For I did not speak of my own Accord..." or "the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the hills", it does not mean that the Lord drove Honda Accord or rode the motorcycle Triumph (we too fell for that, but were soon disabused of the fallacy). Why would he need a vehicle to carry him, when he could carry himself anywhere, at any time with just one blink of an eye? Got an answer to this one Google, huh?

Is Google God

Google Bomb On Whether Google Is God

This must have made Google purr like a content cat. Google has all those qualities in the making, it's omnipresent, omniscient, and has answers to all your queries (even if there are not necessarily relevant). But this is like calling yourself talented just because you can sneeze, belch, and break the wind harmoniously; we mean you definitely have something special but we aren't exactly sure if it is something you can brag about. Oh come on, you are meant to do this!

Ways to Stop Hiccups

Google Bomb On Ways To Stop Hiccups

We always felt that all things in our body are somehow connected to each other, but this totally eclipses that belief of ours. How about holding something tightly onto your bottom to stop from hiccuping? If you cannot make the hiccups go away by gagging your mouth, you could try that on your buttocks, since both are body openings.

What is the Answer to Life the Universe and Everything

Google Bomb About Answer To Life

We are sure that Mr. Einstein's tomb must have trembled fitfully for sometime when he heard this. So, why was there a housefly in my coffee cup this morning? Maybe because it flew backwards 42 times, felt woozy, and thought of getting a caffeine dose to get back to its groove. Aha! Smarrtt.

Google has donned the nasty hat of an enfant terrible many times and the following examples show how real nasty it had got.

Nigger House

Google Blooper About Nigger House

Nigger King

Google Blooper About Nigger King

If you wanted to see exactly on what plane of misjudgment our beloved Google inhabits then you could have just typed "nigga house" that would have led you to tada- The White House (apparently a certain "nigga king", happened to domicile the White House). However, Google after realizing its brazenly obvious error apologized for it. There's a good boy, we must say.

Top 10 Criminals in the World

Google Blooper About Criminal Results

Top 10 Criminals in India

Google Results on Criminals in India
Evening Dresses
Google didn't stop with its series of pratfalls, it recently notched yet another error in its bulging blooper bag by including Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi's image for search results on 'Top 10 criminals in India'. If that wasn't enough, Mr. Modi also got a spot in 'Top 10 criminals in the World'. However, Google, this time too, expressed deep regret for having committed the error. We reckon Google is on a humble pie eating competition with itself.


Geometric Abstraction in Art: History and Characteristics

Evening Dresses
If photography could capture any life form, what's the point of painting any picture from scratch? Geometric abstraction changed the landscape by creating art that evoked from the emotions of the artist, instead of a painted reproduction. This article will illuminate readers on geometric abstraction, its history, and its types.
Geometric abstraction in art
In 1929, Alfred H. Barr, Jr. was the first American art historian to use the term 'geometric abstraction' in relation to the works of Wassily Kandinsky.
Evening Dresses
Out of all art forms that define the beauty of the world, abstract art is considered the most intellectual. The first look at any abstract form of art always leaves us with more questions than answers. Although not as popular as representational art, the form of reproducing art from life, it still attracts a genuine following among art lovers and the general public alike.

Abstract art was formed in the early 20th century by artists frustrated by following the same style of old painters. Geometric art already had a cult following in the early Greek period of 900 BC, as evident by concentric circles and other shapes on their vases and paintings.

Different types of abstract art encompass curvilinear, color-related or light-related, geometric, emotional or intuition, gestural, and minimalist. Geometric art is the only art form that tries to showcase balance and structure through the brush strokes of its artist. In the following sections, we tell you the reason for its popularity.

Geometric Abstraction: Definition

▣ Geometric abstraction is an art form that uses basic geometric shapes. Without depending on three-dimensional space, it was drawn using two-dimensional shapes suspended in space.

▣ A distinct characteristic of geometric art is the shapes formed by curved or straight lines along a continuous path. It is sometimes judged to be devoid of emotion, but the grand gesture of the art convinces even the most stoic individuals.

▣ Only the primary colors of red, green, and blue were used originally, which later on evolved to include more colors to give it more depth and emotion.


▣ Around 1908, artists like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque started the movement of cubism, to branch out from the traditional style of painting.

▣ There were 2 types of cubism. Analytical cubism depicted paintings in small, tilted planes. Synthetic cubism camouflaged paintings with wood and other foreign objects to depict cuboidal forms.

▣ In fact, Georges Braque's painting, Houses at l'Estaque, prompted art critic Louis Vauxcelles to mockingly call it a house of cubes, which in turn gave the name to the movement.

▣ Cubism convinced artist Piet Mondrian to include it in his paintings. Mondrian experimented and created his own art form - neo-plasticism.

▣ Cubism even gave sculptors like Constantin Brâncuși the inspiration to create his world-famous sculpture The Kiss.

▣ Although cubism was dying out, its influence had spread to other parts of the Western world. In Russia, due to the rise of communism, Kazimir Malevich invented suprematism as a way to rebel against the government and their propaganda. It further influenced Theo Van Doesburg to create a movement called De Stijl.

Types of Geometric Abstraction


▣ This was an art form created in response to the economy and cultural change occurring in Russia.

▣ The designs of constructivism were used in propaganda and advertising posters. The most famous poster was by El Lissitzky - 'Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge'.

▣ Constructivism had a lasting impact in architecture (Tatlin's Tower), and in movies such as Aelita and Storm over Asia.

▣ The artists associated with constructivism included Lyubov Popova, Vasiliy Yermilov, Vladimir Tatlin, and El Lissitzky, to name a few.

de stijl
De Stijl

▣ The movement was started in 1917 by Theo van Doesburg, and meant 'The Style' in Dutch.

▣ Primary members included Piet Mondrian, Vilmos Huszár, and Bart van der Leck, and the architects Gerrit Rietveld, Robert van 't Hoff, and J. J. P. Oud.

▣ Paintings were depicted in rectangular grids, and used the primary colors of red, blue, and yellow, along with black and white.

▣ Mondrian's last painting, Broadway Boogie-Woogie, introduced the abstractionist movement to the United States of America in 1940.

op art
Op Art

▣ Op art is a visual style of art that uses geometric shapes only in black and white. This art form was started by Victor Vasarely, in his painting Zebra.

▣ This gives the viewer the impression of movement or optical illusions.

▣ From 1965, artists like Bridget Riley started producing color-based op art.

▣ Although the art died out, it branched into pop art; the kind of snazzy art form used to popularize famous icons, and used by Andy Warhol in his creations.

▣ Artists primarily influenced by op art include Richard Allen, John McHale, Heinz Mack, Michael Kidner, and Jeffrey Steele.


▣ Minimalism started in 1960 in New York as a new wave of art form.

▣ The aim was to express clarity by reducing the content to its primal form, without using any references.

▣ One of the most important art pieces influenced by this art form is Die by Tony Smith.

▣ Other famous artists influenced by minimalism include Donald Judd, Frank Stella, Brice Marden, and Sol Lewitt, to name a few.


▣ Kazimir Malevich started the movement in 1913 known as suprematism, due to the colors in his paintings giving a different sensation, also known as synaesthesia.

▣ It primarily used squares and trapezoids on a white background to depict emotions.

▣ The group started by Malevich included artists like Lyubov Popova, Aleksandra Ekster, Olga Rozanova, Nadezhda Udaltsova, Ivan Kliun, Nikolai Suetin, Ilya Chashnik, Nina Genke-Meller, Ivan Puni, and Ksenia Boguslavskaya.

Concrete Art

▣ Concrete art is considered an art form which has no symbolic reference to the world, and was coined by Theo Van Doesburg in 1930.

▣ The art form was recognized by its hard edges and frequent use of geometric shapes.
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▣ One of the pioneers who spread concrete art was Wassily Kandinsky, whose painting On White II represented a piece of machinery.

▣ The artists who practiced this art form include Max Bill, Josef Albers, Robert Delaunay, Tony Smith, and Sol LeWitt, among others.


8 Reasons Why Traveling Alone is the Best Way to See the World

Evening Dresses
Getting cold feet just thinking of traveling alone and contemplating nipping that plan right in the bud? Think again. In this post, we're highlighting all the advantages of traveling alone and why you need to take that trip ASAP.
Reason why traveling alone is good
"Never did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without traveling."
Evening Dresses
― Roman Payne
Traveling. Seeing new places. Feeling alive again. Getting away from the rut of life and into a new world. To explore, to feel, to soak in. Most of us are travel-junkies at heart―we conjure up images of far off places and breathtaking escapes. We sigh through images of foreign locations and long to be there. We will ourselves to walk through those nature trails. We think 'let's go on an adventure', and then quietly smother that voice down just as soon as it spears its ugly head. Because, alone.

*Long awkward silence.*

I get it. Traveling all alone? Doing things all by yourself? Or how about the far more philosophical one ... going alone without having anyone to share those experiences with? Yes, traveling alone without anyone to share those experiences with, and doing things all by oneself. But how? Why?

Because, memories. Because, freedom. Because, unbelievable, innumerable, countless moments. That's why.


It's not easy, we really do get it. Especially if you're not used to traveling all by yourself. So what we're asking you to do is begin by taking baby steps. Go on a weekend trip alone. See how that feels. Then maybe, take off for a week all by yourself. You'll find that once you're over your initial apprehensions, it isn't as bad as it seems. In fact, you may even like it. So why should we not be sacrificing our travel times because there's no one on the horizon to go with? Here's why.

You're the boss

Tourist clicking snaps

Oh, yeah. So you wake up on the first morning of your trip, right, and you don't really want to be rushing out the door and into a tourist bus packed with people who all want to go see the magnificent something or the other... guess what? You don't have to! Why? That's right. You're the boss. You decide what you want to do, you decide what you want to see, you decide when to go where, and you also decide what you want to skip. Oh, the joys of being alone and doing what you want.

Do what you want, when you want

Woman with travel suitcase

Remember that trip you took way back with all those friends, and all that happened on the trip was a lot of asking around 'what do you want to do?', 'I don't know, what do you want to do?'. So much precious time was spent in this back and forth exchange that you ended up missing out on many places that you would have liked to see. Or how about all those places that you had to give a miss because someone else had circled in some others that they just had to see? You see where we're going with this? You get to plan exactly what you want to see and when you want to see it. Getting the most of a trip, now who would not want that?

Getting all responsible and everything

Tourist reading map

Whether you realized it, and whether you wanted it or not, the moment you decided to take that trip alone, you automatically became responsible. Yup. You know that you're going to have to take care of yourself. You know there's going to be no one to run to for every single thing. And since you're going to do everything for yourself, and you might as well do a swell job of it. And you know what this will do? You'll end up learning so much―taking care of accommodation, learning how to navigate a map, learning the ropes of public transport ... you're going to be filled with a deluge of experience. How about that?

Here's to meeting new people

Chatting with friends

... and experiencing new things. So let's suppose you've taken a trip with friends. You're probably not going to end up meeting anyone new on that trip. I mean, why would you when you have all the people you need, right there with you? But, when you're alone, there are going to be times when you'll find yourself with completely new people―sitting beside someone on the bus, or sharing a table at a restaurant. And just like that, you'll get an insight into their lives and their stories. What a whole lot of new perspectives to take back home.

And getting over inhibitions

Man sky diving thumbs up

There are a million reservations and countless inhibitions that we carry along. But when you're traveling alone, you learn to get over them somewhat quickly. What else are you going to do? Sit in your room and wait for things to happen to you? Yes? For a day or two, maybe. What after that? You are going to get up and go looking for things to do, and in doing that, you are going to get over your inhibitions. And once you're out of your comfort zone and into the adrenaline-pumping experiences, you're going to pat yourself for getting over those silly reservations and giving a chance for memories to form.

How about getting to know the real you?

Contemplating over snacks

It works out this way, whether you realize it or not―when you're traveling with someone, you end up going along with the flow. Like, if they want to visit a particular place, you're not really going to refuse, are you? When you're on your own, you learn so much about yourself. You learn the kind of places you like, the kind of food you prefer and random things of the here and now. Would you have had the time to contemplate on those things while you were with someone else? Probably, but not always. But here, it's as if the experience is intensified. Because who's distracting you from you? No one. Not one soul.

And learning to reflect

Overlooking the mountain

It's during times like these, when you're by yourself and you have all the time in the world, that you can listen to what you're trying to tell yourself. There are no distractions, there are no droning noises vying for your attention. This is when life's answers come to you. You get clarity about what you want to do, what drives you, what you want in life. All you have to do is listen. How does it happen when you're alone and not with someone else, you ask? It just does.

Let's take home some memories

Woman in red dress with cycle in field

And finally, my friend, why you should travel alone―for the memories. The things you take back when you travel with company and the things you take back when you travel alone are so different. The experiences and the thoughts in your head and the things you're thinking about... anything and everything takes on a whole different meaning. How about that time when you missed the tourist bus, and the lovely local lady showed you around town? Or how about the time you almost didn't go sky diving and the instructor egged you on? And how about when the lone selfie atop the highest peak was graced by that mountain goat? Memories. What else do we have?
Evening Dresses
So you see, there are a million reasons you should travel alone and a countless reasons more. So all we're saying is, give in to that voice. Go take that adventure you've always wanted to. Just go.


What Colors to Wear with Orange Clothes

Evening Dresses
Oh, so you finally got a very pretty orange blouse, but aren't sure what color to pair it with? We tell you about all things orange, and help you make the right clothing choices in this post. Read on.
Orange color outift for women
Orange is a color of liberation from the pains of hurtful love and inner insecurities. To "Channel orange" is to be truly free. To be you.
Evening Dresses
—Frank Ocean

Add a pop of color, some brightness, and lots of happiness with the most exciting color - orange! Fresh and funky orange is a very versatile color, and will give your wardrobe that much-needed color boost. Are you apprehensive about wearing orange? Yeah, most people are! But that could be b'coz you don't know what colors to pair with orange.

This fierce color symbolizes warmth, energy, happiness, and so much more. But the most important thing is... it looks so good! It's time to make heads turn and unleash the diva or the dude in you... with some ORANGE!

White And Bright!

orange and white

Looks awesome, isn't it? White is the color when you gotta balance a bright shade. Whether it's a dress, skirt, pants, or anything else, the orange and white pairing works, period.

A Little Subdued...

orange gray beige

So you don't like too much attention, and flashy is not really your style. Let's tone it down a little, with some neutral colors. Pair orange with beige or gray, and so you will love the effect.

No... We Like It Bright!

orange with bright colors

orange with other colors collage

Colors, and more colors! You don't wanna look like a rainbow, so do pair them right. Blue or green complements orange really well. A great shade of yellow (not too bright please) works really well as well. And, the pink and orange combination is so fresh and different!

Formal Or Casual... Orange Rocks

Orange clothes collage of Men

Orange looks equally alluring on men, the image is a proof! A formal orange shirt looks very smart. Pairing a casual tee with orange pants will work wonders as well. So don't shy away from orange guys!

Orange Fervor

orange dress collage

Why pair orange with other colors when you can go totally orange! A printed orange dress looks totally awesome, and you can also pair different shades of orange for an ethereal effect!

Get Sassy With Black

orange with black pants

orange and black clothes collage

How can you not pair any color with black? Black is the best thing when it comes to fashion! This combination will work wonders if you choose matte orange shades rather than bright ones. And yes, it will also remind people of Halloween! :P

Orange Blast Or Just a Pop!

full and partial orange

Gold and orange looks very stylish. Your simple orange dress will instantly turn glamorous with the perfect golden belt. If you don't like orange much, and yet wanna flaunt it, go for a bright orange belt!

The Orange Quotient!

orange jacket or scarf

Yes, you can go for orange accessories as well. Look how smart the burnt orange jacket looks. A bright scarf will instantly take your outfit a few notches high.

Divine Denim!

orange and denim skirts

orange and denim for women

orange and denim for men

We love the whole orange and denim combo. It's casual, fresh, and even men can carry orange with elan! Yes guys, it's fine to wear orange sometimes, we are not asking you to wear pink! It's time to get out of the stereotypical cliches and embrace colors!

Complement It Right

shoes with orange

You need perfect shoes to make your orange dress look all the more awesome. Go for bright blue heels on a plain solid orange dress or blouse. Gold is another color that instantly lifts up orange. If your clothes just have a hint of orange, then wear bold orange shoes, and white is always on the list!

accessories with orange

You can match your earrings to your shoes. Gold and orange or blue and orange themes work really well. Feel free to experiment with jewelry and other accessories, but don't go for a solid or bright color with orange.
Evening Dresses
So, now that you know how to flaunt orange, go and paint the town pink, err... orange!


26 Famous Quotes by Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore, a great poet, writer, artist, and a Nobel laureate from India, has contributed greatly to the field of literature. A visionary, and torch-bearing personality with deep profound thoughts, his quotes will certainly chant a hymn that our hearts will truly understand. Be it nature, religion, god, country, love, life or freedom, Tagore's words are real jewels.
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Evening Dresses
Rabindranath Tagore quote
Did You Know?
The National Anthem of India, Jana Gana Mana, was penned by Rabindranath Tagore.
Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore was a great connoisseur of art and literature. Famous for his collection of poems, 'Gitanjali', in Bengali, he was one of the most famous and profound writers of his time who played a pivotal role in India's struggle for independence against the British.

Tagore was born in Calcutta (now, Kolkata), India, in 1861, in a wealthy family. Besides authoring many stories and poems of immense literary value, he also started the experimental school Shantiniketan, which broke away from traditional methods of learning and teaching school curriculum. Till date, the school has produced many eminent personalities including Nobel Prize winner for economics, Amartya Sen. His poems and literary work became very popular in the West too, and he was conferred with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. Tagore was not only a writer, but also a true artist in all forms, and his works included drawings, paintings, and music compositions.

Apart from this, Rabindranath Tagore's literary works espoused freedom of mind and spirit. This proved highly inspirational for the general public who were struggling to gain independence from British rule. However, he also prompted readers, through his works, to free themselves from blind faith, caste discrimination, oppression against women, etc. Here are some quotes by Tagore that are certainly thought-provoking.

Quotes On Love

"Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it."

"Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict."

"Beauty is simply reality seen with the eyes of love."

rabindranath tagore quote on love

"I will sit in the pupil of your eyes and that will carry your sight into the heart of the things."

Quotes On Nature

"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of
Time like dew on the tip of a leaf."

"The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough."

"The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful."
― Stray Birds

"By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower."
― Stray Birds

rabindranath tagore quote on butterfly

"The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous."

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."
― Stray Birds

"The world speaks to me in colours, my soul answers in music."

"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven."

rabindranath tagore quote on nature

Quotes On Death

"Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come."

"And because I love this life
I know I shall love death as well.
The child cries out when
From the right breast the mother
Takes it away, in the very next moment
To Find in the left one
Its consolation."

Quotes On God and Religion

"Men can only think. Women have a way of understanding without thinking. Woman was created out of God's own fancy. Man, He had to hammer into shape."
- The Home and the World

"Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man."

"When I stand before thee at the day's end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing."

rabindranath tagore quote on woman

Quotes On Education

"Children are living beings - more living than grown-up people who have built shells of habit around themselves. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for their mental health and development that they should not have mere schools for their lessons, but a world whose guiding spirit is personal love."

"The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence."

"Don't limit a child to your own learning, for she was born in another time."

Quotes On Country and Freedom

"Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight."
― Gitanjali

"Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action - Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake."
― Gitanjali

Other Quotes

"Facts are many, but the truth is one."

"If no one responds to your call, be not afraid to walk alone."
Evening Dresses
"Dreams can never be made captive."
― The Gardener

"It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple."


How Does the Foucault Pendulum Prove Earth's Rotation?

Can a pendulum that swings back and forth right here on the surface of Earth demonstrate and prove conclusively that the Earth rotates about its axis? Read this  post to find the answer.
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Evening Dresses
Evening Dresses
Foucault pendulum proves Earth's rotation
Did You Know?
The Principia housed at the Oregon Convention Center is the world's largest Foucault pendulum. It comprises a 900-pound ball which is suspended using a 70-foot long cable. It swings continuously at a height of 20 feet over the heads of the visitors.
Without ogling at the heavens through a giant telescope, or making a quick trip to the International Space Station, will you be able to prove conclusively that the Earth rotates around its axis? Seems to be a near impossible task, doesn't it? However, as was demonstrated by the French physicist Jean Bernard Leon Foucault back in the 1800s, it is possible to do that, right here on Earth itself.

Born in 1819, Foucault was the son of a French publisher. From an early age he showed exceptional skill at making mechanical toys. He studied medicine, but later moved on to the study of physical sciences at the Paris Observatory. Foucault is widely regarded as one of the most gifted and versatile experimentalists of all time. He is credited with the invention of the gyroscope, which is an important instrument used to indicate a fixed direction during rapid motions. It forms an important part in many navigational systems used today.

In 1851, Foucault devised an innovative experiment to verify the Earth's rotation. His main apparatus was a large pendulum, which later came to be known as the Foucault pendulum in his honor. Here, we shall find out how the Foucault pendulum proves that the earth rotates. However, before that, let's examine a few important concepts in physics, that form the basis of this experiment.

Pendulums and the Concept of Inertia

Sir Isaac Newton explained that if an external force is applied to a body, it will begin moving in a straight line. This body will then continue its linear motion until another external force is applied to interrupt/redirect it. Newton termed this ability of a body to resist any changes in its state of motion, including both speed as well as direction of motion, as Inertia.

A good example of the effect of inertia is when the brakes in the vehicle you are sitting are applied suddenly. While the vehicle comes to a stop due to friction, inertia causes your body to continue moving forward until you stop yourself using your hands or with the help of seat belts. This is experienced as a sudden jerk.

Pendulums are devices that work on the concept of inertia. They typically comprise a bob which is usually a weighted sphere that is suspended from one end of a taut wire or string, while the other end is held in one's hand or tied to a fixed point at some height.

When the bob is pulled back and released, it descends down and moves forward under the influence of gravity and inertia receptively, until the length of the string limits its travel. After that, it swings back out and up again due to the same forces.

Thus, the pendulum continues to swing freely under the influence of gravity and inertia opposed only by the air surrounding it. The amount of inertia developed depends on the weight of the bob, which also determines the time it takes for air resistance to stop the pendulum from swinging.

The more the weight of the bob and longer the length of its swing, the more will be the time for which it will continue swinging. Air resistance will continue to counter its motion and decrease its speed, finally bringing it to a stop.

Demonstration of the Foucault's Pendulum Experiment

To understand the working of the Foucault's pendulum, lets carry out a simpler version of his original experiment. The following image displays the setup.

Foucault Pendulum Two Pegs
Foucault Pendulum With Two Fallen Pegs

As seen in the figure above, a pendulum is constructed by suspending a sufficiently heavy ball on a long wire/string which is attached to a fixed point on the roof of a high ceiling, wide hall or room. The ball needs to be heavy and the wire long enough so that the pendulum is able to overcome the air resistance and continue swinging for a long duration.

A number of light wooden pegs are arranged circularly and equidistant from each other on the floor below the pendulum. These pegs are chosen such that they fall easily on coming in contact with the heavy ball, without affecting the velocity or altering the direction of its swing. The ball is then pulled up and tied to a stable stationary point in the room with the help of a small piece of string.

To begin the experiment, this string is burnt which frees the pendulum and sets it swinging. The reason why this method of burning a string is used, is that prevents the accidental introduction of any angular momentum, because for our experiment to work properly, we need the ball to swing back and forth in a nearly straight line.

Arranged correctly, on the very first swing of the ball, it knocks down two diagonally opposite pegs (as shown), that lay in the path of its swing. The ball then continues to oscillate without disturbing any of the other standing pegs. This is allowed to happen for a while, ensuring that the pendulum's swing and the rest of the experimental setup remains undisturbed.

Foucault Pendulum Four Pegs
Foucault Pendulum With Four Fallen Pegs

After a sufficiently long period of time (typically about an hour or more), the pendulum knocks down another two diagonally opposite pair of pegs as shown in the image above. As more and more time elapses, the pendulum periodically keeps knocking down the standing pegs, until the air resistance finally slows it down, finally bringing it to a halt, thus ending the experiment.

Observation and Explanation

In the above demonstration, we observed that the pendulum continued to swing along the same line, under the influence of gravity and its own inertia alone. There was no external force acting on it which could have altered its trajectory. Despite that, it seemingly rotated in the plane of its swing, and was able to knock down more sets of diagonally opposite pegs.

The only explanation for this phenomenon is that while the pendulum swung back and forth, undisturbed, along a straight line, the Earth and therefore the floor beneath the pendulum moved, thus rotating the circle of pegs along with it. This caused more of the standing pegs to come in the line of the pendulum's swing, and so they too were knocked down. Essentially, the plane of oscillation of the pendulum remained constant, while the Earth beneath it moved, changing the orientation of the floor with respect to it.

Now, the way the floor below moves with respect the constant swing-plane of the pendulum, is dependent on the location on Earth's surface where this experiment is carried out. This is shown in the image below.

Foucault Pendulum Earth Rotation
Respective Motion of the Floor at Different Locations

If the experiment is carried out exactly at either the North or the South pole, the Earth and building floor will rotate beneath the pendulum's plane taking one sidereal day (23.93 hours) to complete the rotation and make all the pegs fall.

If the experiment is conducted somewhere along the Equator, the building will co-rotate along with the Earth, traveling eastward along the Earth's axis. As there will be no twisting of the floor, after the initial pair of pegs fall, none of the other pegs will be knocked off.

If the experiment is conducted at some place between the pole and the Equator, the motion of the building floor, viewed with respect to the constant swing-plane of the pendulum, will be a combination of rotation and traveling. This will result in it being twisted beneath the pendulum, albeit at a slower rate than the rotation of the Earth. The pendulum doesn't share this twisting motion, and hence, its plane of swing remains constant while the floor changes orientation so that the pegs are knocked out sequentially.

The degree of twist per day (n) is given by the following formula:

N = 360º sin φ

If the Foucault's pendulum is used at 30º south latitude, it will twist by 180º per day and will complete a full rotation in two days.

Thus, with the help of a Foucault pendulum, we can conclusively prove that the Earth rotates about its axis.

The Original Foucault's Pendulum Experiment

To prove that the Earth rotates, Léon Foucault carried out the pendulum experiment at the Meridian of the Paris Observatory in February 1851. Some weeks later, he carried out the demonstration once more with the help of a 28 kg, brass-coated lead bob which was suspended from the dome of the Panthéon in Paris, with the help of a 67-meter long metal wire.

Once this pendulum began oscillating, it was observed that the pendulum swings regularly changed directions in the clockwise direction at the rate of approximately 11 degrees per hour completing a full circular rotation in 32.7 hours, thus proving that the Earth rotates.
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In conclusion, the Foucault pendulum is one the simplest and most elegant ways to prove Earth's rotation. Since its initial demonstration, it has garnered a lot of interest in the general as well as the scientific communities. Today, there are several Foucault pendulums around the world, found mainly at universities, science museums, and planetariums. To prevent air resistance from slowing down and stopping the pendulums, many of these places utilize electromagnetic drives, motors, etc., to keep the bob oscillating continuously for the audience to see. Thus, the Foucault pendulum experiment still finds a lot of appeal among the young and old alike.


7 Good Photo Sharing Apps That Aren't Instagram

Evening Dresses
7 Good Photo Sharing Apps That Aren't Instagram
Currently, there is a 'love it or leave it' dilemma being played out in people's minds about the tremendously popular app, Instagram. If your pointer is slightly tilted toward the 'leave it' part, consider the following picture-sharing apps that are similar to Instagram.
Good photo sharing apps
What led to the fall of Instagram?
The misinterpreted version of Terms of Services of Instagram says, it owns your photographs and the authority to use and sell them to advertising parties.
We don't think there's anybody out there who wouldn't be aware of this hilarious app. Even if you aren't into photography, you probably know this photo-sharing app. It has brought a revolution in the filter-editing and social networking world.
Evening Dresses
But an unfortunate incident in the form of the 2012 Instagram controversy led to the loss of followers in large numbers. Though Instagram released a statement regarding the misinterpretation of its terms of services, there are users who no more feel secure.

Whether you're interested in enhancing your pictures, are a photography fancier, or just not sure about being on insta, we've got some great picture-sharing and editing apps for you. We don't promise to give you alternatives that are free, but these are definitely worth a download.

Platform: iOS, Android | Price: Free

You may think Flickr is dead, but think again. Yahoo just gave it a makeover, and it's all set to amaze you with its sparkling new interface and of course, photo hosting service. It's got advanced photo-editing options, amazing live filters, an option for adding captions, and lets you share them on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or email. You can shoot from the app itself, or put a new spin on a previously clicked image. It has expanded ways to connect with people and browse pictures around the world. And the best part, there are no issues with licensing on your photos―you own them all.

Download from Google Play
Download from iTunes

Platform: iOS, Android | Price: Free

This photo-sharing social network app is very similar to Instagram, and for some photography enthusiasts, much better than it. It boasts sharing of pictures that are similar in type. For instance, if you post a picture of hot chocolate, it will showcase your picture to all those who've posted about hot choc, and also show you pictures of the same beverage uploaded by others (spare the hot chocolate part). It provides an automatic tagging system that will give you relevant tags, location, and data on every picture taken. The sharing feature is the most robust of all, letting you share via email, on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Foursquare, and Tumblr.

Download from Google Play
Download from iTunes

Platform: iOS, Windows | Price: USD 1.99

Wanna swim back to the retro world? This insta alternative is all you need. It has an old-camera-style user interface that comes with innumerable vintage-styled filters. The feature that differentiates it from the crowd is that it lets you apply effects before clicking a snap and offers group albums. It turns your pictures into postcard-like snaps which you can share not just on Facebook and Twitter, but also on Instagram and Flickr. Hipstamatic promises to make your digital photography look analog, and well, we say they are pretty successful in doing it.

Download from iTunes

Platform: iOS, Android | Price: Free

This is your standard phone camera with a 20+ insta-like filters, overlays, frames and border options. If time is a constraint, or if you're too jumbled by the various options, you can go in for the 'randomizer' option given by it that would select an effect, overlay, and border/frame for you. You can share your edited pictures on Facebook, Flickr, DropBox, iTunes, or email. And the good news is, it has a desktop version too. If you've fallen in love with the effects it offers, try its plus version (can cost you up to $1.) with more exciting overlays and effects.

Download from Google Play
Download from iTunes

Platform: iOS, Android, Windows | Price: USD 4.99

This is one of the priciest apps on the list, but trust me, it's worth the USD 4.99 tag. This image-enhancing app offers a number of features beyond mere filters. With just a simple swipe, you can fine-tune your photographs. Its photo correction capabilities are incomparable, making it one of the best iPhone camera apps. And last but not the least, it lets you complete control over your pictures.

Download from Google Play
Download from iTunes

Platform: iOS, Android | Price: USD 0.99 - USD 1.99

This is probably the most well-loved iPhone photo editing app. Its interface is not just attractive, but also intuitive! Besides having an excellent camera, it serves just-like Instagram. It offers a huge set of filters, scene modes, borders, shooting options like stabilizer and separate exposure, and other insta-like effects, but with a professional touch to it. The only drawback here is that it isn't as social as insta. We say, despite having great post-shot polishing features, it expertise area is capturing the best picture possible.

Download from Google Play
Download from iTunes

Platform: iOS, Android | Price: Free
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This SmugMug camera app is blazing fast. With easy-to-use interface, you get 9 awesome features for free including―presets, filters, textures, etc. Besides, you can buy several other features for gaining more control over editing options―giving you nearly 300 effects and editing tools. The 'Awesomize' feature serves you with powerful auto-fixes. You can share your pictures across Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, or you can leave it all on its auto-share feature.


How Was the Himalayan Mountain Range Formed?

Evening Dresses
The Himalayas are one of the most magnificent natural structures on Earth. In this article, we shall explore the physical process which has been instrumental in the formation of this great mountain range.
Himalayan mountain range formation
Did You Know?
The theory of continental-drift, put forth by the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener in around 1912, is the most widely accepted theory that explains the formation of the Himalayas.
Stretching for approximately 2,900 km (1,800 m), the Himalayas are literally the roof-top of the world. These mountains, which are located between four countries: Pakistan, India, China, and Nepal, are the tallest on Earth.
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The Himalayan mountain range is the only one on our planet that comprises mountain peaks which rise over a staggering 8,000 meters. The tallest one among them―Mount Everest―rises to a breathtaking 8,848 meters, making it the tallest mountain peak on Earth.

So what was it that caused these mountains to attain such enormous proportions, becoming bigger than anything on Earth? How were they formed? Let's find out.

Plate Tectonics

In geology, a plate is a large rigid slab of solid rock. It is believed that the outermost layer of the Earth is divided into a number of small and large plates that float atop the hotter, denser, and more mobile material underneath, which is driven by the internal heat of the Earth. As such, these plates too are in motion, albeit at much slower speeds.

The term tectonics in Greek means 'to build'. Together, the term plate tectonics refers to the theory which describes how the surface of the Earth, as we see today, was built by the motion of the plates underneath.

Presently, it is thought that there are seven giant plates and a few other smaller ones that are in motion relative to each other on the Earth's surface. All the continents and the oceans lie on top of these plates. However, millions of years ago, there may have been more or less of these plates.

Pangaea Formation and Break-up: Continental Drift

Nearly 300 million years ago, all the major continents that we see today: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia, were absent. Instead, there was only a single giant super-continent, known as the Pangaea, which was located predominantly in the southern hemisphere of the Earth.

Pangaea was formed due to the movement of tectonic plates. It is believed that millions of years ago, giant accumulations of rock debris that spread over the tectonic plates were brought together when the plates moved towards each other. This caused the amalgamation of these debris into one giant debris, which gave rise to the Pangaea.

However, the movement of the plates continued on even after this. As a result, this super-continent began disintegrating into distinct pieces, each carried atop moving tectonic plates. Some of these pieces moved apart, while others collided and combined with one another, forming the continental landmasses that we see today.

How the Himalayan Mountains were Formed

Several million years ago, the grand Himalayan mountain range that we see today, did not exist. The Asian continent stood where it is today, but the Indian subcontient was nowhere in its vicinity. India, in fact, was an island floating near the coast of Australia.

Around 220 million years ago, when the Pangaea was breaking apart, the landmass of India, carried atop the Indo-Australian plate, began its slow migration northwards, towards the Eurasian plate on which the massive continent of Asia lay.

India Asia Collision
Collision of India and Asia

Nearly 80 million years ago, India was located 6,400 km (4,000 m) to the south of the continent of Asia. Over the span of the next several million years, India kept on traveling north, at an estimated rate of 5 - 15 cm/year, until it finally collided with Asia.

Before this collision took place, there existed a vast sea, known as the Tethys, which stretched latitudinally on the site that is presently occupied by the Himalayan mountain range. As India closed-in upon Asia, several rivers from it, in addition to those from Asia, began depositing large amounts of sediments into the seabed of the Tethys which lay in the middle. This large-scale deposition made the Tethys very shallow.

Approximately 55 million years ago, India began closing-in on Asia, covering up the Tethys sea. When the two landmasses finally collided, 10 million years ago, the Tethys sea was completely closed. Due to the enormous impact, the already shallow seabed, which by now had a large accumulation of sediments, rapidly folded and was elevated, rising up high and forming longitudinal ridges and valleys. This was the birth of the Himalayas.

As India continued its northward ascent, it began to wedge itself underneath the Asian continent. This happened because the northern coastline of India was denser and much more firmly attached to the seabed, as compared to Asia. Therefore, when these gigantic landmasses collided, India wedged itself underneath, causing the softer soil of the southern coastline of Asia to be pushed upward, rather than the other way round. This pushed the Himalayas, along with the entire Tibetan region upwards, further adding to the height of this enormous mountain range.

Tectonic Plates Collision
Formation of the Himalayas

As the Indian subcontinent continued pushing against Asia, the Himalayas continued to rise. This mountain range rose and spread very rapidly; much faster than most other mountain ranges on the Earth. In fact, the Himalayas are still growing even today. Everest and its siblings are known to grow by a few centimeters each year. This is in contrast to many other mountain ranges, such as the Appalachian Mountains, which were formed around 300 million years ago, and are actually becoming smaller due to erosion.

The reason why the Himalayas are still growing is the same as the one behind its formation - the movement of tectonic plates. The plate carrying India is still moving northwards, as is evidenced by the frequent earthquakes that occur in and around the surrounding region. Therefore, as long as this tectonic activity continues to take place, the Himalayas will probably continue to rise.

Now, if you were to calculate the tentative height of the Himalayas based on its current rising rate for the nearly 40 million years of its existence, you would find that it should be around 400 km tall! To put things in perspective, the International Space Station orbits the Earth at a height between 300 - 400 km (185 - 250 m). So why was it that these already gigantic mountains have not reached the mammoth proportions that the calculations predict?

One of the reasons is that, the rate of vertical growth of the Himalayas over the years has been variable, and some of force originating from the push of India against Asia has been subverted in favor of horizontal growth and expansion. The other likely reasons are the Earth's gravity and erosion, which have significantly reduced the growing potential and the height of the Himalayas.

The Future of the Himalayas

Owing to the continued northward motion of India, the Himalayan region remains geologically active, and continues to rise. Scientists believe that this rate of growth is likely to remain constant for the next 5 - 10 million years. This fact allows us to get a fair estimate of the development of this mountain range, and its effects on the surrounding region in the coming future.

Ten million years from now, India will plow an estimated 180 km into Tibet. Nepal lies between the lower boundary of the Himalayas and to the upper border of the plains of India. Due to India's motion, in the distant future, Nepal will cease to exist, but the Himalayan mountain range will remain, and continue to advance on India.
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Continued geological activity will cause frequent earthquakes in this unstable region. The physical structure of this mountain range will comprise large mountains in the north and smaller ones to the south. They will continue to grow, and also be eroded at the same time. However, the net effect will most likely be that, the Himalayas will get bigger and even more spectacular with time.


Things You Need to Know About Icebergs

It is common knowledge that icebergs are large floating chunks of ice. However, these frozen behemoths are very deceptive, and there is a lot that we don't know about them. In this article, we shall look at a few interesting facts, such as where icebergs come from, how they are formed, and much more.
Fact about icebergs
Fast Fact!
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The term 'iceberg' refers to large pieces of ice that are wider than 5 meters (16 feet). Smaller chunks of ice are known as 'growlers' or 'bergy bits'.
Like penguins or polar bears, icebergs too are very unique and symbolic to the polar regions, so much so that Greenlanders once used them to identify seasons and towns. The term 'iceberg' is borrowed from the dutch word 'ijsberg', which literally means ice mountain. This name is apt, as icebergs are usually large, magnificent mountainous masses of free-floating ice, that wander the oceans till they melt. While these slabs of ice look sterile and devoid of life, they actually harbor complete ecosystems, and have a big impact on any ecosystem that they may pass through.

Icebergs seem to either exude awe or an aura of danger, as they move around in oceans at higher latitudes, creating an atmosphere of peril for ships, similar in manner to naval mines. However, they also hold a lot of promise. Apart from helping oceanographers and other scientists in their studies, it has been proposed to tow icebergs to drought stricken areas to solve water shortage problems, but the logistics and possible environmental damage has deterred any such effort to be made so far.

Interesting Facts About Icebergs
Origins and Formation
When glaciers on land form due to snowfall over several hundred years, each new layer of snow compresses the ones below it, until glacial ice is formed around 70 meters below the surface. The glacier gradually creeps towards open sea under its own weight, and once it reaches the water, the edges of the glacier breaks off due to the motion of the tides, and slips into the ocean, and icebergs are formed. This process is called calving. The ice usually floats with the sea currents, gradually melting with a fizzing sound as it moves towards warmer waters.

Most of the world's icebergs come from around Antarctica, the glaciers of western Greenland, and the glaciers near Canada's arctic area. As of now, 30,000 - 40,000 icebergs are formed each year. Because they have an interior temperature of -15 to -20 degrees Centigrade, many of them travel thousands of miles and take at least a year or two to melt completely.

Due to the fact that icebergs are found at sea, they are wrongly assumed to be formed of salty sea water. In reality, they are made of pure freshwater and snow. Therefore, the ice is completely safe to consume. In rare cases, melted water in the glacier or dust from volcanoes may enter the iceberg's crevasses. This can cause the structure to acquire blue, brown, or blackish streaks.

Streaked Iceberg
Flipped Iceberg Showing Blue Streaks

Physical Characteristics
Icebergs are made of ice that may be around 10,000 years old. Due to their massive size, many of them weigh over 10 million tons, although you may also find a few smaller ones which could weigh anywhere between 100,000 and 200,000 tons. Despite their weight, they float in ocean water, because water is denser as a liquid (density of seawater is 1025 kg/m3) than as a solid (density of pure ice is 920 kg/m3). Also, icebergs contain a large amount of air bubbles, which gives them their white appearance, and increases their buoyancy.

However, due to their immense weight, they float with only about ⅞ to ⅒ of their mass above the water. Also, the width of the ice below the water is around 20 - 30% larger than what is above the surface. So, the only natural source affecting their movement significantly is the ocean currents, which push them around at a leisurely pace ranging between 0.4 and 2.2 mph. When near land, icebergs often get stranded, and create deep and wide troughs in the sea bed, which can last for decades.

Iceberg Types
Icebergs can be classified into various categories, depending on their size and shape:
Classification by Size

Very Large Iceberg: These are the biggest and heaviest varieties, and icebergs come under this category if they are larger than 75 meters in height, and 200 meters in length.
Large Iceberg: The second-largest type, these can be as big as a sports stadium, with heights ranging between 46 - 75 meters in height, and 121 - 200 meters in length.
Medium Iceberg: Getting as big as a medium-sized hotel, these range between 16 - 45 meters in height, and 61 - 120 meters in length.
Small Iceberg: These small icebergs are about as big as a small building, and range between 5 - 15 meters in height, and 15 - 60 meters in length.
Bergy Bits: Although not considered as true icebergs, these cottage-sized chunks of ice come in sizes between 1 - 5 meters in height, and 5 - 15 meters in length.
Growlers: The smallest type in the iceberg family, these pieces of ice are smaller than 1 meter in height, and 5 meters in length.

Iceberg Shape Chart
Iceberg Shape Categories
Classification by Shape

Tabular: They have a generally flat appearance, and their height is significantly lesser than their width/length. Most of them are seen to be composed of numerous horizontal bands of ice of different shades.
Blocky: These are also a flat-topped variety, but they have steep, tall sides and heights, which are not very different from their width.
Wedged: Another flat-surfaced type, these icebergs have steep, tall cliffs on one side, from where the top slopes gradually go downward to the opposite side, giving it the appearance of a wedge.
Dome: Largely similar to tabular and blocky icebergs, domes differ only by having a smooth and rounded top.
Pinnacle: This variety gets is name by having at least one prominent spire or pyramidal section of ice on it.
Dry Dock: These icebergs have two or more pinnacles, and also a U-shaped slot between the spires close to the water level.

Depending on the shape and size, icebergs can be very unstable, and can even flip over without any warning, which can be highly dangerous. The action of rolling over can release as much energy as an atomic bomb, resulting in tsunamis and earthquakes. While the tabular varieties are generally stable, the wedge or dome-shaped ones are prone to rolling around.

The World's Largest Iceberg
The tallest known iceberg was seen in the North Atlantic ocean, which rose approximately 170 meters above sea level. Considering that the majority of its mass was below water, it was estimated to be as tall as a 60-storey building. However, this is not even close to the size of the biggest icebergs on record. Recently, in 2000, an iceberg named B-15 was spotted by satellite imagery. It was almost as big as the state of Connecticut, measuring over 4,200 square miles. However, even this iceberg was dwarfed by a tabular iceberg spotted by the USS Glacier in 1956, which measured more than 12,000 square miles, and was estimated to be larger than Belgium.

Dangers That Icebergs Pose to Ships
Titanic Disaster
Titanic and the Iceberg
The ice in icebergs is about 10% as strong as dry concrete, and although this does not seem very hard, the size, weight, and momentum of these huge chunks of ice make them extremely dangerous to colliding ships. The large underwater mass of ice is usually sharp and not easily visible, especially in the case of bergy bits and growlers, increasing the chances of an accident. Therefore, the idiom 'tip of an iceberg' is used to indicate situations where a person may be able to see only a part of the whole picture, leading to problems.

An area located 250 miles east and southeast of Newfoundland has been named Iceberg Alley, due to the exceedingly high number of icebergs there, which make conditions for shipping quite treacherous. In a collision with an iceberg, an immense force of hundreds of tons is subjected on the ship's hull, which causes massive catastrophes such as the RMS Titanic disaster of 1912. In that accident, the British ocean liner was traveling towards New York through the Iceberg Alley when it struck an iceberg and sunk with over 1,500 people. While most sea disasters take place due to rough seas and storms, the Titanic sank due to the sea being too calm, as the lookouts could not see waves crashing onto the iceberg, nor the phosphorescence of algae, on that moonless night.

To stop such disasters from ever happening again, the US and 12 other nations got together and created an organization named the International Ice Patrol. Today, this organization uses radar and airplanes to monitor the movement of icebergs which are floating into major shipping lanes. Satellite data is also used to monitor large icebergs floating around Antarctica. However, since the number of ships have increased drastically since 1912, the chances of an accidents still exists. In fact, between 1980 and 2005, there have been over fifty incidents involving sea vessels and icebergs.

Tips to See Icebergs

Your best bet for viewing icebergs is to travel towards the north on the eastern coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, as most icebergs are located in this area near Greenland. It is recommended that you take a guided tour, as the local tour operators would have the requisite experience to get you close to the icebergs without putting you in danger.
Although much riskier, people also use individual kayaks or scuba dive near the icebergs to get some great photographs. But one should never attempt to climb onto one, as the risk of injury and death is quite high.
To get some good photographs, search for different colored streaks, tunnels, caves, rocks, etc., embedded inside the ice. Also look for seabirds that might perch on top of the iceberg. If the bird flies off suddenly, there is a chance that the ice is breaking apart or rolling over, which is also a real visual treat.
The best time to view icebergs is late May or early June, when there is a good chance of spotting seabirds and whales as well.
If you are planning to watch icebergs from land, make sure that you carry a binocular or telescope to increase the chances and quality of a sighting.
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Why are Icebergs Important?
Icebergs play an important role in the sea, by leaking nutrients into the ocean waters around them. Studies have shown that areas near icebergs are usually teeming with sea-life, such as fish and plankton. The freshwater being added into the sea can influence ocean currents around the world, which can drastically affect global climate. Therefore, it is important that oceanographers pay significant attention to them. By studying the breakup of icebergs as they near warmer waters, scientists can predict how the ice shelves of the Arctic and Antarctic region will react to the warming climates of the world in the future.